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International Writers Magazine Cambodia:
and Performing A Rainwater Ceremony Song
David Calleja
is a very important day in the history of Tropangs Dok village,
for the concept of rain and its decision to grace its presence over
the village will be honoured with a song. Ceremonies are a very
important part of life in Cambodian villages. When a facility
is fully installed that will be beneficial to the entire community, it
is guaranteed that every single person living in the village,
whether young or old, will turn up to celebrate its official use. There
is guaranteed to be lots of delicious food, plenty of loud music,
but most importantly, the invitation of monks to bless the
land and bring good fortune to the people who will benefit
In Tropang Sdok village,
home to the Cambodian Non Government Organisation (NGO)
Sorya, the construction of 117 rainwater tanks to individual premises
to store clean drinking water coincided with an educational
campaign to improve the health practices of residents and encourage
more responsible use of a precious natural resource that seemed to be
in short supply during the wet season.
Around 99% of Tropang Sdok's farmers plant, grow and harvest rice. It
is undoubtedly the staple food of Cambodia. Without good rain and a
decent harvest, the villagers cannot be assured of enough food for the
coming year. So the monks who bless the grounds where it is hoped
that rain will fall affects everybody.
As an English teacher, I played a part in the ceremony that would
commemorate the official launch of the rainwater ceremony. My
task was to create a song that would be taught to students
whch would be performed at the public ceremony, one that reflected the
importance of water for the land and delivered a message of hope and
thanks on behalf of the people of Tropang Sdok. My contribution
was to deliver a song based on the tune of the traditional French tune,
Frere Jacques. And I only had 7 days in which to do it. Thankfully,
I had been informed that I would only have to teach the English version,
not the Khmer translation.
My addition to the ceremony was delivered in the form of The Rainwater
Rainwater, rainwater
We love you
We love you
Youre our source of living
Youre our source of living
Drip, drip, drip
Drop, drop, drop
Rainwater, rainwater
Heres our home
Heres our home
Fall in containers
Fall in containers
Drop, drop, drop
In Tropang Sdok
Dear container, dear container
We promise to
We promise to
Care for you always
Clean water stays in
Tropang Sdok
Tropang Sdok
Over three lessons, I drilled this mercilessly into the minds and hearts
of 50 primary school students aged between 6 and 12 years old. Prior
to teaching each verse, however, I came up with a very simple animated
cartoon to introduce the concept of the song, which ended up looking
like a public service announcement.
Using stick figures, the narration, drawings and impromptu
street theatre introduced the life of a fictitious family in the
village of Tropang Sdock who dreamt of having clean water and prayed
to Buddha every morning at sunrise and sunset. The family was poor and
had little to offer, for their rice crops had not grown due to little
rain being provided, and the parents wanted their children to drink
clean water and eat plentiful amounts of rice and vegetables to have
energy to attend school and not go without food. In the same breath,
my strange began in a fanciful yet descriptive manner of the issues
facing farmers in rural Takeo Province.
The story continued to describe how the sun wanted to take all
of the limelight, and refuse to allow the grass to grow for village
cows to eat and get healthy. At this stage, I introduced the concept
of rain and clouds by developing two new characters, a brother and sister
named Cloud-E-O and Cloud-E-AH, or Claudio and Claudia, who teamed
up and told the sun to have a short vacation to let some rain fall on
the village, or risk being blocked out permanently. Of course with
the sun standing its ground, Calduio and Claudia worked long and
hard all night while the sun was asleep, and they built a wall
so thick, the sun could not pass through.
At this stage I told everyone to look out the windows at the grey skies
where rain was threatening. Together, the clouds and air formed rain
and they started to provide clean water and crops for the family. The
rain filled the containers, which I drew like the grey containers outside.
As I kept telling the story of how people had clean water to drink and
wash with, and that rice crops were growing, the people showed their
kindness by writing a song of thanks as payment for the rain and rainwater
container, promising to take good care of everything.
