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'Grandma Swivelhead, fortune tellers and bodies
in the Thames, a boy's induction to a ghostworld'
Mean Tide by Sam North
'An engaging, unusual and completely engrossing read' - Beverly
Birch- author of 'Rift'

Place To Die
by Sam North
Vancouver Pandemic
> 'Beautiful,
plausible, and sickeningly addictive, this will terrify you
and thrill you.'
Roxy Williams - Amazon.co.uk

Diamonds - The Rush of '72 By Sam
terrific piece of storytelling' Historical Novel Society Review
opinions expressed herein are wholly reflective of the writers and
contributors to hackwriters. All work is copyright of the writers
& hackwriters.com.
is a non-profit , non-paying journal based at an academic institution
but welcomes contributions from writers. We reserve the right to
publish and edit material in accordance with our editorial policy
- see submissions

International Writer's Magazine - August 2008
- Editorial
The Drive to Olympos
Sean Hastings in Turkey
I find myself in the sleepy seaside town of Fethiye. I must
yield to the pressure of depleted budgets and depart this country
for more financially fertile climes
A Dead Sea journey
Marwan Asmar
In my first visit to the Dead Sea aside from one rest house,
there was precious little besides a small village, the blue salty
sea, and a long winding road that kept going to Aqaba. Now all is
on Santa Cruz
Tyrel Nelson with tortoises
was good. I was recently reunited with my girlfriend, Amanda, who
I hadnt seen in over 5 months, and we were in a place that
many people only get to visit in their dreams.
Letter to Barack Obama
James Campion
the chin up and the hands clean and we might survive this weird
experiment until mid-September with a puncher's chance
Eygpt Waiting
Jack Shenker
Towering over the polluted chaos of one of Cairos main
flyovers is a huge advertising billboard. Sandwiched between colourful
posters for Pizza Hut, Coca Cola and Doritos, the billboard features
nothing but a giant red question mark, accompanied by the words
Wait For It.
from a Café Zagreb
Neha Puntambekar
Delicate strings of cigarette smoke rise up in synchrony, like
ballerinas magically suspended in mid-air. I'm sitting at a little
café in the heart of Zagreb
Wallflower's Rhapsody
Piper Davenport
I've felt the need to write and re-write and write again. The
feeling is getting stronger. I think I'm almost ready to move forward
with my own, personal story/stories. Is anyone out there, though?
Is anyone listening? Am I ever going to get paid for this?
Carol Falaki
Today we are in Iran. Tomorrow we fly back to England, but first
I have a promise to keep. I am waiting for Shahyar. From here I
can watch for his arrival. |
"Oh, what great fiction I will mold from such terrible misery..."--
Jim White - Punkerslut
What was that noise? Who did it come from -- who was it looking
for? Why did it stop? For the first time in my company's history,
the workers acted in unision, all slowly edging closer to the windows,
regardless of what any other might notice, each seeking to identify
and discover that source of such tempered inspiration.
Tide by Sam North
Linda Regan review
A beautifully written, unusual and a good story, one I was
sad to finish.
Samaritans of Terror
James Skinner
the good guys win for a change
Moments of a Witch
Nickolay Todorov
Once again, the yearning that had forced Olga Vartolomei to
make an anonymous phone call to the home of Tom Baek for seventy-three
consecutive days gave her shortness of breath. Giving an outlet
to despair was humiliating and it hurt much, and there were important
work engagements she was supposed to tend to instead
unusal Sunday in Dagoba
Lakunle Jaiyesimi
are unusually hot days! Nature has her ways for perfect orderliness.
Or maybe, its the Sun god at work, who has chosen that day
for itself alone. The god comes out in full armour, with bristling
rays poured on all the earth without discrimination.
Puff of Smoke
James C Clar
was reading Paul Therouxs The Happy Isles of Oceania.
She found the author somewhat arrogant and mean-spirited at times
but Oh how he could write. And, she had to admit, he did have
a wonderful feel for the Polynesian mentality.
Means War: Sex and the City & the Assault on Modern Man
Kennedy Heather
Being that I inhabit the western hemisphere and am either (a)
a female or (b) a gay man, one of my central leisure pursuits is,
of course watching Sex and the City. The show is definite
in its demographic; this is part of its appeal. You wouldnt
invite your dentist bra shopping and by the same token you dont
expect your straight male pals to cosy up for a full-on SATC sesh.
Such are the unspoken codes of civil society.
The Dark Knight
Starring: Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Heath Ledger (RIP), Maggie
Directed by: Christopher Nolan
by Stephen Doyle
I am a self-confessed geek and comic-book fan, so
I was eagerly anticipating the arrival of the new Batman movie The
Dark Knight on the big screen.
Vol 2 A Literary Spark
University of Portsmouth publication from the School of Creative
Arts, Film & Media - Buy now - available from Lulu Press &
Blackwells, Amazon
Borderlines Vol 2 - A literary Anthology of new fiction, travel
writing and poetry from the Creative Writing Programmes and invited
writers at the University of Portsmouth, UK, under the editorship
of Freya Scott, Ryan Sirmons, Aby Davis and Sam North
'An exciting insight into the amazing talent and diversity
of new writers out there today' Stuart
Olesker - Playwright
'A wonderful collection of vibrant, captivating stories and
sweet & lo poetry' Maddy P
fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and
little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan

MA in Creative Writing
Portsmouth University
Apply now for Oct 08 entry
The Tutors: Alison Habens,
Sam North, Steven O'Brien & publishing guests
writers aim to start and complete a novel in their
time of study here with support from fellow students
and staff in a friendly creative atmosphere.'
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- Our ninth year on line |
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