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International Writers Magazine - Our Tenth Year: Review
Isobel Ashdown
Paperback: 344 pages Publisher: Myriad Editions
(17 Sep 2009)
ISBN-10: 0954930975
ISBN-13: 978-0954930974
Holly Howitt
There seems to be a trend for nostalgic, set-in-the-not-too-distant-past
novels, films and TV series recently, from Ashes to Ashes to the
reprise of Fame. However, these forays into the past of only a few
decades ago can often give a misleading impression of history, and
dwell too much on in-jokes about pop stars and fashions that are
now risible, often to the detriment of the story itself.
leaps on this trend, being set in the 1980s. In fact, the name Glasshopper
is in fact taken from a mispronounced line in Kung-Fu. However, despite
being a bit trendy, Glasshopper is masterful in not making silly
guffaws at jarring past fashions, apart from making one or two relevant
mentions about topical sweeties and films. Glasshopper is narrated
from two first person voices, both Mary, who spans the past in her flashback-like
narration through the 50s, 60s and 70s as well as the 80s, and her son,
Jake, a 13-year-old rooted in his reality of 1984-5. His home life in
turmoil since his parents split up, Jake becomes the unwitting head
of the family, despite only being 13, cooking for his younger brother
and cleaning up his mums sick. Jakes narration, possibly
because of this, is the stronger of the two sets of voices, talking
in simple but arresting metaphors like "the salt n
vinegar heat inside a noisy pub". Occasionally, he sounds too much
like a wise old soul to be a real 13-year-old, but then we must remember
he has spent perhaps too much time around his often drunk mother and
her terrible mood swings to be a normal teenage boy, whatever
that is.
He is not without intelligence of an intellectual kind, either: he is
also very good at Classics at school, although that could be something
to do with the nascent crush on his teacher rather than pure academic
skill. Marys narration, which is often disjointed, remembers key
scenes in her childhood and young adulthood, putting her sons
births into context, and giving the reader an insight into how her relationship
with Bill, the boys father. Her narration is often more introspective
and introverted compared to Jakes honest account of the reality
of living without a father, getting a job in a paper shop and dealing
with getting locked in a "Snog Room" at an awful New Years
The plot is deftly woven, bringing in an aunt who Jake has never met,
and with her, cousins who Jake feels an affinity with, despite having
never met them before his mother and aunts reunion. Perhaps because
of this important reunion, Mary vows to clean herself up, and the plot
leaps on to explore a reconciliation between Jakes parents. But,
of course, you have to be careful what you wish for
For a relatively fat novel, Glasshopper is easily readable in
a short time, the plot never too tight for comfort, and the narration
never too arcane. Jake is drawn boldly and ebulliently, and while the
plot is not exactly unpredictable, by the end of the novel it becomes
clear that whether the reader has guessed what will happen or not isnt
the point.
© Holly Howitt October 2009 author of The Schoolboy
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