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The International Writers
USA (From our Archives)
Beach, Brooklyn
Ulle Trautvag
Before it becomes
too warm and hordes descend on this relatively short stretch of
beach east of Coney Island I make my foray for provisions and some
sun. I board the Q train at 57th St. and 7th Ave. where it begins
its express run to Brooklyn, making sure to sit on the right side
of the car in order to enjoy the train's traverse of Manhattan Bridge
that displays a gorgeous view of the eastern part of lower New York
harbor. |
Icons appear:
Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, South Street Seaport, Governor's
Island, the Staten Island Ferry terminals and a recent addition on the
Brooklyn side, the Red Hook cruise ship port. As always, I feel
a pang in my heart in remembrance of the Twin Towers that soared above
everything and were visible from anywhere. I miss them
I change at Atlantic Avenue to the B train, now an express through Brooklyn
and get off at Brighton Beach, its last stop. The change in milieu
is immediate: Signs announce that I am in Little Odessa. A decade
ago most were in Cyrillic but capitalism, spearheaded by intrepid travelers
wishing to taste (oh, yes!) and shop produced incentive to have dual language
signs and menus. Credit cards are now widely accepted. |
I walk past Berta's and Value Depot where you can buy all kinds of flip
flops, shorts, towels, caps, tops and, best of all, multi-hued water shoes;
these are only $3.99. The shop next door sells French New Man jeans
for $210 a pair, the shop after that fur coats starting at $999 displayed
on racks on the sidewalk. A left turn brings me to the boardwalk,
already full of people strolling past restaurants where maitre d's beckon.
You can lunch at White Nights, Michael, Tatiana, Tatiana Grill and Volna
of which several advertise a special for $9.99 at tables set with linen
napkins and cloths. Menus are similar, offering a variety of soups
such as red and green borsht, solyanka and kharcho, a spicy lamb soup
in my opinion better consumed in colder weather. Instead of soup,
you can opt for a mixed green salad and then have a choice of chicken,
fish, beef stroganoff, beef stew or shishkabob. Finish with coffee
and a small slice of cake. The food is good.
you don't want lunch, you can sit down after the beach and enjoy
a frosty mug of $4 Baltika beer whose bottles are numbered from
3 to 6 to denote potency; the waiter will ask which number you want.
Or, you can have a shot of Smirnoff for $2.50 as you enjoy the ever-expanding
promenade. As the crowd increases, so does the police presence,
whether cruising past in patrol cars, dune buggies or balancing
on those cute two-wheeled Segways. They elicit smiles from
everyone. Hey, I wanna do that too! |
The police seem to
make it a point to present a friendly face and the ones on Segways pirouette
and seesaw to appreciative audiences. Suddenly, this festive scene
is interrupted when a dark, unmarked, tinted-windowed sedan glides ominously
past, its occupants scrutinizing and videotaping the restaurants' patrons.
In a ridiculous moment, Steely Dan's lyrics "
and when she smiles
for the camera
"flash my mind. I stare poker-faced.
The Russian mafia has a strong foothold here and I recall several rubouts
in past decades, most notably one in front of Café Arbat, under
the el on Brighton Beach Avenue. The cops are keeping an eye on
A couple of years ago I arrived at the beach on a Sunday, about 12:30
and noticed a couple lying immobile in the sand. Both were in full evening
dress: She in glittering sequined tulle, he in a tux whose jacket
was discarded. Lying face up they were getting sunburned.
I stopped because I couldn't see any movement and approached to check
the rise and fall of their chests. Yep, they were breathing.
It must have been a heck of a party last night! Without a
doubt the proximity of this beach is a contributing factor to heavy imbibing
that can lead to stumbling assignations on the sand, declarations of love,
subsequent oblivion and, certainly, regret.
At another time, I happened past the Imperial, a large club on Brighton
Beach Avenue, where a party was in full swing. Russian music filtered
out. A tuxedoed young man was on bended knee on the sidewalk, arms
stretched wide before a beautiful woman. She clasped a rose in her
teeth and had planted one mesh-stockinged, stiletto- heeled, foot imperiously
onto his knee while pouring the contents of a bottle of vodka, from five
feet high, into his mouth. Opera buffa with Russian soul.
It was 4 pm.
