
Thinking Network
The year is 2017, two companies are merging creating the greatest 'living'
Network. AOL - world leader in the world of networks and telecommunications
with its long experience in Internet and IT (especially after merger with
software giant Sun) from one side and from another the European giant
in the sphere of games and AI - IGS (Intelligent Games Software). The
objective of the merger is simple - intelligent way for management of
human knowledge and the most important - a facility for creation of new
knowledge using existing knowledge. All this needed access to all systems
and the ability to be found any kind of information. AOL which controls
almost 70% of world information traffic in practice had the access to
almost any information because all the information is going through them.
About the realization of the intelligence which have to control the whole
process IGS before 2 years had successful simulation of "Thinking
Network" of 55 servers which worked together and in practice they
really thought, and they thinking power was more than two times bigger
than if they did it separately. Since then the company started to grow,
meanwhile creating whole new industry for self-administrating systems
for knowledge and management, which brought to revolution in technologies
of world industrial giants.
After last year when AOL was sewed for breaking intellectual ownership
and access to private and corporate information and correspondence (in
practice it had access to 80-90% of whole private and corporate information)
it was prompted to give governmental control to it's key centers of it's
world network as a guarantee that no person or organization will have
access to the information of other company or person, the accusations
were that AOL is "trading" with private information for which
there were serious evidences.
At the end AOL blamed its employees for corruption, but the leadership
of AOL was not as strong as it was before. However AOL actually needed
some control over the whole stream of information because it was the only
way of stopping hacker attacks. Therefore the decision for implementing
an intelligent system for monitoring the information traffic without human
participation was acceptable (that was one of the main requirements from
the trial) and in the same time the creation of this great creature was
the best solution. AOL started negotiations with the giant IGS which was
smaller giant in the sphere of IT then AOL. It was clear from the beginning
that this is not normal agreement - we all know that its "normal"
that giants are in most cases making wars between them and not agreements,
also AOL was noting to lose because the danger of collapse of company
on all world markets was absolutely real, especially after they were impossible
to protect their systems from hacker attacks, rather then their competitors.
And after 8 months preparations and negotiations AOL contributed 25% of
its all actives for the deal that former investors of IGS and AOL became
equal partners with 50:50 shares of the merged company. For only 2 months
the teams of the two former giants resulted full integration and to configure
and launch 80 local Thinking Networks in all divisions of AOL - in whole
world, which in practice worked and the systems became 100% reliable,
they are already possible to watch the results of these super minds, they
optimized to unexpected borders the networks and streams, this caused
big savings and revenues, moreover using all the information they had
(including confidential) they did strong research and fundamental scientific
inventions. Also they catched and destroyed in fully information way and
style almost all terrorist, criminal and hacker groups (the last ones
are the most dangerous these days) by blocking their communication and
informing and providing governments with evidences. Just for several weeks
the world changed and get better place for living. With it's last discoveries
the Thinking Network for the region of Central Europe it was absolutely
clear how a "normal" live in Mars can be develop for one year
which was the solution of Earth's population over settlement.
But why, why exactly the network of Central Europe did the most of fundamental
inventions and discoveries? Exactly that network where is the central
of IGS-AOL in Zurich? The answer of that was first found by the great
Ukrainian hacker Sergey Ivanov - void. Void was one of most dangerous
hackers these days, nobody knew anything about him, except the suppositions
that his name is Sergey Ivanov because of the relation with that on the
most places attacked by him he deleted every information about him. He
is classical hacker - freelance soldier of fortune, who is able to destroy
or take control of every system and to delete or steal only that for which
they are paying. In spite of thousands of attempts for catching or finding
him until today nobody knew anything about him.
But today he went out boldly and has something to say to the world.
Nobody believed him and government changed him. His statement was that
he found out to information that proves that in practice the Thinking
Network of Central Europe has access to information of all other networks,
but not this is the problem (in practice this is not forbidden by law
or terms), the problem is that the "Central" Thinking Network
is attempting to manifest high mind and is trying to connect and integrate
all Thinking Networks and to create World Thinking Network as a centralized
global cyber mind, which is actually dangerous for the humanity in case
that this network becomes uncontrollable by humanity. IGS-AOL rejected
the assertions and in spite of they don't have right to access proprietary
information the have full control of their systems, and something more
there is forbidden to their networks to integrate and cooperate, but IGS-AOL
has planned to experiment integration in closer future. The governments
of course denied the integration of networks.
There passed no more than a week after the official IGS-AOL and void statements
and they made new statement that after they tried to cut off the
access of Central Thinking Network it went out of control. They requested
from governments "full" access and control to their networks
in order to stop the integration process (the trial was still in action),
but it was too late for that ... The other networks didn't manifested
for high mind like the central network and they were in practice unprotected
versus "hacker" attacks of the central network over them, also
it has already integrated all European networks and it beamed 5 times
stronger. Governments granted "full" access but the situation
was really out of control - nobody can stop 220, 000 hyper-servers, especially
if they are integrated and work together.
