
Canon in D
James Burnett
He tells me to quit trying to get loose; theres no escape.
dont know where I am. My last memory is driving home from work.
It was dark then, but I have no idea what time it is now. Theres
no day or night, and the only light is coming from a dim bulb hanging
from a cord over the table that sits before me.
Im in a chair; it feels like wood and my arms and one leg, the right,
are taped down on the chair. I wonder if this is how convicts feel just
before the gas drops.
Theres a sound! Over there, buried in the darkness that encompasses
this little island of light. There it is again, steady now, and I understand.
Someone is walking towards the table. Its a man, maybe sixty, with
thin, silvery hair.
I dont know him.
Hes sitting down across the table from me. Theres a truly
unpleasant smile on his face. Why isnt my heart beating franticly?
Im scared, so why doesnt my body feel that way?
I clamp my jaws shut. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of hearing
He chuckles. Idiotically, I remember a line from a movie. Its about
the prickly things on the back of your neck. That sound let me feel the
prickly things. Maybe the drugs that knocked me out are keeping my heart
Hes talking to me. I cant understand him! What does he want?
I concentrate, and his words are clear now. Whats he talking about,
killing an innocent child? Ive never killed anyone, at least not
Now he wants me to suffer for my crime. What crime, you bastard!, but
the words are only in my head.
His daughter? Who the hell is his daughter? He still hasnt told
me his name. He must think I know it. I keep my mouth shut. Part of me
knows that silence is more likely to draw him out than questions and demands.
Hes put his hand on a box thats sitting on the table. Its
a turntable for records. I watch him closely, my jaws clamped firmly together.
Hes getting ready to speak.
Hes absolutely nuts!!. The turntable is wired to the chairs. A record!
Hes going to play a record. Why?
Oh, Christ Jesus, when the records over, an electric circuit will
be completed and one of these chairs, his or mine, will get hit with 2000
He tells me to quit trying to get loose; theres no escape.
Whats he saying now? Theres
theres a square metal
plate. Its on the floor in front of my chair. Hes got one,
Hes telling me theres a three second delay before the jolt.
I have to decide whether to push the plate or not. God, I want to mash
his calm, weathered face into the back of his skull!
One combination of plates will fry me. Another combination will cook him.
He is just friggin insane! Hes smiling as he tells me that
I have to decide whether to step on the plate or leave it alone.
He switches the power on, and lowers the arm to the record. I can feel
my eyes widen; hes playing just the last cut. I recognize the music
instantly. Its Pachelbels Canon in D. It lasts about five
Hes still talking, but I dont care. I lean back in the chair
and close my eyes. I will not panic about this. I may die, but Ive
faced tougher opponents in court and never backed down.
Thats what hes talking about! I know who he is now. Well,
screw him. He may think his daughter was a sweet and innocent child who
had done nothing wrong, but hes insane. Take a deep breath, and
then another. I gently move my left leg and find the plate with my foot.
Okay, I can hit it if I want.
How would this wacko set this thing up? Which way would he wire the circuit
to give him the best chance of killing me? I can tell that hes almost
berserk under that façade he wears as a mask. Fine, you shit, you
want to kill me, youre going have to work for it. If hes lying
to me, hell just have wired me to fry, no matter what I do. If hes
not lying, then I could get out of this alive. I dont care if he
The final retard, and the last notes slowly evaporate. I know what to
I look at him square on. I need him really, really angry. One second.
I tell him his daughter was a whore who needed to die. Two seconds.
He screams and slams his foot down on the plate. Three seconds. Theres
the door. I pull it open and stumble outside. I turn around and look at
the smoking corpse collapsed over the broken table.
Fuck im if he cant take a joke.
© James Burnett October 2002
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