International Writers Magazine:
2008 - Changing Fortunes of Political War
Fun Part
Dean Borok
"Now comes
the fun part." Hillary Clinton at the initiation of
her campaign to "define" Barack Obama
Say goodbye to Chicagos version of Mother Teresa, that unifier
of all mankind and purveyor of Hope and Change, Barack Obama.
In a years
time hell be back to being Barack Who? But in the meantime
he had his 15 minutes of fame, during which time he wreaked havoc
on the Democratic Party and almost singlehandedly delivered the
election into the hands of the Republicans. |
The Black Elmer
Gantry, I call him, preaching virtue and salvation to the boobs, all
the time with one eye on the clock like Cinderella, aware that his window
of opportunity was diminishing with each passing second. Because he
was under a constraint of time to lock up the nomination before the
start of the Chicago trial of his erstwhile business associate Tony
Rezko. Even if Obama is never mentioned during the course of the trial,
he will be judged by association as Rezkos business practices
are highlighted on a daily basis in court and in the papers. That Obama
and Rezko were close associates for many years has already been established,
and the flood of evidence and testimony that will ooze from the Rezko
trial will have a corrosive effect on Obamas campaign going into
the Pennsylvania primary, which Clinton is already favored to win by
a wide margin, as well as the nominating convention in Denver. By the
time of the convention there will not be enough left of Obama to wipe
the wax off your car with.
Hey, he took his chances and he came up short. He probably calculated
that the objective conditions in the country would be so terrible by
Novembre that whoever was left standing on the Democratic side would
be a shoe-in in the general election. He figured, why should I play
second fiddle? Go for the biggie!
People like to pile on Hillary Clinton, whom the Republicans long ago
defined, along with her future ex-husband, Whatsisname, as a bastard
and an abomination. Thats one bandwagon that the nations
reactionary press corps has been only too happy to pile on. When they
saw the chance to destroy her they went to work overtime, conveniently
forgetting that it was Obama who initiated all the digs about her age
and "refighting the battles of the nineties," which is a line
right out of the Republican playbook, incidentally, when one considers
that all the turmoil of that epoch was initiated by the Republicans
in their incessant and unremitting campaign to obliterate the Clintons
using whatever means were at hand, right up to the bogus impeachment.
Obamas parroting of the Republican line didnt end there.
He made snide references to the sixties culture as well. What exactly
did he have in mind with that, other than an insulting, gratuitous attempt
to provoke a generational battle to his own advantage? This criticism
of the sixties generation, which was not exactly a generation of oppression
(rather the opposite). What we seem to have in this instance, shades
of "Absolutely Fabulous," is a generation of neurotic, conformist
pricks seeking to consign the freethinking generation that preceded
them to the ashcan of history. Lots of luck! only serves to underscore
the mindless conformism that has produced such stellar personalities
as Heather Mills and Kevin Federline, to pick two out of an unending
constellation of useless, neurotic twits. It must be said though, that
Obama artfully shaped this clay of mediocracy to construct an electorate
in his own image, one of See, Hear, Speak No Evil that not even the
dimmest modicum of reflection would be able to penetrate.
The Republicans, thrilled to have a Trojan Horse within the Democratic
Party, supported Obama with massive infusions of cash, even going so
far as to cross party lines to vote for him in Democratic primaries,
so livid is their horror at the prospect of having to face the indestructible
Mother of All Evil, who, like the Satanic planet in the movie "Fifth
Element" just grows bigger every time they try to bomb her. Maybe
an injection of poison into the internal apparatus of the Democratic
body politic would serve where so many psychic stink bombs had failed.
They launched this soft soap campaign that Obama was the Democrat of
the future. You had reeking, execrable byproducts of decayed offal wastes
like Bill OReilly, Pat Buchanan and the editorial writers of The
New York Post trying to sell Obama to knuckleheaded Gen Y voters
as the antipolitician just like a brand of flavored douche. And they
bought it in massive amounts, swallowing the campaign hook, line and
What developed was one of the weirdest coalitions in history, the black
electorate, the reactionary right wing and the Daily Kos policy dorks,
mutually focused on the narrow objective of destroying Hillary Clinton!
What reason anybody on the left side of the spectrum could have for
hating her is beyond me. She is a very decent woman.
The whole campaign to derail Hillary Clinton brings to mind the hatemongering
New York sports press campaign to get Giants quarterback Eli Manning
thrown off the team, even as he was piloting a winning season that eventually
climaxed in a Super Bowl victory. They threw everything at him but the
kitchen sink. Now they are standing in line to sniff his jockstrap.
But no matter how successful Hillary Clinton might eventually turn out
to be, she will always be the butt for loathsome, jealous underachievers
who see in her the reflection of their own inadequacies.
Like the Patriots coach Bill Belichick who ran off the field in incontinent
disarray when his whole house of cards collapsed in the last minute
of the season, Barack Obama is giving off the rotten stink of defeat
after his Ohio and Texas defeats. He knows he cant win blue collar
Pennsylvania, and he knows that the Rezko trial in Chicago is going
to bleed him on a daily basis for months leading up to the convention
as the business habits of his erstwhile benefactor are exposed like
the corrupt flesh of Nosferatu to the withering light of day.
Astonishingly, the person who has the most to fear from this process
may be Republican candidate John McCain. Even as objective economic
conditions in this country steadily worsen, with an Incredible Shrinking
Dollar, home foreclosures and $4-5 gasoline, Hillary Clinton is being
daily galvanized in a withering blast furnace ordeal of trial by fire,
from which she is likely to emerge with an indestructible hard shell
which will withstand any pathetic elements of ignominy that are left
for the Republicans to pitch at her. The contest between herself and
McCain, who is not a particularly tough person and is certainly not
overly intelligent, may shape up to be one of the most unequal in modern
electoral history.
© Dean
Borok March 7th 2008
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