International Writers Magazine: London Libraries:
Praise of
The Marcus Garvey Library,
Ronald Elly Wanda
first discovered The Marcus Garvey Library at Philip Lane in Tottenham
almost a decade and a half ago and have remained a frequent visitor
ever since. It is host to a number of controversial hard and paperbacks
and many activities that other public libraries dare not entertain.
It is, to say the least, Radical.
For a start, it
is named after a gentleman who once observed that:
'For man
to know himself is for him to feel that for him there is no human master.
For him Nature is his servant, and whatsoever he wills in Nature, that
shall be his reward. If he wills to be a pigmy, a serf or a slave, that
shall he be. If he wills to be a real man in possession of the things
common to man, then he shall be his own sovereign. When man fails to
grasp his authority he sinks to the level of the lower animals, and
whatsoever the real man bids him do, even as if it were of the lower
animals, that much shall he do. If he says "go." He goes.
If he says "come," he comes. By this command he performs the
functions of life even as by a similar command the mule, the horse,
the cow performs the will of their masters. For the last four hundred
years the Negro has been in the position of being commanded even as
the lower animals are controlled. Our race has been without a will;
without a purpose of its own, for all this length of time. '
Marcus Mosiah Garvey, the renowned fiery Jamaican writer, anti-racist,
social and political justice crusader who famously advocated Pan-Africanism
as a solution for many problems (primarily racism and slavery) that
plagued Africans especially those outside of Africa. He led the largest
organized mass movement of people of African ancestry ever. Garvey has
come to be best remembered as a champion of what singer and Rastafarian
philosopher Bob Marley, also inspired by Garveys enterprise, once
tunefully termed the "exodus" movement. The movement sought
to inspire all Africans in the diaspora to "redeem" Africa,
and for the European colonial powers to leave Africa. At one time, he
also said: "I have no desire to take all black people back to Africa;
there are blacks who are no good here and will likewise be no good there".
He was born on the 17th of August 1887, the youngest of his father's
11 children in St. Ann's Bay, in countryside Jamaica. He was a bright
student from the start; he attended infant and elementary schools in
St. Ann's Bay later receiving private tuition from his godfather Alfred
Burrowes, a Printer, whom he later became apprenticed to. His passion
for social and political activism is said to have been triggered at
an early age by his love of books from his father, a skilled mason,
and Mr Burrowes, who were both widely read and had private libraries.
Although born in Jamaica, he lived for years in New York City, the Caribbean
and London, making study visits to Panama, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Honduras,
Colombia, Venezuela and other parts of what was then British protectorate
or the so called "Empire".
"Everywhere", noted Garvey in his travel journal, "Black
people are experiencing great hardships". His appeals to the colonial
administrators, following the distressing situations in Central America,
Europe, America and Africa itself were ignored. Convinced that unity
was the only way to improve the conditions for black people, he returned
to Jamaica on the 1st of August 1914 and launched the Universal Negro
Improvement and Conservation Association and African Communities League
(UNIA). He then led the association with the motto "One God! One
Aim! One Destiny!" It sought to unite "all the people of African
ancestry of the world into one great body to establish a country and
Government absolutely their own." In 1928 he presented a Petition
to the League of Nation (now UN) in Geneva, on behalf of the black people
around the world. The petition outlined the abuses that black people
around the world face and sought redress through the Organization. One
other important aspect of the petition was its exposure of the barbarity
of the South African regime and its unfitness to govern Namibia.
To say the least, Marcus Garvey was a successful publisher, journalist,
entrepreneur, and international crusader for Black Nationalism. He achieved
his aims of promoting a positive spirit of pride and love, assisting
the needy, reclaiming black empowerment, and establishing universities
and colleges for purposes of educating the black child.
From 1935 until his untimely death, owing to poor health, in June 1940,
he lived and worked in London. In November 1964, his remains were extracted
from Kendal Green Cemetery in London and finally returned to Jamaica,
having been proclaimed Jamaica's first National Hero; he is rested at
the National Heroes Park.
Today, the rights and freedoms that the black man partially
enjoys are immensely owed to the bruising battles that were fought by
Garvey and others like him, the courage they took and victories they
secured we must never forget.
