Lifestyles: Diary of a Vancouver Girl - Entry 23
'Nothing can really surprise me when it comes to me anymore, however
this illness I developed or caught or contracted
or whatever you want to call it, has startled me enough to scare
some sense into me'.
I figure
it is long overdue since I last wrote, which was soon after I arrived
back home some six months ago now. Unbelievable- I have been hesitant
to write again ever since.
Let me attempt to clarify some reasons as to why I have not written
sooner. Truth of the matter is, I almost feel as if I have a confession
to make: I have decided to write again only now because I have been
kept very busy. In all fairness I was working 3 jobs! Therefore, most
of my time was consumed until recently, due to a horrible illness and
other such drama, in which youll hear all about further on.
Also, to be completely honest, without being completely dishonorable,
I have kind of fallen out of writing for this magazine. As you might
have been able to tell due to the lack of consistency in producing my
so-called articles the past year. Im quite the intermittent contributor
anyhow. But seriously, I am re-considering my purpose for it, for all
of this. I dont really feel as if Im an appropriate writer
for this gig, nor any other at the moment. After all, I am not a proper
writer. I havent even had proper lessons, or use proper grammar
for that matter. I barely passed my English class in high school, for
Christs sakes! (OK in my defense that was more out of not attending
class or not paying attention, rather than not getting it, I'm the same
girl who also fell asleep during an exam in college no less. I didnt
care enough for it at the time. However we will avoid any in depth probing
regarding the whole subject matter of shall we say, schooling mishaps?
Thats a whole other book.)
Despite my passionate relationship with penmanship, I just dont
feel like I have much to say here, in the right now, without sounding
like I am talking to myself or sounding inane, I suppose. *I do have
a therapeutic form of a diary to say Whatever the Fuck I Want! AND to
vent off all my frustrations of the world, of the day and to reflect
upon them without the worry of anyone judging it, seeing as how it is
intended for my eyes only. But if it were to be read Id
be out righteously violated of my own privacy, of my own thoughts, for
certain things you do not tell nor need they be known. It does make
me think though, what person in their right mind would want to peak
into my mind anyways!?*
Well back on topic here, focus Tabytha
In other words, I dont
ever prepare for what I say. I write as I think when the time comes
that I am actually sitting in front of the computer. Its all impetuously
unorganized and keeps rolling non-specifically and endlessly from there.
So I guess what I am getting at is that, here I really write utter nonsense
because it is in the public eye and I dont really know what to
say if it is not specifically political, personal, or what have you
other doo-dah. I have no standards to write to or for anyone, I dont
really have to put any extra or special effort into this; it is not
for a grade or to impress a boss, maybe no one except myself; only that
I know I could be judged anyway. Im oblivious to what few readers,
if any, may think, I dont know what they think of anything in
actual fact, and I stress about it too much as it is that I havent
the energy to worry about people whom I dont know, to care what
they may think of me. Its just that I know that Im not talking
about any issues or anything important when I write this for magazine,
so it feels like I have no importance then, or rather that my writing
has none.
Surely it is neither entertaining nor enlightening material. This really
is just me rambling on with my thoughts and opinions on nothing. You
can see by the way I write is how I actually think, very inconsistent
and scattered. Just as I am a wanderlust and cant keep still or
focused, I am constantly afflicted with ironic, non-provoking, where-did-I-come-up-with-that-in-the-first-place
kind of thoughts. It takes me forever to get to a simple point because
I always see something else to bring up, and that may not even be related
in interest or concept. There are a million ideas running through my
head at once, I cant catch them all, nor decide which one to concentrate
on, so while Im on one idea Im already thinking about the
next, and hence, this is where my confusion lies and therefore much
frustration comes into play. I can only assume this is where I may lose
an audience as well, when I get lost with my own train of thought. It's
a constant battle, very unsettling. You see now, this is where you witness
my unnecessary and excessive abuse of chemical substances in the past,
(I remind you I said in the past tense.) Nevertheless where my A.D.D,
(aka attention deficit disorder) shows its casually unpleasant face.
It s evidential in my thinking processes and writing format, dont
you think? Moreover, despite the drugs, which I do not recommend anymore,
and the excuses my poor, fried brain attempts to make for itself, I
hope I have been able to give you at least a half assed- if not a remotely
legitimate -explanation. To conclude, with some sort of retrospect,
I realized that it has been a great experience over the years writing
for Hacks, especially to look back and read other mumbo jumbo that Ive
come up with in the past and laugh at it or see where I may have grown
or even regressed at times, but that perhaps now it is time to retire.
