On the
Last Entries of the Prophecies of St. Malachy
Antonio Hernández, O.M.D.
...it is
said he was poisoned by the light of the half-moon.

St Malachy |

Cardinal Lustiger |
Because of the terrific
reception of my previous article, "Peter the Roman", and also
because of certain questions, Ive decided to expand on a minor
point I raised in that other article-- which was meant as a biographical
sketch of Aron Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger, Archbishop of Paris. I
had mentioned the prophecies of St. Malachy, a list of all the future
popes ending with the last pope.
St. Malachy was a Dark Ages Irish monk, who was granted a literary vision
of all the popes, through to the end of the papacy and the Catholic
Church. Most importantly to note before anything else is that Malachy
stresses the end of the Church and its papacy not the end of the
world. Malachy does not even hint at the end of society, or the "End
Times" as some Fundamentalists call it. Only the end of the popes,
and the end of the Roman Catholic Church.
Our question dwells for the moment on St. Malachys final entries.
What is believed to be the fourth-to-last entry, De Medietate Lunae,
[He] of the Half-moon, has been clearly determined to have
been John Paul I. This entry is one of Malachys richest and most
intriguing: JPI had a smile that was compared to a half-moon. His reign,
a total of 33 days, was exactly from half-moon to half-moon. His first
name, Albino, is derived from the vulgate Latin for "moonlight".
And least probably, it is said he was poisoned by the light of the half-moon.
(The prior entry, Flors Florum, Flower of Flowers, identifying
Paul VI, was not fully understood until it was revealed that Paul VI
was a practicing homosexual. As usual, there was a more overt meaning:
Paul had flowers on his coat-of-arms.)
The next entry, third-to-last, is De Labore Solis, [He] of the
Labor of the Sun. There has been even less doubt that this clearly
identifies the present pontiff, John Paul II. The name, wrongly translated
as "He of the eclipsed sun", brings to mind the Dark Ages
concept of the suns "labor": to cross the sky, cover
the world with its rays, and force the moon to retreat. Pope John Paul
II has indeed crossed the skies, traveling to other countries and bathing
the world in his "rays". He also forced the moon out: JPI
often told his family that he would have to die to make room for the
"foreign pope". We also see "labore solis" as "toil
under the sun". Karol Wojtyla certainly did this, laboring in a
rock quarry as a young man.
The supposed penultimate entry is problematic. This is De Gloriae Olivae,
[He That is] Of the Glory of the Olives. The simplest explanations
have been that this pope will be of Jewish background (the Jews are
identified with olives). He could be a major peace bringer, which would
make him the glory of the olive indeed. His family could be associated
with the growth and production of olives and related products. One astute
observer even thought it referenced Cardinal Martini, stating that a
martini is certainly "the glory of the olive"! Others reference
the fact that a branch of the Benedictines are sometimes called Olivetans.
I propose that this name, in accordance with Malachys usual practice,
has at least a double, interlocking meaning. Only a powerful cardinal
with a Jewish background and a long-standing record of peaceful activity
could fit this description. Further, a cardinal who had been saved by
a gloriously peaceful action would be an added bonus in identifying
him. The only cardinal who fits this most accurate description is Aron
Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger. If elected, an additional glory would
be the fact that he is now very close to the age limit for election;
he is only a few years younger than the pope.
Cardinal Lustiger, Archbishop of Paris, is the Ordinary for Eastern
Rite Churches in Europe that have no Ordinary of their own. He is a
man who has worked very hard to bridge as many gaps as possible, especially
between Jews and Christians. Cardinal Lustiger is a man who came from
a non-practicing household. His father, like Pope John Paul Is
father, was a dedicated Socialist who did not believe in religious clap-trap.
He often chatted with his son about Jews and Christians healing the
breach between them; Cardinal Lustiger was raised to believe that this
accomplishment alone just might save the world. Later in life, Cardinal
Lustiger would continue this dialogue with his school chums, Jew and
Christian alike.
