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The International Writers Magazine: Lifestyles
Six Steps
to Quit Smoking
If you have 25 friends who smoke, 12 of them will die from one of the
lung cancer, another form of cancer or a smoking-related illness.
you have tried to quit smoking, you know how hard it can be because
nicotine is a very addictive drug. Quitting is hard. Usually, it
takes 2 or 3 tries, even more, before you are able to quit. Each
time you try to stop, you learn about why it is so difficult. Giving
up the habit takes hard work and a lot of effort, but you can do
it. Right now, one in six smokers is trying to give up. Heres
some inspiration to make sure your bad habit goes up in smoke, this
time for good
Prepare Yourself
First, think about why you want to stop. Secondly analyse what triggers
you to smoke, is it boredom? Happiness? Alcohol? Parties? For many women,
its feeling excited that does it. Californian research found that women
are more likely to light up when theyre happy than when theyre
stressed. Think up ways to handle lifes challenges without cigarettes.
Make A Date
In the run-up to quitting, fix a date to stop, and then do it. Cutting
down may not be the best strategy as research by Charity Quit has found
that it doesnt work for most people.
Expect To Feel Awful
You could feel worse, rather than better, in the first few days after
stopping. Thats because your body is getting rid of carbon monoxide
and your lungs are clearing out smoking debris. But after three days,
your breathing will become easier and your energy levels will rise.
Cash In
Each packet of cigarettes is around £10 of your money (UK), or a whole bunch of
jeans, mini-breaks and new trainers.
Enjoy The Morning After
Not smoking when drinking can be a difficult hurdle, but bear in mind
that smoking makes hangovers worse. Smoking deprives the brain of oxygen,
which intensifies alcohols toxic effect. When you make it through
a night out without smoking, make a note to enjoy a clearer head in the
Time Your Departure
Pack it in after your period, not before. One study found that women who
stopped smoking premenstrually tended to be more depressed and have more
withdrawal symptoms.
Reasons To Quit
It Kills. If you have 25 friends who smoke, 12 of them will die from one
of the following: lung cancer, another form of cancer or a smoking-related
Its Worse For Women, as it can affect your fertility and your periods
and bring on an early menopause. Also, women who smoke are 40 percent
more likely to suffer lung cancer.
It's Bad Any Way You Do It actively, passively, or just once in
a while. In fact, infrequent smokers have less immunity to the poison,
exaggerating the health impact of a cigarette on the lungs.
Its Not Pretty Smoking reduces the blood flow to the skin
and breaks down collagen, which can result in increased wrinkling and
ageing. It also stains teeth, dulls skin, and increases facial hair.
*Take Angie's advice here: https://www.angieslist.com/articles/parents-guide-tobacco-prevention-home.htm
For practical advice try Quit (Quitline 0800 00 22 00, or www.quit.org.uk or http://smoking.netdoctor.co.uk for a free 90-day email advice programme on stopping smoking. The Action
on Smoking and Health website www.ash.org.uk also contains supportive information. or
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