of the State
by Esther Loydall
thousands of children are lost in care - why?
Birthday Girl
All over the country
many hearts swelled with joy while others broke. Alongside the happiness
and excitement there is anguish and disappointment, disillusion and
misery. The girl who lies crying and disheveled in the corner of her
room feels these things acutely, but not because of a card she did not
get. This girl does not want for male attention. She has, in fact, just
had sex with one of her housemates. Her tears are not for him.
A warm and affectionate
child, Laura first engaged in sexual relations in an attempt to achieve
closeness and to create for herself the illusion that someone could
actually love her. She soon discovered that this was not how it worked.
It was a quick fix, a warm burst of intimacy which left her colder and
more desolate than she had been before. She has grown accustomed to
this, and no longer seeks love in the act. She simply does it because
she can and because she takes solace in those occasional fleeting, deceptive
moments in which she can still sometimes fool herself. Even now.
Much of what she
does, she does unprotected. Partly because she believes she is worthless,
partly because she simply does not care. If she were to get pregnant
- and the statistics state that this is a distinct possibility ( according
to David Brindle in the Guardian , one in four girls leaving Laura's
present situation is either pregnant or already has a baby) - a child
would at least give her the unconditional love she has craved all her
life. She does not think ahead. Even now, as she sits in her room just
a few minutes after her housemate has left her, she can barely remember
which one it was. It doesn't bother her, she sleeps with all three of
them. In a few moments she will collect herself, scrub the streaks of
mascara from her cheeks and style her hair. She will re - apply her
make-up. She will push the nagging questions, her unresolved anger and
her frustration to the back of her mind for yet another day, as she
puts on her shoes and lets herself out of the house to begin her walk
to school.
Here, she is a trouble
maker. She has been told so from the day she arrived, and she has learned
to live up to the expectations of adults and teachers around her. Highly
intelligent, she sits out her days bored rigid - and subsequently disruptive
and mouthy - in all the bottom sets. Nobody sees her potential, they
are not looking for it. Laura is fourteen. Laura is in foster care.
The statistics are horrific. According to David Blunkett, the education
and employment secretary, 'you are 10 times more likely to be excluded
from school if you are in care than if you are not.' Even more shocking
is the fact that three out of every four children like Laura will leave
school with no qualifications, this is compared to the mere 6% of the
general population. The many bigots among us will doubtless shake their
heads and say that this is just as they expected. It is narrow minded
disinterested and downright ignorant people like this who hold lamentably
influential positions in our society, that perpetrate statistics such
as these.
Teachers, counselors,
careers advisors, the legal system and social workers- all are in the
position to make a difference, but many of them instead trap these children
in a never ending circle of despicable discrimination, intolerance and
vicious prejudgment. Adam is nineteen, with no qualifications and a
criminal record. He was in care from the age of 12 until his 18th birthday,
and is infinitely more intelligent than many of the individuals I have
encountered at university over the years. Disarmingly pleasant and open,
he has no problem explaining the underlying principles of his behaviour
as a teenager. In one way, Adam is quite lucky; he had the presence
of mind to stop his criminal activities as soon as he became old enough
to be sent to an adult prison. Statistically speaking, he was fifty
times more likely to be imprisoned than his male contemporaries who
had not been in foster care. An alarming 40% of the prison population
is made up of individuals who have been in care. Adam explains this
simply, as he says that as he and his friends saw it, there was little
if any difference between a life in prison and a life in care. The state
makes an equally poor parent in either case.
He believes he committed
most of the burglaries and petty crimes listed on his record partly
as a release for his pent- up frustration and partly in an attempt to
gain the attention he felt he so sorely lacked. Also, he is quick to
add, he was told from an early age that he would end up 'inside,' and
he firmly believes that you live out the life you are prescribed by
those around you. The concept of foster children being the victims of
self-fulfilling prophecies is hardly new. It has already been mentioned
that teachers are often quick to judge the new arrivals in their classes
badly if their background is found to be such a one as either Laura's
or Adam's.
Unfortunately the
lack of educational support and understanding available to foster children
culminates in many ruined lives as a result of low self-esteem. Adam
is himself considering returning to college, however before he can do
this he must first overcome his fear of failure which, thanks to the
teachers he has known, he feels is a certainty. Having been told he
was 'utterly stupid,' that he had special needs and a low I.Q. and that
he 'might as well not bother with school at all,' Adam is understandably
wary. He is also very angry. The over-particular vetting of potential
adoptive parents is, Adam feels, very much to blame for the unnecessarily
long amounts of time that children are forced to remain in care. He
is the first to acknowledge that there is no such thing as the perfect
parent, but is firmly convinced that all these children want is a stable
family unit.
Adam was, himself,
held up at an even earlier stage of the process. He was not even placed
with a foster family at first - nobody had any room for him, he was
told- and was instead left in a juvenile detention centre. He had, at
this point, committed no crime. He would most probably have been there
a while, had he not stabbed one gang leader- who had been harassing
him since his first day there - in the leg. This was his first violent
crime, and it prompted his social worker to find him a home within the
next two days. It is interesting to note how quickly the process could
be moved along when the Social Services' reputations looked as though
they might be on the line. Where was this family before, when Adam had
first needed them? On his asking this question at a later date, he was
calmly told that at the time he had not been priority case. Surely this
is a disgusting and sobering reflection upon the treatment some of these
children receive. It seems that the State must begin to accept liability
for the trauma and damage it has caused many young people. It must also
accept responsibility for the emotional scarring of many foster children
which has been the direct result of its various policies.
Things must change.
The figures a couple of months ago stood at 2500 children waiting to
be adopted, with 1300 families approved for adoption. The process must
be made quicker and easier. The social services must stop their ridiculously
self- righteous posturing and allow mixed race adoption. Rather than
sitting about self-indulgently discussing ethnic backgrounds, religious
inclinations, food preferences and all the other utterly irrelevant
aspects of parenthood, they should turn their attention to the actual
parenting ability of the individuals offering to adopt. A child is far
better off in a mixed race, mixed religion family that it can actually
call its own, than in care with a couple whose skin is the right colour
but who cannot be called Mum and Dad.
In addition to this,
Britain should follow America's lead and introduce both a bill of rights
for foster children and a limit to how long they remain in care. In
the U.S. this limit is set at one year, after which the children must
be adopted. Finally, there should be a vast improvement in the aftercare
facilities for children who have reached the age of 18. There should
be specialist support systems set up for foster children suffering the
after effects of life as a child of the state. There should be more
help given these young adults in areas such as vocational training.
Information should be given them so that they can understand how to
claim benefits. Those without National Insurance numbers should be helped
to obtain them. Perhaps most importantly, grants should be made available
to enable them to go back and obtain the education denied them in so
many cases by a bigoted, intolerant and prejudiced system. Why should
they suffer for the rest of their lives because of someone else's mistakes?
Awareness needs to be raised. These children deserve a better future
than the one afforded them so far.
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