
"Your children are not safe anywhere, at any time..."
James Campion
"Your children
are not safe anywhere, at any time..."
"I am God." - Maryland Sniper
These are the words of a madman, a killer, a stalking beast; something
out of Darwin's best laid plans. These are also the words of an astute
philosopher, poetic, striking, fierce and true; the truest words that
ever ran from the lips of the most respected thinkers of this, or any
They appear in a crude note, made out to authorities carrying the underlying
theme that murdering people as if on an early morning mountain hunting
spree means more than mere killing. It is diplomatic, has the mark of
social commentary, a strong message for the 21st century sensibility.
Inhuman? Monstrous? Hardly.
Human. Very human. Evil comes from us in many ways, shapes and forms.
It becomes reality in the tools of aggression, in words and deeds, guns
and laws. This sniper or snipers are creatures born of our fears and are
the perfect model for a violent age, a violent race. It is not new. It
is prevalent in our hearts and minds. Read the words, so raw, so frighteningly
spot on.
"I am God."
Of course, he is or they are, because that is what we all are, deep down,
parts of us God, parts of us Devil. Evil and good. Truth and lies. Choosing
to take life, preserve life, make safe, cause danger. Kind of scary to
think about, but it certainly nails it right on the head in a wild-eyed
twisted sort of way.
Sometimes it takes the beast to define the ultra-refined faux thinking
of the modern psyche.
But never mind the theology of a crazy man with a semi-automatic rifle.
There are plenty of lunatics running around the planet killing for God
and love and race and country and flags and land and self-loathing half-assed
macho ego bullshit. But here's where this latest nut or nuts have given
us a cherished reality check: "Your children are not safe, anywhere,
at anytime."
Let's face the gruesome facts: It's been a banner year for kids.
Coaches and teachers and priests and nuns and rabbis and uncles and parents
have been coming out of the woodwork to prey on our children with daily
doses of sexual assault and mental anguish to fill twenty World Trade
Centers. Abuse, both physical and mental, heaped upon the innocent has
become a gory epidemic, and now we have this mess down in Virginia and
Maryland, a hop, skip and jump from the nation's capital.
Actually, as was stated in this space a year ago when everyone was busy
panicking over Anthrax, there is a better chance you can be bumped off
by someone you're currently living with, dating or sitting beside at lunch
than any insidious outside force.
This applies now.
Your children are not safe anywhere. If we have learned nothing from the
past fourteen months since we were yanked into the world's problems, safety
is illusion. Diligence is needed for self-preservation.
Trust is folly. Praying, hoping, negotiating, even idle threats from government
officials or braying pundits mean nothing.
Wake up!
You're on your own. And everyday your kids open their eyes they are at
risk, and it is your problem. Not the military's, or police's or the media's
or Hollywood or the Catholic Church or Oprah. It is time we pull our heads
out of the collective ass and get with the program, a program that feeds
on this planet like a virus since our ancestors crawled from the slime.
Those words read like a mantra, a creed, the new gospel.
"Your children are not safe, anywhere, at anytime." This sniper
or snipers we'd read about every morning and run home to watch footage
of his/their handy work every night on the evening news are a product
of our insatiable need to conquer and destroy. Why? How? What the fuck
is wrong with us?
It's a wonder he/they are the only ones.
Let me take this moment to step back and point out that this guy, and
his alleged teenage sidekick are not stupid or completely insane.
He/they were very controlled and extremely well trained in his/their predatory
ways. It was/is (if they caught only one part of the symptom in this)
cerebral slaughter, contrived, instigated and brilliant, a brutally concise
framework that was almost eerily scientific.
We like our serial killers frothing at the mouth, shut-ins taking orders
from dogs and living in oblivion.
Lately we like our enemies to be brown-skinned foreigners with thick accents
and very different cultural idiosyncrasies.
This is different, more sinister and calculated, cold and efficient, as
random and cruel as nature or God or anything mysterious under the sun.
Now he/they have a prescient philosophy attached to the psychosis.
Scholars enacting out their visions of madness with a stunning type of
We've heard that the truth hurts.
Now suddenly we wake up from the slumber of ignorance and see how it can
"Your children are not safe, anywhere, at anytime."
© James Campion October 24th 2002
* until next time then. Ed
James Campion
The House
will stay Republican
Quitter or the Ballad of a Gutless Swine
James Campion
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