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Writer's Magazine
MARCH 2016

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The Cartagena International Music Festival 2016
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger

Music lovers from around the world gather in Cartagena, Colombia, for the annual International Music Festival. Renowned musicians from across the globe fill the city’s plazas, churches and theatres with music.
Murli M
Boating with the geese at Prayag
Murli Menon

One of the most nature friendly spectacles at Prayag is to watch hundreds of migratory birds stopping over during their long migratory journeys from Siberia to India.
Operation Irish Castle
Dan Morey
We knew someone would ask us if we’d seen any castles; and if we hadn’t seen any castles they’d give us that tragic look that said, 'Oh, how sad...'
Mount Tabor & the Sternbergia lutea
Neil Manspeizer

Mount Tabor is located in the lower Galilee region of Israel. This spot is believed to be the exact location where the world will one day end
Why Go To India?
Martin Noval

Indians are overwhelmingly untroubled, healthy, joyous, life-affirming people

Madam Shoo-In - The Sequel

James Campion 18.03.16

The Clinton Machine Revs Up

Hillary Rodham Clinton is about to be the first woman to ever lead a major party’s ticket for the presidency in the 240-year history of this republic.
Civil War
James Campion

The Republican Party Vs Citizen Trump
GOP to self destruct?
A Nasty Declaration
James Skinner on the electoral plight of Spain
14.3.16 update
Is common sense finally happening in a politically paralysed Spain? Polls indicate frustration with Podemos
You think we can risk Brexit?
Sam North

Do we really have a choice?
The Great In or Out debate
Myth Buster In Chief
James Campion

Donald Trump Reshapes GOP Platform, Takes Down Bush Era & Rolls On
Why Nigerians have to study abroad
Odimegwu Onwumere

Lack of investment and quality control in education wreaks economic havoc
Greenland Whale
A Melting Arctic Wonder
Visit Greenland before it disappears

Three continents -Twenty countries Rebecca Lowe's
Bicycle Blog to the Middle East - Podgorica, Montenegro to Serbia/Kosovo border Total miles cycled:1,340
The Great Wall of Chinese
and the Internet Resources to Help You Over it - Jenna Orkin

Learning Chinese with on-line tutors
Sir George Martin 1926 - 2016
James Campion

He realized the music that shook the very foundation of human spirit.
Dinner at Fisherman's Wharf
Martin Green

The Berkeley gang would meet at the Buena Vista on Friday night and usually someone knew of a party going on.
The Other Michaelangelo
Fred C. Wilson III

Carravaggio’s use of light and dark (churriscuro) produced dramatic effects on canvas.
My Family’s Fair Harbor
Leanna Johnson
Come with me, back to Scotland, to the cliff that faces my family’s land — and the sea. We’ll sit and sip a cuppa as dolphins cross the Sound of Jura, fins flashing just above the horizon.

REVIEWS Film & Books
The Deer Trap
Julie McSmith

The unfortunate fact was that the man had ceased to exist because he could not liken himself to a single character in any movie or on television.
broken camera
The Storehouse of Images
Abigail George

Ghosts fill, fill and fill a bare room. Lost souls searching for a spiritual home. One of those lost souls answers to the name of Kevin Carter.
The Repercussions of Tomas D
Sam Hawksmoor's WW2 story
The Imperial Culture Museum
The Making of a hero (extract)
The Wicker Basket

SS Laccohee

My mother’s face holds that force smile, not real, ‘but it will be alright sort of smile’, as she stands by the carriage door. The whistle shrills down the cold, blustery, platform, the wind catching it, then sending it echoing around the small country station.

The Carbon Bubble: What Happens to Us When It Bursts
by Jeff Rubin - Random House
Steve Wheeler review

Oil is history in Canada's future

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Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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