
My Best
Alex Grant reviews Laura Wilson's new mystery
Wilsons "My Best Friend" is very close in plot elements
to Elizabeth Georges current softcover crime novel 'A
Traitor To Memory', Laura Wilsons My Best Friend is the
polar opposite in style to Georges eleventh Lynley-Havers
series entry: brief and to the point! |
My Best Friend takes place during and after World War Two. It concerns
two sisters, one a popular childrens author; the other an actress
in provincial "rep" (repertory) "live" theatre. It
covers the period 1939 through 1994, fifty years after VE Day (Victory
in Europe; for the Allies). The authoress has three children only one
of which reaches adulthood, although it would be a misnomer to describe
Gerald Haxton- Haldane as a "grown-up". One of a pair of twins
and the only survivor, Gerald is wholly preoccupied in his fantasy-life
with both his deceased siblings, to the detriment of his personal growth.
Authoress Wilson, in her third mystery novel, sparingly relates her quintessentially
British bourgeois saga by means of the solipsisms of a trio of individuals:
their introspections, diaries and recollections, primarily of romance
and of sexual alliances.
Wilsons title My Best Friend is highly ironic. She uncannily captures
the wartime ambience and its prolonged aftermath, a national hangover
from the daily intoxication of the fear of death and the loss of loved
ones, wholesale. In keeping with the exceptionally high literary standards
set by Frances Fyfield, Ruth Rendell and Alison Taylor, the cream of distaff
British crime writers, Ms. Wilson sets her sights high and hits the bullseye
© Alex Grant September 2002
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