In the past, the problem of the momorialisation of slavery was the absence
of memorials. In 1988 for example, the then managing director of Heritage
Projects Limited dismissed the very idea of a Museum of Slavery as being
"unacceptable" to the British Public. Although speaking for
himself, he exemplified the fact that for slave-holding and slave trading
nations, remembering the facts and redressing the legacy of African
slavery across the Atlantic remains a controversial and fraught exercise.
Henceforth, it is heartening to see such despicable attitudes slowly
changing and Garvey's memory and other significant anti-slavery crusaders
kept alive worldwide; from The Marcus Garvey library in
England to The Marcus Garvey Pan-Afrikan Institute in Mbale,
Eastern Uganda, his spirit and inspiration continues being memorised
in all cultural corners of the world.
Upon entrance to the contemporary building hosting The Marcus Garvey
Library in Tottenham, one is fittingly greeted by a foundation stone
of Marcus Garvey that was planted by Marcus Garvey Jnr. on the 7th of
August 1987 to commemorate a century since his birth. The stone, noticeably
scripted entirely in capital letters, critically announces:
A message, (as I discovered), that resonates with you throughout your
entire period at the library. On 30th July 2008, following a short visit
to the centre, a helpful senior librarian Lee Francis agreed to engage
my hazy enquiries, the transcript of which follows below:
Ronald Elly Wanda (hereafter, R.E.W): When did this library open?
Lee Francis (hereafter, L.F): Well, the complex has been opened since
the 1980s but the library itself (Marcus Garvey library) hmm, it became
operational, about 1993!
R.E.W: You have less material covering black literature.
Is it because of fewer readers or for that matter less demand for this
L.F: New books come in all the time. I order them. I also look after
the black literature section, and I usually order books
as and when they are requested by our readers. We usually use one supplier
throughout the Council (Haringey Council), however we have started branching
out, especially now that internet technology (and IT) has advanced and
made many things possible. There are some books (especially those of
Black interest) that I cannot sometimes find through our local supplier,
when this arises I usually order them using Amazon (the internet supplier),
I find them much quicker and reliable, given the fact that we have ordering
deadlines, for instance a book shouldnt take us more than 10 days
once an order has been made etcetera. Also there is high demand for
some books in the black literature section, which is why we have labelled
many of them reference only.
R.E.W: Ive noticed you have a large section dedicated purely to
Marcus Garvey
L.F: Yes we do. We have a large section upstairs dedicated to Marcus
Garvey. We have books and speeches by him as well as books and essays
written about him. The very latest is a biography that came in last
week. We also have a vast selection of materials on the slavery subject.
R.E.W: Great man he was!
L.F: Yes, I agree.
R.E.W: I once tried ordering a book through Waterstones by Dani Nabudere
that was published in Lusaka, Zambia. It took the bookshop almost 2
years to tell me they were giving up trying. Do you face similar problems
in ordering books published elsewhere in the world, least of all Africa?
L.F: No. Usually if a book is written in English, it is easy for us
to try and get hold of it than say if it is in another language. Place
of publication, I do not think is very much an issue. Here in Haringey,
we have more than 100 spoken languages; as learning provider, we are
trying to reflect on this diversity, but I think it would be impossible
to stock all books in all these languages, some of which include Vietnamese,
Latino, Afrikaner, Welch, Japanese, Swahili and so forth. We also have
a large collection of DVD programmes in many languages that reflect
the diversity of our community.
R.E.W: How about some out of print books?
L.F: We sometimes loan books that we are unable to get from a publisher,
from the British Library for a three week period. Also, and increasingly
so, we are buying second hand books from Amazon (the internet bookshop),
and it only takes 10 days!
R.E.W: This library is buzzing with activities for all ages!
