Australia - Part
Tabytha Towe
Melbourne is a pretty damned phenomenal city!
The Pyramid Cat Colony
Eva Bell
Sightseeing in
Rome this Summer had been exhausting.

There: Sunland Racetrack
Lizette Espinosa
wranglers paired with pointy cowboy boots, a big round belt buckle,
and a matching cowboy hat, little, old ladies sitting at the tables
with binoculars trying to read the TV.s with racing numbers... |

James Campion 6.4.24
Donald Trump’s Former Criminal Playground Finally Nabs Him -
Once he became president, no one from NYC who knew the Donald believed he could get through four years as the country’s chief executive without doing something illegal.
Open Letter To My Wife
James Campion 6.12.24
On the Occasion of our 25th Wedding Anniversary -
I love being distracted by your beauty, your quiet grace and impenetrable strength.
Beware of tidying up your life
Sam North
You know how people tell you to declutter to make your life ‘simpler’. What they don’t mention is that it can lead to depression.
Engaging with the Market under Duress
Moses Bakst
Tick or Untick that box ...
on the line
Kit Chapman in Kenya
We both watched as the real estate developer tethered his pets to the
tree using our telephone line.