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The Sum of your Fears?

••• The International Writers Magazine 2023 - Comment - Lifestyles - Fiction - Travel - 24 years on-line
Next Update: October 25th
Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live

Jerusalem upside down!  

Dr Marwan Asmar
Visiting Jerusalem two weeks before this war began
A Lesson Within the City Walls - Beth A. Prazenica
"Friends, my friends, you are welcome. Acceptance, support. That is all I understand," our tour guide declares

Vine stories
What is the truth in wine? From wine, we find friendship, happiness, and intimacy ...

Another Travel Guide Riga - Una Meistere, Daiga Rudzate, & Kirils Kirasirov an insiders’ look at unknown, mysterious or romantic places in and around Riga

An Israeli Special Operation?
Marwan Asmar
... a full-scale Israeli land invasion of Gaza may have been put on hold
The 'God Killing' Tour 2023
James Campion
Square One: Rinse & Repeat

Israel & Palestine at war again
Unions Are Back
James Campion 10.01.23
A Right-Wing Populism and Post-Covid/Inflation Blowback Resurrection

According to a recent Gallup poll, 71 percent of Americans support labor unions.

Mo – King of the Clemens Estate
2009 - 2023
James Campion 10.28.23

He was, in the end, a cat of simple pleasures.
Gaza: Israel’s textbook misery case
Dr Marwan Asmar
All this suffering won't solve anything
The Importance of Having a Dedicated Writing Space -
Indiana Lee

From creativity to avoiding distractions, personalization to intense focus, there are many reasons to dedicate a specific environment to your writing.
The Photograph
Guy Edwards

...journalistic photographs have wielded awesome power over society. But what of the motives of the photographers ...

REVIEWS Film & Books
Coming of Age in San Francisco   
Martin Green
“The new campaign stinks,” interrupted Fiegelman.
Shoot Out at Conner's Arcade
Anne S. Armand
"Stop or I’ll Shoot." It was in all of the papers. Made the headlines in the SHORE TIMES. Even saw it on the news channel from Boston.

The terrible truth at The Imperial Culture Museum - novel extract
Sam Hawksmoor
Gabriella seemed to be the only person who knew that once the museum had been called Victoria and Albert.
The Last Hour
James Nantau
The fire pit was equal distance between the hundred year old cabin and the shallow lake. How many fires, conversations, songs, laughs and tears took place around that venerable pit over the countless years

Recommended Reads & Movies:
Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism by Albert Camus
Charlie Dickinson review

an authoritative first work for a future Nobel Laureate
The New Leviathans by John Gray
Thoughts After Libralism
Pub: September 2023 - Allen Lane
This is the most depressing book I have ever read but full of alarming truths about the end of liberalism and the rise of autocracies and the coming chaos.
Dumb Money
The whole Gamestop stock adventure vs the evil Hedge Funds brought poignantly to life. Starring Paul Dano, Seth Rogen, and more. In cinemas now.
The Creator
Big budget Ai sci-fi movie with a plot borrowed from so many other movies. Worth seeing but you keep rooting for Ai to win.

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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