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••• The International Writers Magazine: Reality Check USA
Citizens of New Jersey Unite Against Government Suppression!
James Campion
Before heading to Europe to kiss Vladimir Putin’s ass and after spending a week getting into Twitter wars with cable TV hosts, President Trump unleashed his completely unnecessary paranoid-central, daddy-didn’t-love-me-so-even-though-I-won-the-election-I-need-to-prove-there-is-voter-fraud-cause-I-got-pummeled-in-the-popular-vote commission cleverly titled Election Integrity.
It should not escape any of us that this nonsense is the brainchild of a man who continues to deny the outrageous breech of actual “election integrity” by a foreign power in which a growing number of his campaign members were directly involved and which is under multiple investigations by both houses of congress, the FBI and an independent counsel.
And while this continues the comedy stylings of this dumbstruck administration that thus far has looked not quite as organized as the 1920s film footage of twenty men dangling wildly off the back of a speeding fire truck, it now stumbles into my favorite axiom: I have little to no problem if you walk around swinging your arms like a moron, but once either of them hits me all bets are off.
To wit: Last week this “commission” requested from all 50 states individual voter information to be dissected in some federal government data base, including names, addresses, party affiliation, electoral participation history, and the last four digits of Social Security numbers. While being about the 400th crazy thing this president has suggested or tried to implement that is wildly unconstitutional, this was at best a long shot anyway. In fact CNN ran a poll the day the request letter was issued to the states and found that a vast majority of them outright rejected the whole shebang as goofy. As of this writing 44 states are officially telling Trump and the federal government to hump it. Even one of the “commission” heads, voter-fraud zealot and defendant in multiple voter suppression cases over the past few years, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach has refused the request.
In case you missed it, the loon who co-runs this debacle thinks it’s stupid.
But you know who hasn’t refused, rebuked or pissed on this draconian falderal? The governor of this state; New Jersey, which at the time of this writing has still not given an answer one way or another in complying with the request of sending our vitals to this Tax Payer Con Job 101.
To refresh everyone’s memory Governor Chris Christie is the original Trump lackey. When this whole Trump charade was nothing but a fun-loving hootenanny before the nation he conned decided to actually elect this game show host president of the most powerful and richest country on the planet, it was Christie who was on board. But so abhorrent was this turd he couldn’t even get a gig with these rubes. As stated in this space last winter when our governor was removed from running Trump’s transition team, the same one under all this investigation now, it was clearly illustrated that although if you could drag your knuckles four feet and somehow keep saliva in your mouth for 30 consecutive seconds you could work in this administration and yet Christie could not make the cut.
So now a lame-duck executive with what is it down to now, 14 percent approval rating, who is brazen enough to shut down the state government, thus forcing the closure of beaches along the Jersey Shore over the holiday weekend, and then be photographed partying on his own private beach with friends and family, is most likely ready to hand over our vitals to his frothing-at-the-mouth buddy.
Of course none of this matters. I could not care any less about Trump and Christie and whatever other fat, old dickwad wants to join their circle jerk. And quite frankly Google has all my info anyway, and let’s face it, I’ve put most if not all of my radical social and political beliefs in this space for nearly two decades, all of which has either been published in book form or made its way all over the globe via the inter-webs. I am literally an open book so let the government have at it. However, you might not want this, unless you’re part of the Trump Cult wherein you thought the last president was coming for your spleen but this guy can have your lower intestines with a smile.
But I say just for kicks, no matter if you dig big-government shit because Reagan was running things or Obama, why not stop reading this diatribe immediately if you live in this god-forsaken state and contact Trenton or at least your congressman and demand we tell El Douche to suck his thumb somewhere else. He’s not getting any much-needed therapy by dragging us into his low-esteem dementia. How many German hookers do we need to find to urinate on this twerp to fix him?
But enough about Trump. He had his victory in November and I had mine in the personage of one Josh Gottheimer, who became the first Democrat to win in the 5th District since the Great Depression. This happened in no small part to my calling out bigot-deluxe, former congressman Scott Garrett, who by refusing to fist-fight me and then infamously pulled in the cops sealed his fate. When I am done with this I’ll be calling my buddies at his office to call in my marker and make sure Gottheimer makes it known that long before the TEA Party pikers co-opted it we flew a Don’t Tread on Me flag high and mighty at the Clemens Estate and although we have endured Patriot Acts and Affordable Care Acts we have our limits. Not sure what they are yet, but we have them and this could be pushing it.
Well, it’s pushing someone’s limits.
Either way, go work out your freedom muscles and go annoy someone.
© James Campion July 7th 2017
Stumbling into Fatherhood
James Campion + Readers Responses
Dedicated to the Dad in All of Us
I had something happen to me this past week that has never happened before. And for someone only a few months from 55 years of age that is oddly monumental
Do yourself no favors and “like” this idiot at www.facebook.com/jc.author
James Campion is the Managing Editor of The Reality Check News & Information Desk and the author of “Deep Tank Jersey”, “Fear No Art”, “Trailing Jesus”, "Midnight For Cinderella" and “Y”. and his new book, “Shout It Out Loud – The Story of KISS’s Destroyer and the Making of an American Icon”.
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