Lifestyles - From Our Archives
the Bliss Isnt
James Haslett
reason falsely that if we dont feel unhappy then we must be
been a while since Ive given the old keyboard a proper pounding.
There are a few reasons for this. Reasons like a lack of inspiration
and not being very happy with the stuff that Id been writing,
although Id be hard pressed to explain why I wasnt happy
with it. But mostly its been because the things Ive wanted
to write about have been the things that seemingly everybody has been
writing about and I didnt want to be just one note in an overwrought
symphony. Government follies and
social apathy seem to have been sending a lot of people to their word
processors over the last few months. Heck, I was almost a thousand words
into a piece on writers block when I popped onto Hacks and read
someone elses article on the same topic.
But tonight I find myself inspired by someone elses writing on
the Hackwriters site. I just read Tabytha Towes diaries about
her voyage to South Africa and Im not ashamed to admit that I
was misting up a bit while reading them. I met Tabby about three years
ago in an acting class at the Vancouver Film School and was very fortunate
to be her scene partner, although I will also admit to not feeling that
way when we were first paired up. I think that our early interactions
are best characterized by an exercise from that class, wherein we yelled
at each other at the top of our lungs, me telling her to "Pay Attention!"
and she telling me to "Lighten Up!" (Sage advice from her,
to be sure.) But over the course of the semester I got to know her a
lot better and came to love her like a little sister. Tabytha obviously
grew a lot during her time abroad, as did I during my own travels and
as has anyone, I suspect, whos ever packed a bag and gone out
into that big, exciting, scary world on their lonesome.
Those of you who dont know her personally will be able to see
that growth just by reading a few of her early pieces before reading
those travel diaries, and if you have not done so already I can not
recommend it strongly enough. I commend her bravery for doing things
that few others have the fortitude to do, both going abroad and writing
honestly about her life for others to read. I also recognize the seeming
ironic egoism in applauding as special someone else doing the things
Ive done or tried to do. I can only offer that I seldom give myself
that kind of credit and hope you wont accuse me also of false
Ill change tack once more by way of getting to the point here
and tell you that I immediately sent Tabytha an e-mail to let her know
how much I enjoyed reading those articles. The signature on my outgoing
e-mail has changed many times, but for the last few years its
contained the tag line "If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more
of the people I know happy?" And in this case I parenthetically
added the speculation that Ms.Towe had learned the answer to that question
while she was away.
The answer to the question, of course, is because it is based on a false
premise. Ignorance is not bliss. It is a terrible, entropic state that
prevents both choice and action but encourages suffering and decay.
Ignorance is pain. If you dont believe me ask any former Enron
employee if they wouldnt have been happier knowing the truth about
that company rather than continuing to invest their retirement plans
in its stock. I will grant that there may be times when ignorance may
seem like bliss; New Yorkers were probably happier never having heard
of al Qaida, but I think this example speaks for itself.
Ignorance is a passive state, and human beings tend towards passivity.
We seek it out and praise it as efficiency, economy, conservation or
maintaining our reserves. We try to do as little as possible in as short
a time as possible, and the less we do the better we get at doing very
little. Labour saving devices are among our ultimate goals; dishwashers,
self cleaning ovens, robot lawn mowers, spell checkers. Drive through
this and remote control that. And, hey, who really wants to bother thinking
for themselves? Who has the time to think when their favourite TV show
is about to start? Ignorance becomes our natural state, just as hunger,
thirst and immobility are natural states, and if we do nothing to change
this state it will not change. Ignorance isnt just pain its
death, if a different kind of death than starvation, dehydration or
getting hit by a bus. Bliss? Happiness? Eudemonia? If you want any of
that youll have to opt for what has become an entirely unnatural
state activity.
US Americans talk about the pursuit of happiness, but too many of us
everywhere forget about the pursuit and wonder where the happiness is.
And if we arent happy we settle for something less and call it
happiness to try and fool ourselves. We settle for pleasure and proceed
to eat and drink and smoke and inject and fuck and amuse ourselves into
early graves. Or conversely we settle for numbness, otherwise known
as ignorance, because we reason falsely that if we dont feel unhappy
then we must be happy. We put on our headphones, we bury our chins in
our chests and our hands in our pockets, we move in straight lines from
home to work and back again and we tell ourselves that by doing and
thinking and feeling as little as possible well be rested and
ready when something important comes along. Well, folks, Im here
to tell you thats bullshit. Ive done it, Ive lived
it, and its bullshit. Nothing important just comes along. Opportunity
doesnt knock, it walks down the street at a brisk pace until someone
comes out their door and tackles it. But if it did knock? If a big Hollywood
producer ever gave you his business card in a malt shop? If the coach
of your favourite team pointed at you in the stands during the big game
and told you to put on a uniform and take the field? If the orphanage
you were walking past burst into flames with tiny tots waving desperately
at you from the window? Forget rested and ready, my moneys on
The one thing I took away from my brief foray into getting my head shrunk
was the counterintuitive notion that its action that leads to
motivation, not the other way around. If youve ever dragged yourself
to the gym on one of those days when you just didnt feel like
it youll have an understanding of what that means. We tend towards
passivity, but we can make a choice to be active. Making that choice
is an action itself, one which can lead to further actions. That first
step of the proverbial thousand mile journey may be a doozey, but they
get easier.
leads to motivation leads to more action. Think of it as an upward
spiral. |
me clarify something here: Im not saying that everyone should
go out and join a health club in order to be happy, because thats
sure not a route Ive ever taken. Theres nothing wrong with
that if it works for you, but it isnt the only solution. Happiness
comes from being in an active state. If you are moving then thats
an active state, whether youre moving your entire body in a gym
or on a dance floor or in a soup kitchen, or if your just moving your
hands writing or painting or baking. Learning, thinking, feeling, experiencing;
these are also active states, these are all things we actually do. And
if we arent doing them, if we arent doing something active
and positive and productive, then we are living in a state of ignorance.
Tabytha did something; she went overseas and had an adventure and she
came home and wrote about it, about what she did and what that did to
her. Bliss. Im writing something meaningful (to me, at least)
for the first time in months, hoping to share something with anyone
who cares enough to spend the time reading it. And Im happy doing
it. Im happy because Im doing it, and I believe Ill
be happy to do it some more. Maybe Ill run out of gas in a few
months, maybe Ill find myself with nothing new or original to
say for a while. But that too will pass eventually, and Ive got
other things to do in the meantime. And until then I can fit some shock
absorbers onto my keyboard and give it a good workout.
© Colin James Haslett July 22nd 2003
chasman at shaw.ca
More Lifestyles (And
Tabytha's diary)
Whats Mine is Yours
except when its mine
James Haslett
Art belongs to the audience. Period. End of discussion.
The Big Lie by Colin Haslett
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