Cardinal Lustiger converted to Catholicism at the age of 14-- he was
almost 15. This he did of his own volition after having lived with a
Catholic family a situation that saved his life. When his father
returned from Auschwitz, after having served as a resistance soldier
then taken prisoner, he was stunned and unhappy about his sons
conversion. Soon he accepted the hand of fate, and came to appreciate
his sons views. Cardinal Lustigers mother died at Auschwitz,
and Lustiger never saw her again after his parents fled France to Poland.
It is the memory of his mother that combines with his Jewish heritage
that makes Cardinal Lustiger so fascinating- and a little tragic.
Finally, if my memory does not fail me, I believe that when Cardinal
Lustiger was a school rector it was at an Olivetan school. Since I cannot
be certain of this little fact, perhaps some reader will enlighten me.
St. Malachys last entry is Petrus Romanus, easily translated as
"Peter the Roman". It is my belief that De Gloriae Olivae
and Petrus Romanus might be one and the same pope. Peter the Roman is
the only entry that has an accompanying verse, and the way the Glory
of Olives and Peter the Roman are presented causes some doubt about
them being separate entries. Petrus Romanus is the last pope, and the
commentary states that in his time the world will see the end of the
Catholic Church as we know it, and certainly the end of the papacy.
St. Malachy follows up Glory of Olives so closely with Peter the Roman
that it could almost be a double nickname, also something St. Malachy
had not done with any other name: The Glory of the Olives, Peter the
Roman. It has a suitably Latin, romantic, tragic ring.
We must consider who Peter the Roman was, what the name meant, and means,
to Catholics. Peter was, of course, Shimon bar Jonah, the follower of
Jesus who is claimed as the first pope. Jesus called Shimon Ananias,
which is Aramaic for "Rock", and was clearly meant as an additional
name. Thus Peter in his time would have been known as "Shimon Ananias".
The name "Peter" comes from the Latin translation of "rock",
which is "petrus" or "pietrus".
It cannot be forgotten that Peter saw himself as a good, fulfilled Jew.
He never departed from his Jewish roots, nor did he abandon his essential
Jewishness. His believed that his master, Rabbi Yshua bar Yusuf,
known to us as Jesus, was ha-Messiach, the Messiah. Moving to Rome,
Simon became Peter the Roman-- a foreigner and a Jew, known in Latin
as Petrus Romanus. He, too had a double name, as the pope who is both
Glory of Olives and Peter the Roman. In light of all these facts, it
is easy to see how Malachys De Gloriae Olivae and Petrus Romanus
could be the same person. A "fulfilled" Jew, powerful in the
Catholic Church, a "citizen" of Rome, a convert who believes
in both his essential Jewishness and his Christianity it describes
both Simon Peter and Cardinal Lustiger.
At the end of the day, anyone familiar with Cardinal Lustiger cannot
fail to see the irony of how the cardinal has been crucified by some
in the media, by some Jews and some Christians alike. Crucified upside
down, like Simon Peter, because he felt unworthy. Cardinal Lustiger
has said he is not worthy to be pope, and prays he will die before he
becomes a candidate.
Whether one believes in, or cares about, St. Malachys prophecies,
whether one believes that the last two entries could be one single entry
none of this really matters. What matters the most today is the state
of John Paul IIs health, and the cardinal who will take his place.
May the Eternal One smile on this pope, on his successor, and on all
the people of the world. This is all, finally, that matters.
© Rev. Antonio Hernandez O.M.D.
The original article that got everyone excited:
The Roman
Antonio Hernández
Jean-Marie Lustiger, cardinal and Archbishop of Paris, is this front-runner
in the soon-to-be-held conclave to elect the next pope.
email: "Antonio. Hernandez"
Nation under Scrutiny
Antonio Hernández, IBA
Jefferson, for example, wrote a great deal about God, yet he was an
Kingdom for a Crown:
An Around-the-World History of the Skullcap
and Its Modern Socio-Political Significance
© Most Reverend Antonio Hernández, O.M.D.
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