Video Kingdom
Dean Borok
Now that we’re living in Video Kingdom, with drones flying over volcanos and speed demons racing motorcycles down bobsled tracks wearing a helmet camera, let’s take a minute and get back down to earth.

The Importance of Voting in a Truly Democratic Society
Adewale T. Akande
Voting is the most important exercise a citizen will do as a responsible citizen of a democratic nation.
Tom Kilcourse
Every action has consequences, some good, some bad and many unforeseen. Those consequences do not always occur in the domain where the action was taken because, in a sense, everything is linked to everything else.
2019 – The Year of Change -
Sam Hawksmoor
Predictions for the Year Ahead

National Emergency Fallout
James Campion
Or The Political Price For Betting On Fantasies - Again, not that it matters legally or morally or whatever crap people like to argue, this move, while wholly constitutional if not wacky, will bring consequences.
The New Left
James Campion
The Dawn of Generation Progressive - Socialism is everywhere, bub, and to be fair it is really popular and it’s getting more and more so. 
Totalan - Spain
James Skinner on events in Spain
Once the parents had confirmed that they saw their son fall down the well, a message was sent to the local Civil Guards that in turn triggered the organization of a national coordinated rescue mission. ...
You Can’t Get Here From There
Sam North
Political chaos both here and in the USA. All of it is self-inflicted ...

Today, in the Holy Roman Empire
The Emperors of Rome loved to build stuff. They built bridges across rivers, so they could invade and conquer whoever was on the other side. And they built walls to keep out those peoples they hadn’t conquered just yet.
Where We Are On Weed
James Campion
NJ Finally Poised to Vote to Legalize, Tax & Regulate Recreational Marijuana -
You know you’re close to actual legislation when committees are being formed, with fancy titles, and taxation has numbers to it ...

The Dishonest Artist
Guest Columnist – Sean Barna
I am 33 years-old. The negativity and anxiety I invited into my life by staying silent about my sexuality has been unbearable for a while ...