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JULY 2016

Life After You know what...

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Travel stories
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How we live

Cape Breton
Celebrating Cape Breton Island

Habeeb Salloum & Muna Salloum

It was time to discover why Nova Scotia declares Cape Breton Island, 'the masterpiece where your heart will never leave'. 

Christ of the Mercy
San Juan del Sur,
Gateway to Nicaragua
Janet LoSole

The expat village of San Juan del Sur, located on the south-western coast of Nicaragua, materialized out of the dust.

Trump D
The Trump Show

James Campion
Plagiarism, Insurrection and High Theater in Cleveland
Republican National Convention 2016
The most dramatic, chaotic, and in every possible way historic national party convention of my lifetime has ended, and with it what you know of the Republican Party.
Hypocrites & Sore Losers on Parade
James Campion

Major Republican party figures are openly running for cover
Now... It's Over

James Campion

Madam Shoo-In Avoids Prison & Will Coast to the White House:
An Uncertain Future in Spain
James Skinner

Brexit & the Spanish Elections
Spain in turmoil yet again as a second election produces stalemate. Is there a way forward? So what now? A good question.

Taste Chicago
Taste of Chicago
Fred C. Wilson III

The Taste of Chicago is the world’s largest outdoor food fair. It’s the quintessential event of Chicago summers.

Festivals, Friends & Fishermen in Accra, Ghana
Elizabeth von Pier

Accra, Ghana was a unexpected surprise. I went there with my sister who was on a volunteer work assignment...
On Expectation and Friendship
Eric D. Lehman
I expect too much from people

REVIEWS Film & Books

Island Girl
Making Love on an Island in a Wine Dark Sea - Larry Clinton Thompson
During her business travels, Maggie had several sexual encounters. They were hurried and self-conscious and with married men as nervous as she was.
Joseph's Wife
Abigail George

I was always the sun. I am an experiment in the works. A scholar of fragments of rage and trivia.
Grandma and the Old Warrior
Michael Chacko Daniels

Grandma Jacob, dressed in a white cotton sari and blouse, opened the door of her new home on Rural Route 2, South Riverside and looked into the blue eyes of the old Polish warrior.
Uncle Pringle & Political Correctness - Martin Green
No safe space for a diference of opinion

J&K J&K4Ever
Sam Hawksmoor
‘You don’t think civilization can stop in a month. You think, not here, not us, we’re not animals, but reason was the first thing to go and the shotgun took over the rest...'
Weather House
The Little men
Victor J. Castleton

It all started at the beginning of a winter season on the east end of the Island.
Life After Death
Emma Callan
I was thirty
-four years old when I died. I’d never thought about dying before

Everybody Wants Some
Everybody Wants Some!!
Director and Writer: Richard Linklater
A belated companion piece to Dazed & Confused by Richard Linklater - we are now in 1980 in the first days before College classes begin at a Texas University.
Thirteen Ways of Looking at the Rolling Stones - James Campion
In Praise of The Sun and the Moon and The Rolling Stones & A Candid Discussion with Author, Rich Cohen -

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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