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Nov/Dec 2017

••• The International Writers Magazine - Comment - Lifestyles - Fiction - Travel
Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live
Travel Safe in Costa Rica
George Wolfson

Costa Rica has remained peaceful and with little or no political upheaval.
The Show Must Go On
Sal Bolton

Being with a Australian Travelling Zoo.
My eyes snapped open as I laid still on my back staring forwards, listening attentively to the bellowing voices in the dark ...
The Ring of Fire
Frank Beyer

Volcanic slopes of Central Java, terraced potato fields, farmers in conical hats, hell yea. I was finally getting the feel of the finest tropical island in the world.

Carving A Piece Of Cambodia
Paige Lim

"Clink, clink, clink". Every strike of the hammer sends my chisel plunging into rough sandstone, dislodging tiny chunks which scatter haphazardly across the table.

Mixed Messages - Election Day 2017
James Campion

Here in New Jersey, it was simply a slam-dunk. Exiting Governor Chris Christie’s approval rating is the lowest of any governor in the history of the United States – or at least since they began polling these things. Christie was at 15 percent on Election Day ...

A New Beginning in Spain
James Skinner on Catalonia & Independence
All depends on whether the law enforcing agents, the district attorneys, the judges, the police and civil guards are able to avoid violence ...

The Sanctity of Cool: and the threat of modern hipsterism
R.J. Cowan

The fashion of the hipster is paramount, as there’s nothing more...
Hoard of Memories
Walli F. Leff

When we went down to retrieve our goods we were sucked into a time warp.
Rock and Roll
Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay
Steven Slavin

Let’s face facts, folks: The audience for the music I play is dying – in more ways than one – and there’s zero chance it will ever revive.

REVIEWS Film & Books

Allen Cook

Joan first met Patrick in a dumpster.  This altercation had a lot to do with the neighborhood in which she lived.
Israel (further adventures of Patrick) by Allen Cook
Although New Yorkers, Joan and Bob were goyim, not Jewish. By going to live in Israel they did not plan to make alliya (become Israelis.)  Rather, they simply wanted to see first hand what was going on in the region.
Moving into the Salvation Army
Abigail George

Julia knew about closing doors on the past. Uncertainty flowed through her veins like harsh winter sandwiched between skyline and breath.
The Visit
Martin Green

“So you’re going to visit Irv Kane?” said Abe Silverman
“Yeah, I couldn’t say No to Julie”

Girl with Cat
GIRL with CAT (Blue)

Sam Hawksmoor - First Chapters
There was no warning this time.  The enemy bomber swept in from the east flying low, spilling its deadly guts of cluster bombs onto the street market. Saska was running, heart in mouth, a hundred paces from the nearest underground shelter.  Cat, her precious Blue Lynx was ahead of her, ears back, nearly sick with panic. 

Who runs the World
by Virginia Bergin (2017)
Sophie Bee review
River is fourteen and has never seen a male, until now. She lives in a world where a virus has wiped out nearly all the men, three generations before her lifetime.

The Loneliest Girl in the Universe
by Lauren James
Walker Books (2017)
Samantha Maw review

A very memorable and enjoyable read for a teenage audience

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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