For the ceremony, the song would be communicated in three languages;
English, Khmer and German. Under my guidance, primary school students would
learn the English words and with the assistance of a Cambodian born
English teacher, also contribute the song in Khmer language and form
the two versions into a medley for the benefit of the local villagers.
The German version would be conducted separately by students learning
the German language, most of hwom were Cambodian employees working for
the NGO and would be taught by a volunteer native German speaker. Although
the song is good natured, its more serious message to the community's
residents comprising of 100 families is tobe more health conscious,
diarrhea and simple health problems are common because people use dirty
pond water to drink, wash and even urinate in. Since it is closer
for residents to walk to the pond for dirty water than to go to
small shops on their moto, or even the next major village 10 minutes
(or order it from Phnom Penh) away to get large containers of drinking
water, convenience always wins out.
It is hard to get people to change their mind on using things safely.
We know and have been pleading with everyone to fill their tanks with
clean rainwater only, but those who have lived a long time will continue
to use dirty water for themselves, and to them, what has worked for
them over many years will continue to work. It is consistent
to live for your next meal or two seems to be the mantra, because
if a population can survive just about every hardship, from man-made
to natural disasters, nothing will change minds now.
Although I taught the song to 50 students, it is unfortunate that only
6 were selected for the ceremony because every student is excited about
something as big as a public event, especially in the presence of monks
and community elders. For the unlucky students that did miss
out on the eventual adulation that would be afforded to the successful
choir, they would pick up new ideas about English words and their
practical meanings, and also gained the opportunity to extend their
artistic talents. For the ceremony, they were allowed to draw a
picture based on what rain means to them personally, and unsurprisingly,
the focus was predominately on healthy farms and happy families, precisely the
message that was being carried across for the entire day.
On the day of the ceremony, the students practised the songs and matching
actions relentlessly in the lead-up to their allocated slot. On a day
where an entire morning was devoted to Buddhist ceremonies commencing
from sunrise at 5:00am, residents and distinguished guests listening
to speeches delivered in three languages (Khmer, German and English)
about the priviliege of water container ownership, the importance
of good communal behaviour and proper care and maintenance, the real
test is to see just how effective outreach attempts are by NGOs,
whether locally based or sponsred by Western countries, in allaying
the fears and curiosities that nothing will change for the worse
by adopting more efficient water usage techniques. Communities base
their lives on being good Buddhists, farming rice crops and living
in peace and harmony with their neighbours and a new concept will take
time to adapt to for anybody who is comfortable with traditional methods
affecting their own life. All I seemed to be concerned about was nobody
getting stage fright and forgetting words in the song, so my intentions
were probably a little more selfish.
However, in considering the bigger picture, the legacy of this rainwater
song would prove to last much longer than for the sole purpose of being
performed by just a handful of students on a given day. The purpose
of the song demonstrated the children's capacity to undertake something
relevant based upon their own experience of living in a rural
setting, and gave me a lesson in how to make children's English more
exciting and inclusive. It means much more to them than just having
one day to hear a tune that has a specific theme.
For these young students that will go on to continue their English learning
education, it is a symbol of change.
David is a contributor to Hackwriters and Foreign Policy Journal.
His works have also been included in SOHAM (Society of Harmony
and Magnanimity) and Tales of Asia. View his submissions by visiting
the homepages, www.hackwriters.com, www.foreignpolicyjournal.com www.tsoham.info and
Also, see his video A Garbage Diet, about life for residents in the
compounds of Stung Meanchey Municipal Waste Dump in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbA9PGsik18 and
If you have already viewed the film, please pass this link onto
colleagues or anybody else that you know who may be interested.
© David
Calleja January 2009
davidcalleja1973 at yahoo.com.au
Kon Tum's Ethnic Villages & Orphanages
David Calleja
The ethnic minority people, the Bahnar, Jolong, Rongao and Sirang,
are kind and hard working. All we wish for is to be as equal in wealth
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