A Bagatelle of Maladies
Allen P Cook
It was not that he simply missed her. She was right in front of him. He felt diminished.

The Importance of Napkins
You’re having coffee ... Someone is shouting abuse at their ex on their phone and suddenly you have a brilliant idea for a story ...
Chapter One: Warning Signals
‘Those who stay in this city will die by the sword, famine and pestilence, but they who go out beyond to places of safety will survive. Our cities will be overwhelmed by darkness.’
Prophet Arnold: Church of Final Redemption 29:1-5 |

Dear Journal, it’s me, Alice
Abigail George
Books always marked our games somehow. The passage of time.
Growing up the house was (always) filled with books.
A Leg to Die For
Sidi Cherkawi Benzahra
My grandfather took his leg to Lalla Fatima and she invoked
the spirit and did all she could do to heal his leg
Pringle & the Scam Artist
Martin Green
Life is good, thought Sidney Rothenberg, sitting in a lounge chair
at poolside of the most luxurious hotel ...

Fear (Trump in the White House)
by Bob Woodward
Sam North review
Insightful and worrying chronicle of daily life in the Trump White House by American's best known forensic journalist.
The Road to Unfreedom
by Timothy Snyder
The role of Russia now is to create anarchy, lawlessness, create doubt where there is none, and undermine the credibility of everything
Norman - (From our archives)
Dean Borok
The funny thing about Norman Mailers antagonism towards women
is that he always felt the need to keep them around him. He
married six times.