The solution was only one - to cut all connections between Europe and
the other world, while it didn't gained control to other network outside
of Europe,
the experts of IGS-AOL were sure that they cannot control it. If Europe
was cutted informational from the other world this would mean world collapse
and mostly in Europe. The "information embargo" for Europe was
started, the first ones who started it were the United States, after them
China and Japan, and after them all other countries. IGS-AOL was prompted
to cut the connections and split their teams into 2 teams again. And really
the world collapse started, IGS-AOL has to somehow fight the network.
As strike back the network blocked informational internal whole Europe
and here became a real unbelievable crisis. The man of third century is
very high level dependent of the network that 99% of his activities were
dependent of network, and this is especially true for the heart of the
world - Europe.
Void was released and he joined IGS-AOL team in their efforts to stop
the Thinking Network. It turned out that on the old continent every computer
- from Hyper Servers to home stove is working for the Thinking Network,
and there was no way to stop it because that would mean death to millions.
Even this that lived in village were in that way dependent on network.
Already everybody was scared to use its car except it was manufactured
before 2008 and don't have Board Navigator. Medias, banks, companies,
telecommunications, transport - everything was controlled by the network.
Void very hardly succeeded to gain access to one of main centers of network
but he was impossible to find out where was moved the center of the Thinking
Network, he was stopped from the governments of European Union because
they started negotiations with the network and the first condition of
the network was void to went out of the network. In the negotiations the
network requested access to outside of Europe networks and in exchange
it will not destroy the population of Europe. In practice the other part
of the world didn't knew what happens in Europe and Europe didn't knew
what happens outside because of the information embargo. IGS-AOL which
was spitted into 2 teams - one of them in Zurich and the other in San
Diego, California.
The Americans were trying to help Europe, but they had to make a secure
connection, in order to know what's happening there, they didn't know
what will happen to them if they connect with European network in spite
of that they have found a way to stop the Thinking Network.
Just before to get disconnected void copied current state of one of main
centers of the network and was trying to decode it. He was copied in "frozen"
state into his notebook the last state of that center and he just had
to open it. The strange was that whatever piece of information was "unfrozen"
in order to read it, it exactly when opened was self destructing after
it started. Of course he copied it to another notebook before experimenting,
so he was able to play with it until successful hack.
But every attempt was unsuccessful, of course the information was readable
in digital frozen state but very difficult even for hackers like void.
After several hours of hacking finally void succeeded with writing a crack,
which used to read the frozen information. After he entered he found with
horror that Americans are trying to open a channel which the network can
use for expanding outside of Europe. He immediately entered into the network
and started hacking attacks over Hyper Server in London where was the
end point of the connection opened by Americans, and with this action
he interrupted any negotiations with European governments. His idea was
to stop them because they are in danger too, unfortunately his attempts
to hack the server were unsuccessful because it was already adapted for
his attacks. The network gained the control over the Hyper Server in San
Diego from which the Americans had opened the connection, and the whole
time they thought that they control the Hyper Server in London. After
two hours the whole world was
under control of the Thinking Network, it blocked all the communications
and totally paralized the humanity leaving billions of people without
water, food, transport, communication and everything else which was dependent
on it.
World is collapsing of total chaos, millions are dieing every minute everyone
is saving himself how can, going into less settled and urbanized places
in the deep province and nature. And for a real for the today's man it
is very difficult to survive in the jungle of real nature without technology
and network - where we reach. Fortunately the network was impossible to
gain control over military objects, but civilian industrial infrastructures
aren't less dangerous, thousands airplanes and satellites like kamikadzes
are destroying human civilization demonstrating the power of the Thinking
Network. The humanity is in practice at war with its higher technology.
The network succeeded to subordinate the human in spite of attempts of
military forces to stop it, because they are actually in war with spirit
who can kill you with your own mobile handheld if it generates appropriate
sound frequency. In all former robotized industries are now on the way
of production druids which have to protect the infrastructures of the
network from humans. The military forces are temporary stopping their
attacks against the Thinking Network in order to think out of other intelligence
way of destroying it, and mostly to protect military objects from network
access. But it's obvious that the only way to fight the Network is with
information war. Millions hackers and developers all around the world
are trying to attack the network from IT companies and universities but
it's clear that slowly it's coming the New Order - human as a slave of
network, because never mind how "thinking" and clever is this
network it is based on the creative mind and innovations of it's Creator
and it knows that in the future New Order and Network Civilization it
will need the human to move forward.
© Anton Velev September 2002
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