Jackie's department store is another that sells a mish mash of toiletries,
clothes, household products and, sometimes, cheap fur. I had tried
on a cognac-colored Mongolian lamb jacket for $250 and, although it fit,
it was too short. A black, longer style made me laugh into a mirror
as a gorilla laughed back. A few feet east is a neighboring store
selling a brand for men named Caribbean Joe that seems to copy Tommy Bahama.
I bought a tropical shirt for Forklift, envisioning him sauntering along
the malecón in Havana --
The north side of Brighton Beach Avenue is replete with vegetable markets
that sell very good produce and fruit for about one third of the price
in Manhattan. Several varieties of melons, at least four types of
tomatoes, berries, including gooseberries and black currants (twice the
amount of antioxidants as blueberries) are on display. The resourcefulness
of the Mexican salespeople is evident as I hear them comment in Russian
to a clientele that certainly doesn't speak Spanish.
International Market is the largest charcuterie on the Avenue. It
boasts an extensive smoked meat counter as you enter on the right.
All types of salamis, hams, bolognas, smoked chicken, kielbasis, liverwursts,
etc. are on sale, as well as pate foi gras, viande de grison, prosciutto,
bresaola and bundnerfleisch. Prices start at $2.99 a pound and almost
never exceed $10. A selection of juices cherry, elderberry, mulberry,
mixed wild berry, black currant, birch beer, lemonade with mint (delicious!)
are imports from Israel, Poland, Estonia, Russia, the Czech Republic and
Bulgaria whose BBB brand I find to be the best. The second floor
is relegated to baked goods where you can buy tortes such as walnut, black
forest, Sacher, Melba, cherry and small cream cakes costing $1.50.
Russians favor a sour cream filling for their cakes, which, while heavier
than whipped cream, is quite tasty. A few steps higher leads to
a roof garden and a café that includes a counter stocked with ready-made
foods. Here you can purchase pelmeni, chicken Kiev, fish, Israeli
salad, matjes herring and other foods. It's a good way of tasting
before buying larger amounts on the main floor.
As I buy some chicken salad I am reminded of the great blackout of August
25, 2003. Forklift and I were at the Ft. Tilden beach in Rockaway
when a neighbor called us over with startling news. New York City
had just lost all power resulting in a total standstill of public transportation.
We stared at each other and while I'd always dreamed of spending a night
on the beach I didn't want it to be on this remote stretch. The neighbor,
who lived on Long Island, offered to drop us off in Brighton Beach, a
relatively short distance away. We arrived to find makeshift
outdoor counters in front of dark food stores. Hastily lettered
signs offered food for sale at big discounts. Ice cream was free.
A salesperson asked me to please buy two pounds of chicken salad that
she was selling for $1. "Please, please take. Is goot,
We reached the boardwalk and were astonished at the sight. It seemed
that the entire population of Brighton Beach had decamped for the beach;
there was almost no room left for us to place our towel. A kindly woman
made space next to her blanket and offered cigarettes and vodka; I reciprocated
with chicken salad and tepid soda.
Because the day had been very warm my only clothing was a tank top and
shorts. We had two towels, both damp, and the boogie board. We sat
near the water listening to intermittent laughter from the restaurants
on the boardwalk behind us which were crowded with people at candlelit
tables enjoying this adventure, as, for the time being, were we.
But as night approached and we tried to fall asleep on one towel with
the other over us, heads resting on the boogie board, it became clear
that it would be cold and damp. Time to grit one's teeth.
I felt reassured by the Russians who had devised a simple security system
by mounting patrols of paired men who quietly walked the beach.
In addition, they had brought a generator to the boardwalk that powered
a strong search light which played over the buildings, no doubt as a deterrent
to burglars. We felt secure, but the cold kept us awake.
Dawn was beautiful and those people still left on the beach began to awaken.
I set out to find coffee, a futile undertaking. Still, my traipsing
around the restaurants showed what a good time everyone had had last night.
Discarded bottles, candles and brimming ashtrays littered linen-covered
tables. I even checked out some coffee cups but all were empty.
We'd made it through, one way or another. The beach was again becoming
crowded and at 1pm, someone yelled "Power's on!" It took
Forklift and me four buses and three hours to make it home.
Chicken salad is no longer a favorite
© Ulle Tratvag June 2007
And an alternate viewpoint from the late Dean Borok
sur Mer
Borok on Brighton beach
- Flushing, Queens, NY.
Ulle Trautvag
I rush to take the #7 subway train in order to make lunch at East
Buffet and Restaurant in Flushing, changing at Queens Plaza to the express
that will let me off at Main Street, the last stop.
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