••• The International Writers Magazine: Reality Check USA
The Russian Bank Phase - Suddenly Whitewater
James Campion
Trump Scumbag Lawyer Spills Beans on Illegal Land Deals – Sound Familiar? (Photo - Michael Cohen - Lawyer)
It is true, we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world; but on that account we shall be more attached to one another.
- Mary Shelley, Frankstein
The horrible creature Donald Trump created sits in a New York City courtroom on the 29th day of November 2018 and let’s fly a whole new set of revelations about where this whole Russia Investigation is going. He is very much like the man lying in wait, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, a creature also created by this mad Doctor Frankenstein because our game show president just had to fire the head of the FBI and then go on national television and brag about obstructing justice, despite very little evidence at the time that he committed any crime. But none of that matters now that the new phase – and really many of the prior phases of this political tragedy – has come home to roost on what made Donald Trump “The Donald” in the first place; illegal shenanigans in real estate dealings.
The most damaging information former Trump bagman, Michael Cohen, who crawled from his slime-ridden past, offered yesterday, which was reported in Buzzfeed back in May and corroborated by reporting in the Financial Times in July, is the planned Trump Tower Moscow that Citizen Trump was working on with the Russian government far into his time as candidate for president and later Republican nominee for that position. Part of it included (gulp!) a $50 million penthouse apartment gift to Mr. Vladimir Putin, Draconian leader of a hostile nation who was already waist-deep in cyber-attacking our democratic infrastructure. Not that any of this offends my ambivalence on moral turpitude, but the bank that was laundering the money to make this happen queers things.
Enter the specter of the Vnesheconombank or VEB, a state development institution described by one former CIA analyst as the “Kremlin’s cookie jar”, which operates in 19 countries legally but one of them is definitely not the United States due to strained Russian-American relations after the invasion of the Ukraine in 2014 and its ties to funding terrorist organizations in Syria and Yemen, some of which ended in the deaths of Americans.
Cohen, instructed by Trump in the summer of 2016 to meet with Russians that was eventually scuttled for more obvious reasons than even the candidate could comprehend at the time, included a Trump-Putin detente corroborated by incriminating emails that was at first scheduled and then moved to lesser workhands, is damning not for this Russian Collusion thing, but for what the original Bill Clinton special counsel investigations of the early 1990s would begin to percolate on all of this: illegal real estate deals. The subsequent circumstantial evidence is that strangely enough someone smarter than the president has kept Trump’s Twitter hand on the wheel to keep claiming innocence of “Russian Collusion”, since some other really heinous shit is a-comin’.
Now, in the president’s defense, unlike Clinton, who was the governor of Arkansas at the time of the alleged crime (which was never proved), he was indeed a private citizen when this was occurring, even though there are vagaries in the constitution to what a candidate for the nation’s highest office can do in national or international business (especially with enemies of state) while seeking the office – one has to go back to Alexander Hamilton to unravel – but illegal business deals are another nut entirely.
I have maintained here that not collusion, but stupidity is what will bring Donald Trump down – and by down I mean what is fast looking like the inevitable House impeachment, (here come the Dems in January!). The president’s consistent actions that appear to be those of a very guilty man – most likely stemming from this raging insecurity of his petulant father, whose influence on this nation will be forever linked to his damaged son – has broken any reliable records for obstruction of justice, the latest being this boondoggle switcheroo of the attorney general to some half-assed lackey, etc. Even that one reeks of (with apologies to the late, great Jimmy Breslin) The Gang that Couldn’t Shoot Straight, since it appears acting AG Matthew Whitaker, another retread TV goof that seems to give Trump a hard-on, was not alerted to any of the information coming out of the special counsel’s office yesterday. It was overseen by Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, who for the life of me still maintains a gig in this House of Freaks administration.
Meanwhile, sitting on the beachhead like some demented and sad King Canute – blathering on about forest floors and backing Saudi murders of journalists – Donald Trump awaits his fate. Not sure what that is, but for certain as the weeks have moved along and Democrats broke mid-term voting numbers records (nearly nine million in vote total victories) and gained nearly 40 House seats in what has turned out to be indeed a Blue Wave rebuke of this nonsense, how much longer could the GOP-controlled Senate eat this shit? I would maintain as much as Clinton’s senate did in 1998. As in ’98, we are two years from an election, but unlike Big Bill, El Douche has to run again, or he can repeat the Great Quitter’s 1968 maneuver and slink away like LBJ and rob us all of this much fun.
© James Campion Dec 1st 2018
James Campion is the Managing Editor of The Reality Check News & Information Desk and the author of “Deep Tank Jersey”, “Fear No Art”, “Trailing Jesus”, "Midnight For Cinderella" and “Y”. and his new book, “Shout It Out Loud – The Story of KISS’s Destroyer and the Making of an American Icon”.
James Campion
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