••• The International Writers Magazine: Reality Check
James Campion
No Justice - No clearly means Yes in Senate
I wish to start out this week by denouncing this asinine argument that somehow this beer-soaked lightweight Brett Kavanaugh is somehow representative of the men in this country. He is not. He is a damn wimp and clearly has issues with alcohol and women and should have been tossed into the trash heap of history weeks ago. There is enough evidence he lied under oath and most likely assaulted women in a semi-blacked out state of inertia.
Kavanaugh gives proud alcoholics and men a bad name. I will not stand idly by and allow people to put him into any category I am in. None of my friends or the people they know did this. Just like the idiotic notion that “all guys talk like Trump grabbing pussies” during the 2016 campaign. Not all guys. Just assholes. And criminals. I was in plenty of locker rooms and not once did anyone brag about assaulting women. Ever. Fuck Trump.
Okay, so with that out of the way, let’s call it as we see it. This Brett Kavanaugh nomination process was bullshit. This guy is a lunatic and at best is 50-50 whether he sexually assaulted at least one woman, maybe two or three. This is the best we can do for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court? No. It is not, and he is not. Any other circumstance – weeks from a mid-term, nearly half century of a religious right push for a conservative Supreme Court and a Republican controlled federal government (for the time being) makes Kavanaugh the hold-your-nose and vote candidate. He sucks, that much is true. But whether that matters or not politically is not the issue. The issue is how the women citizenry has been treated throughout all this. That is a mountain of in-your-face-go-fuck-yourself bullshit for women. Period.
The abomination of a human being Donald J. Trump’s performance at a Mississippi rally (Mississippi, let that sink in for a second…sheesh) this week openly mocking Christine Blasey Ford was a new low even for this bleating moron. It was a misogynistic slap in the face of every woman in this country. I’m sorry. Go see for yourself. Watch it. How in the world can any woman listen to that fourth-grade nonsense, from a president, and not start throwing up? This man has been and always will be a slop-addled hog, but this took the cake. Shit, man, go ahead and defend your nominee, put doubt in the body politic, but even Kavanaugh himself and all the Republican senators laid low challenging Ford’s testimony, much less openly ridiculing it and her. It was a disgrace and it is mounting evidence that this whole thing was a fucking disgrace, especially to women.
I wrote weeks ago in this space that Kavanaugh or really any conservative judge considered for the swing vote on the Supreme Court would be a likely blow to women’s reproductive rights and a challenge to Roe v. Wade, the law of the land since 1973 that gives women the right to choose what to do within their bodies and not the federal government. That is a cogent argument that has been going on for decades. I respect those who think the opposite and feel that Roe v Wade was a legal mistake and a moral horror show, giving citizens the right to eradicate the lives of innocents. I get it. I get the religion and the science of it. And I also made the point last week here that this is all about politics, not the law – politics, as it should be and has been since the dawning of this republic. This is not about that.
We are beyond politics now. This is a blatant and vicious war on women. First, the ignoring of Ford’s allegations until it became publicly untenable. Then the obligatory and showboating senate hearing, which was, again, all about politics, in which Kavanaugh acted like a maniac throwing out Breitbart level conspiracies about a left-wing cabal and deep state and for some reason only known to his rage-induced brain farts, the Clintons. Most of it was to get a troglodytic president that only goes with the last thing he hears or sees on board. Trump was wavering on Kavanaugh once Ford had done a credible job parsing through the moments of whatever trauma she endured. It was a performance to get the senate and the president back on his side by pulling out the tired tropes of the 2016 election.
This is expected of politicians, but not judges up for lifetime appointments. They are supposed to remain hypocritically silent on these matters. That is the lowest bar to reach in this process and Kavanaugh failed to approach it. In fact, he obliterated it – loudly and crudely and quite frankly, for a grown man, embarrassingly. Kavanaugh went nuts, and once again, tried to make the case that Ford could not have possibility come forward on her own without being used as a puppet of the Democrats.
Not sure, as I write this and send it to press on the morning of this fifth day of October, if Kavanaugh has enough votes or not to be confirmed. (51- 49 for 10/5/18) Sure, this is being rushed, after, mind you the Republican senate saw fit to let the Supreme Court languish at eight justices for the last ten months of the Obama presidency and months into the Trump one. Again, that is not the issue. The issue, for women, is threefold: Why this man – accused of these heinous crimes, and Why now – when the goal is to clearly wrest rights from women, and How this came to be – nominated by a man who was accused over a dozen times of sexual harassment and abuse and paid women whom he had affairs with to shut up and then demonized them from the bully pulpit of the presidency.
Whatever the reasons, it is bullshit.
This is the issue: women.
© James Campion Oct 5th 2018
James Campion is the Managing Editor of The Reality Check News & Information Desk and the author of “Deep Tank Jersey”, “Fear No Art”, “Trailing Jesus”, "Midnight For Cinderella" and “Y”. and his new book, “Shout It Out Loud – The Story of KISS’s Destroyer and the Making of an American Icon”.

I Love Politics
James Campion
The Unraveling of Judge Kavanaugh & The Heinous Beauty of our Human Experiment - I understand politics. I get what happens to people when they are in the midst of them and what it does to their brains and their nether regions and how it can at once titillate and mutilate.