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Travel stories
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How we live
Brighton Beach
Ulle Trautvag

Enjoy a frosty mug of $4 Baltika beer whose bottles are numbered from 3 to 6 to denote potency; the waiter will ask which number you want.
My First Solo Trip to Thailand
I’m not really sure what led me to Thailand, but before I knew it I was on a 27-hour flight across the world. I guess I was just looking for something new.
Keith Perkins

It’s a sunny, breezy late September morning as my son Colin and I stand on the docks at the Port de Foleaux--a collection of a few hundred sailboats on the Vilaine River in southern Bretagne.
The Certosa di Calci
Brian Appleton

Once when I was a teenager, I decided I wanted to know what it was like to be a monk. Somehow my mother arranged for me and my brother to spend two weeks in the Carthusian monestary near Pisa, the Certosa di Calci.
Day-Tripping Out of Portland:
6 Striking Natural Wonders in 3 Days - Tonia Hauser

Take time to appreciate Oregon’s breathtaking beauty, just outside.

Caveat Emptor
James Campion 16.10.17
Or How Facebook, Russia and The American Voter Equal Freedom

Except for the president of the United States and a few FOX News shut-ins, it has been long established that the Russian government had an effect on the 2016 presidential election.Spain Breakaway
Referendum & Chaos in Spain
Catalonia Breakaway and a 1000 year history - James Skinner

What happened on ‘D’ day 1st of October? One thing is certain, whichever way the pendulum swings it's going to mark a new era that will change Spain for good. For better or for worse is yet to be seen.
Dishonest Politicians Cause Pain Odimegwu Onwumere
While we listen to them, many of us do not believe their sermonizations.

ChapelArts Cafe
The Chapel Arts Plant-Based Café


if ever there was a time to loudly FOODGASM, this was it. I immediately Instagrammed the burger saying that this was indeed, the most delicious burger I’d ever EVER eaten.
Thomas Earl Petty - 1950-2017
James Campion

Tom Petty is one of the great American songwriters of the latter part of the twentieth century
Halloween or the Eve of All Saints - History and Traditions
Alyssa Johnson

Have you ever wondered what Halloween is? What are the origins of Halloween rituals and traditions?
The Show Must Go On
Sal Bolton

Being with a Australian Travelling Zoo
My eyes snapped open as I laid still on my back staring forwards, listening attentively to the bellowing voices in the dark which have disturbed my slumber...

REVIEWS Film & Books
Remembering Art Grossman
Martin Green

He wondered what had happened to Art. Was he still around?  The obvious thing was to Google him ...
Jack Updike
Abigail George

You’re no longer here to talk to me, to listen, to dance with, to make love to, to admire, adore, worship ...
Felicity and Nadine
Abigail George

Felicity was painting her nails. It was an exotic colour. It didn’t really suit her mood...
Girl with Cat
Girl with Cat (Blue)
by Sam Hawksmoor

London doesn't exist. Has never existed and all those who say it does are liars!
The exciting new novel from
Sam Hawksmoor available on Kindle now and in print from Hammer & Tong this November.
Be one of the first to download...

Who runs the World
by Virginia Bergin (2017)
Sophie Bee review
River is fourteen and has never seen a male, until now. She lives in a world where a virus has wiped out nearly all the men, three generations before her lifetime.

The Loneliest Girl in the Universe
by Lauren James
Walker Books (2017)
Samantha Maw review

A very memorable and enjoyable read for a teenage audience
Vagabond’s House
by Don Blanding
Dodd, Mead & Company, 1966
Leroy B. Vaughn review

The 1920’s was a time when a writer could actually make a living, writing poems for a daily newspaper.
Parliament of Rooks
by Karen Perkins
(Lionheart Publishing -2017)
Marwan Asmar

Haworth is haunted, the place is beset by spirits, hallowing over every house so watch out!

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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