Nogawa Redemption:
Brian R Wood in Tokyo
This is the Nogawa. One of those hidden treasures you do not find until
you really look for it
A living Geography of the Nogawa I have been walking quit a bit
these past few weeks enjoying the warm and comfortable days of Tokyo
in May before the heavy humidity of summer settles in for a long
repressive stay. I have been also walking to shed some poundage
gained here on a carbohydrate laced vegetarian diet in a very vegetarian
unfriendly country. |
While starting my weekend walking excursions (I also walk to a from
my work during the weekdays but not nearly as telling), I discovered
a wonderful walking route along a relatively unknown creek near my place
called the Nogawa ("no" means field and "gawa" means
river). I am ashamed at this for the reason that I have lived near it
for almost two years and just this month have really started to enjoy
its uniqueness: less than two months before I leave!
The first thing I noticed while approaching the Nogawa was its walking/biking
path all along both sides. I was astonished to see this in car centred
Tokyo. I could not believe I could walk and hear water flowing and birds
chatting and not annoying motor scooters and out of place SUVs.
The only traffic to deal with is when crossing the many small bridges
criss-crossing the creek. The path is nicely paved and there are sections
where houses with beautiful flowers make colourful walls on one side
and down the grassy, steep banks, the Nogawa itself. There is a nice
mix of sunny and shaded areas. The shaded areas are not of overpasses,
but of actual trees another rarity in this city where trees are
treated like pesky weeds.
The Nogawa is not really a river at all, but a small stream that has
occasional pockets deep enough for fish to live and socialize. Most
of the Nogawa is very shallow, only enough water for crayfish and the
kids hunting them. Most of the Nogawa runs through the inner Tokyo suburb
of Chofu just west of central city. It finishes its journey at the much
bigger Tamagawa, which then empties out into the sea via Tokyo Bay.
On Saturdays I walk an hour south toward its mouth and on Sundays walk
an hour north toward its origin. My turnaround points are, yes, overpasses;
sorry cannot get totally away from them. There are two major expressways
that cross the diminutive waterway the Tomei Expressway to the
south and the Chuo expressway to the North both about an hours walk
from where I start my river jaunt. Between the two mega-bridges, the
Nogawa is very peaceful and full of wonderful sites and sounds.
I have walked the Nogawa enough that I have given names to certain areas
of the river. For example, there is Crow Bath. This is in Seijo, a wealthy
section of Central Tokyo not far from where I live in Chofu. I call
it by a rather Gothic name, Crow Bath because at certain times during
the afternoon the areas crows come and take refreshing baths.
It is rather raucous but interesting to see crows taking after their
Japanese human counterparts love of communal bathing or
is it vice versa? After their baths the crows dry off in the trees that
overhang the path, thus baptising walkers with the water of the vital
Another landmark is Turtle Island further south of Crow Bath. As the
name suggests Turtle Island is usually covered by sunbathing turtles
taking a break from busily hanging suspended in the water. I can usually
see a couple of them stretching their heads out to listen to the others
gossiping about the days events. The rock is not big at all and only
fits about five turtles, and that is overcrowded.
The creek is mostly over-grown with lovely long grass, hence the name
Field River maybe. Along with the forests of grass come many other animals
to the Nogawa. Thankfully, a common sight is the chalk white egrets
and herons. These birds show a great contrast with the green grass and
muddy coloured bottom of the creek. They are very easily spotted hunting
whatever they find delicious: maybe the unsuspecting and unprotected
crayfish. Because of these white, feathered statues, there is a plethora
of avid birdwatchers ever patient with their high tech cameras waiting
for the perfect pose from these great birds.
The stars of the Nogawa are the koi, or carp. There are many pockets
of deeper water to house extended families of koi throughout the length
of the creek. They are mostly of the dull brown variety, but there are
times when I spot a glimmer of bright orange and white among the browns.
The koi are always on the prowl for food either on the creek bottom
or from the surface, particularly under breadcrumb dropping bridges.
On my long walks I imagine these deep, water pockets forming little
isolated koi cities having their own way of swimming and feeding. But
on rainy days, these cities become bigger and merge with other koi cities
making many a fish megalopolis helping to create the life sustaining
diversity. Rainy days are moving days on the Nogawa and I can usually
notice more spirit in their swimming after a good rain.
Back on land and on my walk I am never really alone. White butterflies
flying in front of and around me like dolphins in the air keep me company.
I often see them in the distance and think there was a pillow fight
earlier in the day and the butterflies are the last remaining feathers
fluttering toward the long grass. It reminded me of my time in Central
Africa and walking in the rainforest. There, fluffs (my own word denoting
a large bunch of these flying feathers) of multi-hued butterflies would
be quietly carrying-on around me. Here, there are not nearly as many
as on those rainforest walks, but quietly satisfying just the same.
It is not just the wild animals that I encounter on my journeys, but
also the domestic variety. There is a certain point along my southerly
route I named Calico Street where a chatty Calico cat holds court. She
always has company by luring walkers to pet her and well, worship her.
She works her magic at a lamppost, rubbing against it meowing until
someone takes notice. I have not yet had the honour of talking to her
because she is always busy with someone else. She is not a lonely cat
by any means. Calico Street is her territory and she knows how to work
Humans are also interesting along this microcosm of the world. One day
I was taking my northerly constitution when I heard an operatic voice
coming from the grass on the opposite bank. At first I thought I was
passing some studio, but upon closer inspection the voice was really
coming from the grass under an overhanging tree. It was a woman sitting
under the tree almost hidden by the tall grass singing in operatic Japanese.
It sounded like opera anyways, but had no idea what opera it was. She
sang beautifully and her free performance matched the sereneness of
the scene on a sunny Sunday afternoon. She was dressed in a T-shirt,
bright orange/red cap, and sunglasses practicing her music by listening
to her walk-man which made the experience even more interesting, but
I think her singing in full regalia would also be just as interesting
if not more.
Butterfly nets are still the rage among toddlers here in Japan. Being
from the US, I have always thought butterfly nets were the thing of
the past or part of the required props of a movie set at a mental institution.
Here, the nets are still an integral part of Sunday afternoon outings
with the kids. Along the Nogawa I frequently see little boys, with butterfly
nets bigger than they are, futilely hunting those white air dolphins
I mentioned earlier. Those determined boys have no chance of catching
those flying feathers with those oversized nets. But it is cute to watch.
This is the Nogawa. One of those hidden treasures you do not find until
you really look for it, or dont know you are really looking for
it. These hidden places are the saving grace of Tokyo. I am very glad
Tokyo gave me a chance to find the Nogawa so I will have added fond
memories of a city that is losing these treasures to short sighted planning
and apathy towards the importance of balancing quietness and solitude
with hustle and bustle. I only hope that those white butterflies find
the governor and flutter around him for a while. He may realize that
his city will die a dull, grey death unless places like the Nogawa are
valued and resurrected.
© Brian Wood
Tokyo, Japan
30 May 2002
Brian R Wood Tokyo,
Japan email:woodkoiwa@hotmail.com
The Empress Dowager of Tokyo
Brian Wood
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Brian R Wood in Tokyo
World Journeys in Hacktreks
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