Travel Diary
Argentina & Chile- The Big Eat
It's hot here in Santiago. Really hot. It is physically draining
to walk down the street. The sun beats down with an intensity
I've never encountered before.
Bridge at Remagen
Eva Bell
down the Rhine from Bonn to Koblenz on a lazy afternoon, the twin
towers of Remagen bridge rose like black ghosts through the treetops
on the west bank, making me sit up with a start.
Remembering Hotels, Good and Bad
Walli F. Leff
Once I had an exceptional experience in a hotel: I slept on an absolutely perfect mattress. I know that now you expect me to tell you where that mattress was. I would if I could, but, for the life of me, I just can’t remember.
California Scheming
James Campion 9.25.21
What the Golden State Recall Election Tells Us About National Politics
Californians, it turns out, are not so keen on someone who would eliminate the mask mandates put in place by the current administration, and then make it more difficult to fully vaccinate the state.
Women in Bondage
James Campion 9.4.21
Supreme Court Ignores Unconstitutional Bans on Abortion in Texas, Thus Enslaving Women’s Bodies at the Behest of the State - The moment former Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bater Ginsberg stopped breathing the rights of women were put on life support.
Things I didn’t do this Summer
First rule when you have finished a novel – don’t listen to advice.
Afghanistan - The Big Fail
James Campion 8.20.21
The entire farce of the War on Terror – a never-ending money pit of violence, lies – was set up for bad endings.

Julia Reynolds
Today I went walking
down to Parangha Beach, Mykonos, Greece for a chilly
Charles Robert Watts 1941-2021
James Campion 9.1.21
Watts did things in the Stones so miraculous that it was mostly overlooked for nearly six decades. Not overlooked as much as ignored.
Lies, Truth and Opinions
James Morford
Must politicians lie? Niccolo Machiavelli thought if politicians
did not lie they would surely fail because lying was fundamental
to politics. Not to lie ignored reality