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Travel stories
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Fire Monkey
Manila: Year of the (Fire) Monkey
Fred C. Wilson III

Walking through Manila’s Chinatown during New Year’s celebrations is an experience in itself.
Greenland Whale
Greenland: A Melting Arctic Wonder
Icebergs the size of skyscrapers and a domineering ice sheet taking up more than 80% of the total landmass, every world traveler should strive to visit Greenland. But it is suffering from the terrible consequences of global warming.
Desert Search
Tom Coote

Danger on the Kyzylkum road.
Three continents -Twenty countries - Rebecca Lowe's
Bicycle Blog to the Middle East
Roughing it in Japan
Paul Haire
I checked my guidebook to see if there was anything I could do in Kyoto for free. It soon became apparent, no.

Justice Scalia
The Scalia Bomb

James Campion

Once the death of ultra-conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was announced February 13, the wheels of political discourse, the fluidity of the 2016 presidential campaign, and the very core of the United States Constitution was put into play.
Who Can You Trust?
Tom Kilcourse

Why is it that in today’s society there is so much mistrust, of politicians, the media, businesses, you name it?

Mistah Christie - He Dead
James Campion

Our mostly absentee governor has returned home utterly and completely defeated. His suicidal presidential campaign... ended with barely whimper

Explaining Bernie Sanders
James Campion

Once it seemed complete madness to consider a 74 year-old, Jewish, self-described Democratic Socialist as a serious candidate for president of the United States.
Leaders in Spain
The Moment of Truth in Spain
James Skinner

One half, that back socialist Sr. Sanchez are willing to strike a deal with almost everyone on the left ... the other half are dead against. 18.2.16 update

Bloom’s Footsteps:
My Dublin Odyssey - Alex Worthy
It was a pain to wake up at 4 in the morning to catch our Ryanair flight but it was rewarding to see Dublin so empty.
A New Decadence
Tom Kilcourse

The politerati in the West have lost their way and are increasingly divorced from their subjects. Everywhere in the western world we see the rising phenomenon of unconventional politicians and political parties, with either Left or Right labels.
Car Thieves
Alice Vonsimson
So, Saturday was the big day. Two driving tests taken when I was living in Hawaii had come back with negative results due to technical problems...
From the archives:
Winter Sun
Marcel D'Agneau
In the Cote d'Azure
Madness in the Medina:
a week in Marrakech

Lisa Cordaro
If you want to get a decent night’s sleep, don’t visit a city with 500 mosques.

REVIEWS Film & Books
The Woman in the Park
Andrew Lee-Hart

She is sitting on an iron bench in the park. In the distance I can hear horses’ hooves lightly pounding and the sound of carriages trundling down the thoroughfare just behind us.
Ryan Madej

The probability is, despite a lack of foresight, I have lost my way. Not just metaphorically, mind you, but literally. I’ve always started out with bad directions
My Bad Granddad
Martin Green

It was only later that I thought of my father’s father as my Bad Granddad.  When I was a kid growing up in the Bronx all I knew is that he owned a little house in Brighton Beach and that we used to go there to escape the summer heat.  

The Repercussions of Tomas D

The Boy who changed the outcome of WW2 - Hero or traitor? - you decide.

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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