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Spare a thought for the women of Afghanistan

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"From the moment I learned to talk I was ordered to listen" - Cat Stevens

Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live

Salt shaker
Salt Shaker Museum

Derek Workman
The next time you knock over a salt cellar and throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder to ward off bad luck, bear in mind that those few white grains would at one time have formed part of someone’s wages.

BC's Sunshine Coast
An Eco Adventure
Jane Cassie
This lush 180 kilometer strip of shoreline, sandwiched between Pacific waves and coastal peaks, receives around 2,400 hours of annual sun.

Kabul Chaos
Afghanistan - The Big Fail

James Campion 8.20.21

Success has many fathers; failure is an orphan. - Italian proverb

The entire farce of the War on Terror – a never-ending money pit of violence, lies – was set up for bad endings.

Governors Bawl

James Campion
To say the very least, this has been a strange summer for the governors of four of our biggest states: California, Florida, New York and Texas.
Two Democrats.
Two Republicans.

That sucks - I'm fine but you're screwed
Gabriel Constans
The way we speak drives me crazy! 

The Body Life experiment
James Campion

I found a way to cut cholesterol numbers in half in 40 days - so can you.

How to Find Meaningful Work as a Writer
- Indiana Lee 7.28.21
Keep in mind that you don’t have to box yourself into a certain set of beliefs.
glass construction
What is the Allure of Glass?
Jamie Ann
Architects love the element of glass. It is both a strong and fragile material, yet it also has some exciting features that make buildings stand out from one another like never before.

REVIEWS Film & Books
Sunday Morning

Martin Green

After four months of marriage, Frank and April Bradshaw had developed a routine for Sunday mornings. 
secret door
Secret Door
Freya Scott
I used to drag all my little school friends upstairs before tea and hide in the airing cupboard.
A Cure for Sceptics
A Cure for Sceptics

by Sam North
(extract from a new crime novel)

“Got a weird one for you today. What would you pay to get rid of the pain in your hands?”

Free Guy
Free Guy
Starring Ryan Reynolds, Jodie Comer,
Directed by Shawn Levy
At last a big screen experience and a real fun movie.
Fugitive Pieces
by Anne Michaels

Moving WW2 survival story
Hindi Film Legend Dilip Kumar - 1922 - 2021
Harsh Thakor

In the history of Hindi film industry no actor ever took intensity to such mythical proportions as Dilip Kumar.
Why So Much Violence?
James Morford on Guns and Strangers in Film

That the United States teems with violence is no surprise.

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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