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Hackwriters is mostly in archive mode now with only sporadic updates - December 2019 - Happy Christmas to all
Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live
Car rental freedom
10 Facts About Car Rental from a Modern Traveler’s Perspective

Ksenija Tocilina

Canberra: A Colonists Dystopia
Sian Davies

Canberra is a place where politicians, military chiefs and top civil servants enjoy their affluence in a purpose built utopia for the ruling classes.
Back in Transylvania
Josef Oberwinzer

“I hope it will be totally crazy” was my new German friend's mantra ever since we agreed to drive to Transylvania together.

Indict Trump
Not All Republicans Are For Trump

James Campion
+ Readers Responses 12/15/19
Mass Exodus of GOP in Congress Tell a Different Tale
- I proffer that these representatives simply can no longer bear Donald Trump or where the country is going – fiscally, morally or otherwise

Burning Amazon
Brazil: Say farewell to the trees

Gabriella Davies

Remembering Hotels, Good and Bad
Walli F. Leff

Once I had an exceptional experience in a hotel: I slept on an absolutely perfect mattress. I know that now you expect me to tell you where that mattress was. I would if I could, but, for the life of me, I just can’t remember.

REVIEWS Film & Books
A Risk of Signing Away the Future
Bryan Smith
The truth about Tech might kill you
Santa's list
Saving Santa
Martin Green

"But Claus, look, we gotta talk.   You hafta get up to date". 
For Jerome
Abigail George

Shut the door. Shut out the quiet light. Tell yourself to swim away from the tigers. One day I will find myself in a forest without men, without huntsmen and warriors, nomads and ghosts that burn all hours of the day and night
Let's Make A Deal
Oswaldo Jimenez

I’m supposed to be dead. The deal was that when I reached the age of fifty I would be dead.  Of course, it wasn’t exactly specified, I guess, how it would happen or when. But I think it was just supposed to happen when I reached the age of fifty.
Resident of The Month 2
Martin Green

“He murdered his wife, you know.”
The speaker was Ezra Finch, intercepting me as I was on my way to interview his neighbor Horace Cooper for a Resident of the Month story

How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe
by Charles Yu

This a novel about the perfect time you will never have with the perfect girl you will never meet, in a life never lived in a time that never happened and a dog called Ed
Ship Breaker
by Paolo Bacigalupi (YA Fiction)
'A brilliant thrilling insight into
America's Post-Oil Future'

Plan D by Simon Urban
If you are a compulsive reader of Martin Cruz Smith ‘Arcady Renko’ Moscow Detective series Wolves Eat Dogs,  Polar Star etc you are well primed to tackle Simon Urban’s  Detective Martin Wegener, disillusioned East German cop in a ‘Socialist Paradise’ circa 2011.

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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