Across the valley’s face
Abigail George
Life must break you and when it does, when that reckoning comes, it comes with fire. Its flame flickers in the dark.
Roy Valenzuela
“I can’t breathe”…. “The air is thick” … “How could this happen”?
The Maestro in Six Movements
Andrew Lee-Hart
The Maestro saw Harrogate. “This will be my home” he said aloud in German, “after all my troubles I have found somewhere I can lay my head.”
Interview with a Family Man
Martin Green
“Can I tell you something,” he said, “off the record?”
Back Home
Victor Castleton
With a mild screeching halt, I was back where I was twenty two years ago.
The Book About ELI
Julie McSmith
All the bottles of oil in the kitchen turned rancid the day that the boy named X.E23 opened the book about Eli. |
J&K4Ever - First Chapter
Sam Hawksmoor
‘You don’t think civilization can stop in a month. You think, not here, not us, we’re not animals, but reason was the first thing to go and the shotgun took over the rest...'
Mr. Kuroda
James C. Clar
“Excuse me sir, are you the caretaker here?”
My inquiry was met with the kind of deep silence that only the Japanese have truly mastered. |
Sara Troy interviews
Sam Hawksmoor
Q & A with the author of J&K 4Ever,
a deeply affecting love story in a post-apocalpyse.
Thirteen Ways of Looking at the Rolling Stones - James Campion
In Praise of The Sun and the Moon and The Rolling Stones & A Candid Discussion with Author, Rich Cohen -
There must be hundreds of books written about the Rolling Stones... Rich Cohen has managed to write a spectacular one.
The Camera Never Lies
(Except on Location)
Robert Yareham
Nobody really believes that the world portrayed in the cinema is the real world, even when the film in question claims to be based on ‘real events’ or a ‘true story’.
The Girl in a Spider's Web
by David Lagercrantz, Stieg Larsson (Creator), George Goulding
A misfire?
ICARUS by Deon Meyer
A moving portrait of an alcoholic cop in a downward spiral of self-destruction in Cape Town.