Theres always a line to cross at some point.
the fuck do I write about anyways, does it even mean anything? You
know, it's one of those questioning-the-significance-of- and not
getting answers things, just another nuisance in life. So leave
it as it may, I suppose that this may be the last you hear from
me, especially if those unflattering photos of me are not taken
off! Please Sam, let me send you others! (Sam being the genius creator/founder/editor
behind Hackwriters, not to mention my favorite uncle also!! Hope
youre not too disappointed with this revelation.) |
to bring up old news, yes sometimes it does still feel like yesterday
I was just away. Sometimes, on other days, it feels like a lifetime
ago. Sure seems like Ive been home a long time already, almost
as if I had never even gone away, but then I am reminded suddenly, (how
could I ever forget,) and only long to feel free again, like I did when
I was in Cape Town (SA)
and London (UK).
Since I have been back all Ive desired to do was to go travel
as soon as I possibly could, which I thought would have been long ago
by now, so Im a bit disappointed that I bought into staying around
here longer. Its nearly at the point where I wouldnt allow
myself to enjoy much else, or maybe I really do feel that much better
with something else? That I have not figured out.
As they say, home Sweet Home, right? Ive mentioned before that
I do love it here in the incredibly beautiful province of British Columbia.
We have so much to offer, we are exceptionally diverse and very multicultural
and have everything a colorful, developing and hungry society needs.
I am not embarrassed to proclaim that I am proud to be Canadian, regardless
of those who may be under the impression that we are all farmers or
that we live in10 foot of snow all the time. Or that we are considered
naïve to the rest of the world- when in actual fact it is the other
way around. (You see, as we are underestimated we have a slight advantage.)
As for Vancouver, the wonderfully big and yet small hectic city -but
also very calming place that I have been brought up in my whole life,
it is and probably always will be home to me
only that sometimes
'Home' just seems 'Sweeter' when you are away from it. Besides, being
elsewhere can feel like home too, and hence, give you a sense of belonging.
We do tend to take things for granted when we live them every day, whether
it be routine or what is considered to be the norm or our security of
knowing. We constantly have to be reminded of how fortunate we actually
are, otherwise we forget and become greedy. Worse, we may only realise
what we have only when it is gone, or when we are put in a situation
out of our comfort zones. Every little thing gets overlooked, sad to
say, how many of us cant stand our families and always seem to
fight with the ones we love? However, how many of us have a family or
get to see them for that matter, or even have someone to love and be
loved by? How many people do you think would appreciate the mere pleasure
of having a shower, or toilet paper even, (bet you dont think
about that every time you wipe your ass) and never mind the bigger picture?
You know I could go on and on and everyone knows this already, just
another fact that gets taken for granted. We should all shut up, stop
bitching and count our blessings, but that wont ever happen. We
are so obliviously blinded by the news, the media, Hollywood, commercialism,
material objects we are trained to believe we need and wont be
happy without, our political, parental or religious dictatorship - I
mean fuck, we are so mindless sometimes! Sometimes I feel like we are
just robots now, who cant even think for themselves anymore, we
are consumed with paranoia in a controlling, gutless and shameful world.
I have got to stop talking about this before I get really heated.
Shall we refer back to our original topic of discussion
. Well
again it has become so that I am too comfortable for it to be rewarding
anymore. Been there, done that, next
. I crave new challenges and
different things that Ive not experienced, people I havent
had the pleasure -or not- of meeting before, places I have not seen
as of yet. Of course there are many challenges one faces every day within
ones own back yard. Getting out of bed is the first one I imagine, unless
there is something really exciting you want to wake up eagerly for.
