In Modern Venice
Kim McKechney
Our gondolier sported a thick handlebar moustache worthy of the Village People. A thin cigarette dangled dangerously from his mouth, hanging so loosely it seemed to brazenly flout the laws of physics
Fraser Island Outrage
Tom Coote
Life on the bus and other stories
Castro Urdiales, Cantabria
Gretta Schifano
The Guggenheim is one reason to visit the Spanish Cantabrian coast, but snorkelling in the Atlantic was a surprise. As I floated face down in the water two metres from the beach I watched a huge shoal of silvery fish speeding along in the current below me

Russia is Winning
James Campion 2.2.18
No matter where you fall on the President Trump/Russian Collusion or Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy Theories, it is hard to argue that Russia, clearly an enemy of these United States, is a big winner in this.
The Immigration Smokescreen
James Campion 1.31.18
There really isn’t a giant immigration problem in this country. It is a smokescreen; always has been ...
Tabarnia - Spain
James Skinner 1.1.18
Suffice to say that everything has changed for nothing to change - the whole Catalan political scenario has been turned on its head once again ...
On Speculative Fiction
Sam Hawksmoor
Why is it so hard to predict the future?
I grew up on Philip K Dick and his fantasies about global nuclear war, robots that were indistinguishable from real people and a world engulfed by consumerism ...
Jagged Little Pill
Dean Borok
What level of understanding can you reach with a person who has never read a book?
Thanks for Driving Around
John Vaughn
I was taken somewhat aback earlier this month when I overheard some of the fellows in the clubhouse referring to the fact that the earth’s climate was improving due to the traffic congestion on the highways. |