Kigali, Rwanda
Tabytha To - Part Three in Africa
February 2020: The Week Before Lockdown in Africa - The Best Coffee in the world is here! 15.5.20

Living On the Reserve
Tabytha in Africa - Part Two
Conservation Week with Lions & other precious creatures.
The World’s New Frenemy: Zoom
Grace Samuelson
Zoom Life will be the new normal?
Death, Debauchery and Desert: Africa’s Wild South-West
Christopher Clark
Until a couple of months ago I knew next to nothing about Namibia. I have since discovered that the same is true for most people outside of Germany (Namibia’s former colonial ruler) and those countries that share its borders.
The Political Implosion of Spain
James Skinner 22.05
Political Fallout from Covid Lockdown

Get Out There and Save The Day
James Campion 5.8.20
Time for Americans to Risk Their Lives For the Good Ole U.S.A. -
... it’s time we save the idiot and the idiot’s country by putting our and our families’ lives at risk. Have a nice summer.

Before and After
Sam Hawksmoor 5.1.20
Some thoughts before I open the wine .

In a Creative Rut? Some Exercises & Actions To Improve Your Writing
Indiana Lee
There are many ways to keep that creative spark alive and well

How Writers Can Utilize Marketing Tools To Expand Their Personal Brand - Indiana Lee
if you want to have your written voice heard, sooner or later you need to seek out the limelight
Lockdown at 90: 5.17.20
Martin Green's lockdown diary
I wrote at the end of March that I wondered what the next month would bring. The answer was that it brought a full-blown pandemic upon the world and to the United States.

'Little Richard' Wayne Penniman
1932 - 2020
James Campion
Black. Gay. Primitive. Showbiz. Inventive. Influential. Penitent.
Little Richard was all of these.

Norman - reappraised
Dean Borok
The funny thing about Norman Mailers antagonism towards women
is that he always felt the need to keep them around him. He
married six times.