This is not to say that I have no challenges in my life here either,
(trust me Ive created enough troublesome situations for myself,
especially lately let me tell you.) I am only suggesting merely that
I may be too biased because I know what to expect already, not to be
overly presumptuous or anything. I had to get up early every day since
I have been back to go to work. I have missed many beautiful days in
dedication to working for a lousy, silver penny. Fair enough to say
there is a reason why I work so hard. I need to save up because I want
to travel soon. I didnt resent it so much at the time, its
that damned no pain, no gain justification, I understand
and appreciate that. Everything has to be earned and in the end it all
seems worthwhile because of the sacrifices you made for it. Im
just glad I found a job when I did, took me two months after I had arrived
back home with many huge debts on my shoulders and only $20 left to
my name, I was hopeless and desperate. However my luck finally changed
and not only did I find one job but three. Ironically they were all
serving jobs as well. Now when I say traveling, it isnt running
away so much as it is escaping (the bullshit) temporarily to be able
to take that step back and look at things from the outside, away from
the situation in order to assess it in a different light, from another
perspective if you will. I need to be free of schedule and routine,
of what appears to be the norm, but shouldnt be. I get bored easily,
especially if I am not motivated with what I am doing. I mean come on,
Im too damned free spirited as it is and I feel as if I am being
confined against my will here, its unnatural for someone like
me. I dont seem to be making much progress with, well, anything
right now, I absolutely despise that, and its not as if Im
at all grounded yet either. I have much to work on. Let's face it, Im
not necessarily settled at the moment, so I have nothing to lose, meanwhile
I am losing my sanity.
That is of course my own doing, my own damned fault, I could really
do much more here and now instead of choosing to wait until I am not
in my familiar surroundings. Im not positive, I truly know what
else my objectives are for the next few months, other than getting out
of here. I must have deeper incentives than just that, although, indirectly
it does relate greatly to my personal growth and finding. I get very
upset when isolated, if you knew me youd know that I cannot stay
in one place at one time, I need to be all over the place. I cant
stand to miss out on something, Im always looking out the window.
My eyes are always wondering around the room. Ive actually raised
this before. When you are the kind of person whos constantly chasing
after something else, you do miss out in the long run because you dont
live in the moment with what you have there and then, for you are so
concerned with the idea that theres always something else out
there. And there is always another option out there, and another, and
another, something different, maybe better, maybe worse, we never know
anything, we dont know anything for certain do we, (thats
for certain,) so all we have is the choice weve made at that moment
to learn from and only hope to make another, wiser choice soon again.
We only get one choice at a time, we cant choose it all and we
cant change our minds once it has been done, and thats something
I am only now trying to accept. We all want to have our cake and eat
it too, but dont necessarily want to sleep in our own beds that
weve made either. Wait a minute, how does that saying go again?
I think I got that wrong, I tried to be metaphorically clever and meant
to insinuate rather that we dont want to pay for any of our consequences
nor take up our responsibilities. I seem to believe that I can only
achieve those magical and magnificent moments again when I am alone,
and Ill only feel alone when I am gone from what I know and who
I know, even those I love, which isnt anything to take offense
at. No one seems to appreciate that concept, but really, only I need
to understand it; everyone has their own thing, their own goals or ideal
rewards, something to strive for. Mine is to see the world, and others
want the world. Hate to sound clichéd, but is not that what makes
us all so fucking unique? I sound bitter now, see what happens when
you dont get what you want right away. I can be a selfish brat
at times and I hate it, the twisted beauty of human nature, I wont
even get started on that. Ive only currently admitted to being
a very anxious person, I overly stress over matters that shouldnt
matter. I only realised how bad I actually was recently. I always have
been when I look back at myself. When I was 14 years old I had the shingles,
a break down in my immune system that happens to seniors, not a teenager.
I literally play out the term worry yourself sick into serious
perspective, too much so its sick! Believe it or not I managed
to make myself sick too, not a surprise. Nothing can really surprise
me when it comes to me anymore, however this illness I developed
or caught or contracted or whatever you want
to call it, has startled me enough to scare some sense into me.
Everything I was doing was detrimental to my health and I knew it. Shame
Im too stubborn for my own good. Who works 3 jobs willingly at
minimum wage anyways, all back-to-back, day in and day out and in 3
different cities for that matter? Not only doing that but still able
to convince themselves after 16 hours of work that they deserve to go
out afterwards, after such a long day. Instead they should be getting
the much required sleep they also desire more than anything else, yet
are too foolish to say no even though they have to get up in a couple
hours again to go to work a 16 hour day all over again. The am to am
hours without any very necessary recouperation periods, partying in
between, booze and cigarettes replacing nutritional meals and neglecting
symptoms of weakness, I never let my body rest. Did I honestly think
I could fool my body into thinking I could handle it, as if I were a
machine and not a pathetic piece of human flesh instead! Thats
disgusting! My body needed a break and boy did it ever let me know it
I had a breakdown at 20 years old. The doctors have diagnosed me with
a virus that they cannot even identify; it still remains nameless after
having just recovered from it. At least I did recover. The doctors appear
to be as dumbfounded as I am in regards to my condition, which left
room for much intolerable suffering. This was some scary shit! I mean,
we didnt know what I had nor how I got it or when it would be
cured or how, if I were contagious and to be quarantined or what. I
was put on drugs, which fucked me up even more so, I felt worse! I was
so heavily medicated and loopy I didnt react to natural healing.
