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JULY 2017Beach

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Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live
Lost Weekend in Dover
A Nightmare in Space A Travel
John F. Fisher CAPT USNR (ret.)

I should have heeded the omen, a constant, torrential downpour, and turned back right then.
Ford Victoria
This is Cuba
Joe Zoyhofski

When my cousin asked me if I wanted to drive his 1957 Ford Club Victoria, of course I told him yes. That was a mistake
Tadoba National Park
Walter Moore

Want to enjoy a vacation in the wilderness? Tadoba promises to offer matchless beauty and excitement for all wildlife lovers


Citizens of New Jersey Unite Against Government Suppression!
James Campion

Before heading to Europe to kiss Vladimir Putin’s ass and after spending a week getting into Twitter wars with cable TV hosts, President Trump unleashed his completely unnecessary paranoid-central, daddy-didn’t-love-me-so-even-though-I-won-the-election-I-need-to-prove-there-is-voter-fraud-cause-I-got-pummeled-in-the-popular-vote commission cleverly titled Election Integrity
Our European Demons
James Skinner

...instead of agreeing that rights should have been guaranteed 100% on both sides of the Channel, there is still an air of confusion. As far as Spain is concerned it has just added more anxiety to the over 200,000 Spaniards presently in Britain

Stumbling into Fatherhood
James Campion
+ Readers Responses
Dedicated to the Dad in All of Us
I had something happen to me this past week that has never happened before. And for someone only a few months from 55 years of age that is oddly monumental
7 Tips for a Better Office
Robert Everett

Being a young professional can be exciting or terrifying. Trying to balance the transition from school into the career, maintain a thriving social life and figure out where you fit in this world is the everyday life of a young professional.
Martin Green

I had turned 85 at the end of last year. 85! No wonder I felt despondent.

REVIEWS Film & Books
Entertaining Angels
(For Celestine, in apology)
Andrew Lee-Hart

I would have recognised Celestine anywhere; despite the passages of time, the broken hearts and the blood on her hands, she still seemed the same the young woman who had walked into our lives and betrayed us all.
In the Red Light District    
Jim Meirose

Snake Doggett the cook lived in an unpainted house between a hemp shop and a whorehouse with his roommate Bert, on the edge of the red light district.
Bill and Sissy
Abigail George

There were of course things that Sissy had said and did in her short life that she regretted. In the end, didn’t it make her stronger, she often thought to herself. 
Death in the Castle
Andrew Lee-Hart

There he was, just as I expected him to be, sat in the castle grounds reading The Times, a respectable looking man enjoying the last few moments of his respectable life.

North and Central by Bob Hartley
Literary Fiction
Pub: Tortoise Books Chicago, IL

'Gritty daily schedule of a Chicago bar loaded with real characters and thick with a smoke haze. Andy the barkeep is wise, cynical and pretty sure he's going the way of the dinosaurs. The 70's brought back with aplomb. Pour me another Old Style'.
The Underground Railroad
by Colson Whitehead

Published by Fleet 2017
Winner of the Pulizer Prize for Fiction 2017
Cora’s journey will stay with you for a very long time, the stains of the past can never be washed away.  Read this brilliant work and weep ...

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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