
to stop unwanted emails
Michael Southon knows
how to kill Spam
For years I
didn't worry much about spam. But lately it's got out of control. Over
half of my email is now spam, and it's growing by the week. Spam is now
such a problem that I know people who have had to close down their domain
name. This article offers some tips on how to avoid being buried under
a mountain of spam.
How Do They Get
Your Address?
In the old days, spammers got their addresses mainly from Newsgroups -
if you didn't post to Newsgroups, you were reasonably safe. But they're
now using a much more efficient method to build their lists - email harvesters.
Email harvesters are robots that roam the Internet collecting email addresses
from web pages. Examples are EmailSiphon, Cherry Picker, Web Weasel, Web
Bandit and Email Wolf, to name just a few. How can you protect yourself
from email harvesters? By 'munging' (mung = 'mash until no good') or cloaking
your email address. There are many ways of munging your address - the
easiest technique is to use HTML code for the punctuation in your email
address (instead of symbols). For the colon after mailto use : and for
the @ symbol use @ and for the period use . With this method, my email
address would become: mailto:msouthon@freezineweb.com
Your email address will appear exactly as it did before, and it will still
be 'clickable', but email harvesters will ignore it and move on. There
are also JavaScript's that you can insert into your web page that will
make your email address visible to humans but invisible to harvesting
programs. Here's one that works very well:
How To Fight Spam
The most important thing is never, ever, reply to spam. Most spam contains
an innocent-looking 'remove me' email address. Do not use it. Here's why:
Spammers typically buy a CD containing a million or so email addresses,
but they have no idea how many of those addresses are active. So before
beginning their marketing campaign in earnest, they send out a 'test message'
to the entire list. The test message contains an email address for removing
yourself. When you reply to that address, it confirms to the spammer that
your address is active and therefore worth spamming. Worse still, the
spammer may be distilling from that CD a list of confirmed active addresses
that he will then sell to another spammer.
The key to dealing with spam is to report it to a 3rd party: (1) the affiliate
program that the spammer is advertising, (2) the spammer's web host, or
(3) the ISP the spammer used to connect to the Internet. When you report
spam to a 3rd party, remember to be polite - they didn't send the spam
and they're probably just as anti-spam as you are. (1) Reporting to Affiliate
Programs Many spammers are affiliates advertising someone else's products
or services. So look for a website address that contains an affiliate
link, something like this:
Then just send an email to the affiliate program (abuse@affiliateprogramdomain.com),
informing them that you are receiving spam from one of their affiliates.
Most affiliate programs have zero tolerance for spamming and will remove
an affiliate spammer without warning. Now, affiliate spammers don't want
you to see their affiliate link, so many of them send their email as HTML.
All you see in the message are the words 'Click Here and Order Now'. But
in your browser just click on 'View Source Code' and search for the letters
'http'. That will take you to the spammer's affiliate link. (2) Reporting
to Web Hosts If the spam doesn't contain an affiliate link, it's likely
that it is coming from the owner of the domain name. In that case you'll
have to report it to the spammer's web host or their ISP. To make a report
to the spammer's web host just go to Whois, the directory of registered
domain names:
Type in the spammer's domain (the website address that appears in the
spam) together with the extension (.com, .org, .net etc). The host for
that domain will usually be listed as the Technical Contact in the Whois
record and there will be an email address for contacting them. (3) Reporting
to ISPs: To report a spammer to his Internet Service Provider, you'll
have to look at the spam's 'extended headers'. Extended headers show the
servers that the message passed through in order to get to you. The instructions
for viewing extended headers will vary depending on what email client
you are using. => In Pegasus Mail, open the offending message and then
right-click and choose 'Show raw message data'. => In Eudora Light,
click on 'Tools' in the top menu bar, and then 'Options', and then select
the checkbox option that says 'Show all headers (even the ugly ones)'
and click OK. => In Outlook Express, open the offending message, select
'Properties' from the File menu and then click the 'Details' tab. Reading
and understanding extended headers is quite a detailed subject. Here's
an excellent free tutorial on how to decipher extended headers:
As an alternative to these reporting techniques, you could use a web-based
spam reporting service such as SpamCop (www.spamcop.net).
SpamCop deciphers the spam's message headers and traces the mail back
to its source. However, SpamCop is known to generate complaints about
innocent third parties, and as a result, many system administrators ignore
complaints received from SpamCop. There is one kind of spam that the techniques
in this article probably won't help you with: spam from China. This is
the most peculiar spam you're ever likely to receive. For example I regularly
get messages from a certain ChenHua of the China-Lutong mechanical company
asking me if I would like to order hydraulic heads for the VE distributor
pump. Spam is not an issue in China so it's unlikely you would stop the
spammer by reporting him to a 3rd party. However, while doing the research
for this article I came across a web page that offers a very ingenious
(though rather severe) solution to Chinese spam. The Chinese government
recently ordered all ISPs in China to start monitoring email for subversive
phrases. This anti-spammer replies to Chinese spam with a message that
includes subversive phrases, such as "weapons and ammunition",
"Falung Gong" and "Free Tibet". But I don't recommend
you do this - the Chinese spammer could end up spending years in a forced
labor camp. Even the worst spammer in the world doesn't deserve that.
Good luck in your fight against spam!
© Michael Southon April 2002
Michael Southon is the author of the popular new eBook
'Ezine Writer!' Discover how to dramatically increase your
Traffic and Sales, starting today: www.ezine-writer.com/
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