I havent taken any prescriptions in over 6 years, I believe in
herbal remedies and letting nature takes its course, you know, time
and rest. The medication made me feel worse because I wasnt used
to it, it was foreign to my body, a complete stranger.
The side effects were bizarre too, constant and outrageous twitching,
my vision was blurry, I was lightheaded, my face swelled, it was nerve
racking really, which is part of my becoming sick in the first place.
My high-strung nerves contributed to some sort of dysfunction that led
to my illness. I dont know why I am such a stressful person; you
wouldnt think so even spending a full day with me. I have an outgoing
personality and a pretty positive attitude, for the most part, I always
laugh and usually wear a smile. It seems that overall I'm a happy being;
but I guess we all have a dark pit inside of us that we can always be
engulfed by. I seriously dont have much to stress about though,
its not like I struggle to survive or that I have to scavenge
for food and shelter, it just so happens that I just let myself worry
about everything. Its ridiculous. I was stressed out about not
having enough money in time to go travel the date I had intended to,
then I wanted to look for a place to live in the meantime and that became
a whole intense ordeal. I was tired and sore and pushed too far for
too long. Did I mention earlier I also have a bit of O.C.D, aka obsessive-compulsive
disorder, I just have the works dont I!? Of course I do not allow
myself to make excuses for myself with ADD and all that shit, otherwise
Id be really fucked if I believed I was. Anyhow, moral of the
story, I was bitter at the world for being so sick. I didnt feel
I deserved it after working so hard and trying to do it all at once
all on my own, that my efforts only punished me instead of rewarding
me. I didnt end up saving as much money as I had hoped, I didnt
get to go to Japan and Thailand the date I had planned, I didnt
get the flat I wanted at the time and looked so frantically for, all
for what. I let myself down big time. I was out of order for a good
month, Im still not a 100% but I have to get back out there again,
I cant stay cooped up in the house and I cant afford to
miss another day of that dreaded vice called work.
Now that I am back in the game I cannot slip back to my old habits (which
were all bad,) I have so many vices in which I rely upon for I dont
even know if you could call it comfort. Since Ive recovered Ive
quit one of the 3 jobs. I have, for the most part, quit smoking for
the first time in 9 years which is a 'huge' deal, and if you can tell,
I have had a lot of thinking to do and have come to the realisation
to relax, not to be so on edge and to put so much pressure on myself,
to give others more credit because hey, I take a lot for granted as
well and I have it pretty easy so just take things as they come and
worry about it then -or rather, dont worry. This mysterious and
frightening illness just may have been a blessing in disguise, I try
to believe that occurrences do happen for a reason and I was meant to
breakdown to break my unsatisfying lifestyle patterns. Anyhow, Ive
suddenly discovered that there may just be a point of my writing for
this magazine, it may not be a very big one, but, I do like to write
and having just that means something. There is something that I rather
enjoy and may have a bit of a talent for, however do not have the essential
tools of doing it properly yet. I can develop this into something significant
one day
who knows? So will I quit these random spurts of impromptu,
uneventful, purposeless, insufficiently eloquent, not even mundanely
adequate and excessively long essays? Who knows, I dont as of
this point. Then again it always comes down to - well see. Well
see about many things to come soon
. Thanks for reading, Remember,
please learn something new, appreciate what you have instead of whining
about what you dont have yet, you can always strive for it and
it will be so much more rewarding and appreciate life, even when it
seems shit, only you can decide.
It is not what lies behind us or what lies in front of us that matters
most compared to what lies within us. Merry Christmas and may all have
a wonderful new year.
© Tabytha Towe
December 17th 2003
All of Tabytha Towe's Diary
can be found here
entry here
Happy Twenty-First to Tabytha
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