••• The International Writers Magazine - 21 Years on-line - Spain 2020
The Political Implosion of Spain
James Skinner
Political Fallout from Covid Lockdown
Spain is about to explode. Reason? The government have signed (secretly) with Bildu (the ETA political arm) for an extension to the present confinement to 7th June. In return, Bildu demanded a derogation of the 2012 Labour Agreement.
This has suddenly exploded across the country and there is disarray even within the Labour Party. Podemos is in ecstasy because it means that Communism has won the day. Meanwhile, the real opposition is out in force tomorrow demanding a resignation. The Confederation of Industry, the private enterprise sector have broken off relations. Completely! The Communist trade unions are lapping it up.
Although the COVID-19 pandemic is causing economic fears, this other political situation is in parallel and will never be accepted by the European Union because the Spanish budgets will literally blow the economy to hell.
I personally am worried because coming social unrest all across Spain could be very, very violent. The social media are on fire from both sides. There are hundreds of demonstrations going on throughout the country with citizens banging pots and pans and carrying a large Spanish flag in defiance to all the separatist movements that have been going on for years. Even in Barcelona! Of course, very important decisons are being taken in Madrid. Today they banned Menthol Cigarettes. One wonders how many hours of debate was wasted on that!
We have up and coming elections in the Basque Country (at present in the hands of a coalition between PNV right wing nationalists (Bildu is their opposition) and PSOE, and Galicia, my patch, which is more conservative the PP will probably win again.
Massive demonstrations took place throughout Spain yesterday (23/05) sponsored by (VOX). Demonstrations have been going on for weeks now, and this was just 'the cup that runneth over'. Second point. These demonstrations are primarily against the government because a great deal of citizens do not want a Communist government run by Podemos. Slowly but surely, Pablo Iglesias is calling all the shots moving the country towards a Bolivarian state similar to Venezuela.The real issue is this new pact with Bildu.
I'll let sleeping dogs lie for the time being as we are moving into holiday and beach time and the government have recently announced opening up the country for tourism as from 1st July. This is a juicy pie for the country that will be lapped up by the main industry that still feeds the economy (hotels, restaurants and bars). 'Come back Brits, Germans, French and others. We're open for business', is the message.
Finally I go back to last year's general election results. The present Spanish parliament is made up mainly of PSOE 120 MPs, PP 88, Vox 52 and Podemos 33. As you can see, VOX, this so called extreme right party, is 3rd
whilst the communists are only 4th. The rest of the parliament, except for part of the Catalan and Basque nationalists, is made up of every other left wing factions of all colours under the rainbow.
It's a Dog's dinner.
A link to events in Spain here for Spanish speaking readers:
* They have just announced that the mortality rate amongst the poorest Catalans is five times higher than the wealthiest residents. This may have something to do with the poor trapped in lockdown in crowded apartments without fresh air or access to gardens. Let's hope there isn't a second wave in the autumn as some are predicting.
Pedro Sanchez, the PM is absolutely overwhelmed (he has spent most if not all of his mandate running around the world leaving the country in the hands of his feminist ministries) and has been hit between the eyes. The country is literally out of control.
On a more positive note Bars and Restaurants will be allowed to reopen pavement dining in Madrid and Barcelona from Monday 25.5 and people will be able to travel outside cities. Trips to other provinces are still prohibited however.
Let's see what happens to Spain in the coming days.
© James Skinner May 24th 2020
jamesskinner at mundo-r.com
Spain at Crossroads
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