
How To Reverse Engineer Your Success
Michael Southon
it's working for them, you can find out exactly how they're doing it by
studying their site
The best and fastest way to learn how to make money on the Internet is
to buy the marketing books of successful web marketers. You can find a
selection of marketing books at these sites: http://www.ebooksnbytes.com
But there's also another way: study their web sites and reverse engineer
their success.
The great thing about the Internet is that everything is visible - nothing
is hidden. If it's working for them, you can find out exactly how they're
doing it by studying their site.
Subscribe to their Newsletter and examine their Welcome Message.
Analyze their Newsletter and see exactly how they use it to generate income.
Sign up for their free autoresponder course and find out why it produces
Check out which affiliate programs they promote.
Read their free eBooks and discover how they bring in new customers.
Here are some examples: (1) Recently I signed up for the Newsletter of
someone who makes $130,000 a year just from affiliate programs. I wanted
to see how he was doing it. What I noticed was that he doesn't even try
to sell the affiliate products - he tells his readers how much he makes
from those programs. Naturally, they join (through his link). The result?
He has an army of sub-affiliates who do the selling for him.
(2) In another Ezine I recently saw a 40 word ad that interested me. I
clicked on the link, and instead of taking me to the home page of the
product, it took me straight to the order form. Very clever, and very
(3) A few weeks ago I subscribed to a free autoresponder course - 12 daily
web marketing lessons. Many people never finish these free courses. They
unsubscribe half way through. But this marketer made sure that people
finished his course - he announced in the first lesson that the 12th lesson
contained the download link for a very useful free eBook that I wanted.
Naturally, I stayed with it till the last lesson.
(4) Last week I signed up for a marketing guru's 15-day free autoresponder
course and I was amazed to see how easily it had been put together. Each
module was simply a freely-available article by a recognized web marketing
expert, with a sprinkling of affiliate links. To sum up, when you visit
the website of a marketing expert, pay close attention to everything you
see. Ask yourself "Why is s/he doing that?". Everything is there
for a reason. If you make this a habit you'll quickly learn the art of
making money on the Internet.
Michael Southon is the author of the popular new eBook 'Ezine Writer!'
Discover how you can dramatically improve your Traffic and Sales, starting
Join his twice-monthly 'e-Profit Tips Newsletter':
Michael Southon, Editor
The Free Directory of Ezines
email: msouthon@freezineweb.com
Please Note: All the links in this article were
checked and verified on February 22nd 2002
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