L.F: It certainly is! The Marcus Garvey Library is not only a library
but an interactive forum, where the community meets to discuss relevant
issues and problem that it faces. This library actively engages and
liaises with the local further and higher education providers such as
the College of North East London (CONEL) and Middlesex University (MU)
and their students. They (students) tap into our resources when researching
their discourses and often offer us suggestions such as new materials
and books that we can order, these are sometimes specialist books and
other relevant resources that the community can make use of, they include
books and DVD software on hairdressing, Criminology, Business, and Management
etc. That said, there are between 12 and 13 other agencies that tap
into our resources and are constructively engaging with our local community
as well. Next month (August) we will be launching Books on Therapy,
an initiative that we have come up with in association with local GPs
(General Practitioners), it was a pilot scheme that initially started
in Cardiff, that we have also embraced. Most of this information is
on the leaflets titled "Whats on in Haringey Libraries"
that is also available on the Councils website. There is also
Black History month coming up in October; where we usually have lectures
by invited guest speakers, plays and dances, new book launches and many
more exciting things!
R.E.W: Thank you Mr Francis.
L.F: Thank you!
What Haringey Council seems to have achieved at number one Phillip lane
in Tottenham is a redefinition of the library for our modern age. The
Marcus Garvey library has become a template for what can be called a
civic outcome, the library as a place of respect, mutuality,
and enlightenment in our increasingly antagonistic multi-racial, multi-cultural
society. And it is a model which other libraries in the surrounding
boroughs (in particular the newly launched Enfield central library)
have begun desperately to follow. Enfield Central library like Haringeys
Central library in Wood Green also opens on Sundays, from 12 noon to
4 pm. For those with strong religious inclinations, this increasing
popularity of the library can be seen as a miserable indictment of Britains
post-Christian age. Instead of attending churches, wretched secularists
seek some kind of spiritual fulfilment amid the written word;
where readers unlike worshippers have a far more appealing menu full
of classics such as Chinua Achebes Things fall apart,
Ngugi wa Thiongos Decolonizing the Mind, Ben Okris
The famished Road or even good old pamphlets on contemporary
local issues such as Community Justice News, that immediately
serves a practical purpose for the user. Reading, says Alberto Manguel
in his latest book The Library at Night, has become a "ritual
of rebirth" which both invigorates the reader and awakens old books
to new life and freedoms.
That said, Marcus Garvey Library has played a key role in extending
learning to disenfranchised members of the community on
matters ranging from the civic to the domestic, thus in a sense transforming
them from unapprised into informed citizens, equipped with the capacity
to modify, if so they wish, their society.
For if society is allowed to exploit and oppress certain individuals,
by say, striping them off the possibility to get an education, to learn
spiritual values, to harmoniously develop their diverse abilities, then
freedom for such a people becomes only a "spectre or an unrealistic
ideal or dream", because the virtues of freedom and democracy cannot
truly be enjoyed without an education.
As indeed we are reminded by Aristotle in his book The Politics
(also available at the library) that for as man is best of all animals
when he has reached his full development, so he is worst of all when
divorced from law and justice. "Injustice armed is hardest to deal
with", says Aristotle, "and though man is born with weapons
which he can use in the service of practical wisdom and virtue, it is
all too easy for him to use them for the opposite purposes". Dependence
on the radical library and at the same time active participation
in its continued transformation ought to be the real objective of us
all as librarians, library users, writers, educators, students and community
Finally, slavery as a subject, at last seems to have caught the publics
attention. Last year alone, I recall three major BBC films that went
on to offer three hours viewing into the squalid corners of the Atlantic
slavery, perhaps cunningly put to commemorate the so called 200th anniversary
of the abolition of the slave trade in 2007. Yet even more remarkable
is the way slavery was so marginal to mainstream intellectual and popular
interests until relatively recent. For the political and ruling establishment
here in Britain, slavery has long seemed a distant phenomenon; something
that unfolded in Africa, the Americas or in the Atlantic. The fact that
the British orchestrated much of the slavery in the Atlantic by the
mid-18th century has generally gone unnoticed. Today, that is no longer
true and historians are recognising the centrality of African slaves
in the shaping of the modern world by, say the late 18th century. Marcus
Garvey library is a store full of information that brings this forgotten
history to the forefront of historical discourses for both the native
and diaspora library user.
© Ronald Elly Wanda September 2008
REW MCIJ is president of Pan African Society (UK) based in London.
I am grateful to Lee Francis at Marcus Garvey Library for all the help
he gave me whilst touring the Library.
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