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November 2019
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Strange Times

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Hackwriters is mostly in archive mode now with only sporadic updates - November 2019
Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live
Christmas in Paris
John Edwards
With everything closed in the city and a light snowfall, it’s no wonder I ended up drunk in the slightly dodgy section of Barbés Rochechouart

Tropical Depression
James C Clar
Something else that attracts me to Waikiki is the fact that it’s still the haunt of all sorts of engaging and exotic characters, many of whom are willing to pour out their life’s story at the slightest provocation.
Cruise LLAs and TGHs

Martin Green's observations

Life's Little Annoyances and Things Guaranteed to Happen when
cruising at sea

Gordon Sondland
Gordon Sondland - The Human Carpet Bomb
James Campion

Trump Supporter & EU Ambassador Buries Everyone in Key Impeachment Testimony - Sondland evoked the infamous “Three Amigos”, who were running a counter shadow diplomacy (shakedown) with the Ukraine president
The Bill Taylor Angle
James Campion
How a Lifetime Ambassador Frames the Trump/Ukraine Scandal - Taylor admitted in his testimony that he had considered quitting over “major concerns” that the United States was openly reneging on a deal that at the time was six-months overdue
Another Fine Mess in Spain
James Skinner
Election analysis

Pedro Sanchez has no clear path to rule

The Day My Father Died
James Campion
I will always remember. It was sunny. A Saturday. Crisp autumn temperatures. Three days after his eighty-first birthday. My brother called from North Carolina. It was time.
Healthcare Panic
Dean Borok
(From Our Archives)
I am not here to debate the merits of universal health insurance. I am complaining about – loudmouth sociopaths who are being bussed around the country and paid cash money by insurance companies to scream and yell

Ballet Without a Programme
Eric D. Lehman
Some would argue that ballet and opera are no longer living arts. That is, they do not affect the cultural landscape in the same way films or other media do.

The Boeing 737 MAX
Nick Millman

One year on from the fated flight of
Oct 29th 2018

REVIEWS Film & Books
The Thanksgiving Dinner 2016
Martin Green

Ah, Thanksgiving.  The time for families to get together.  This year we were scheduled to go to Ellen’s sister Sophie and her husband Mort’s for the annual feast.  And I’d have to deal with Mort’s crowing after Donald Trump, to everyone’s surprise, not to say shock, had won the presidential election.
Allen Cook

Joan first met Patrick in a dumpster.  This altercation had a lot to do with the neighborhood in which she lived.
Endtime Mayan
Endtime - Panic in BC
‘In life we have three choices: the discipline of self-sacrifice, the congregation we choose to be with, the laws we choose to obey.’
The Word according to Prophet Arnold

The Book Dust Vol 2
The Book of Dust Vol.2:
The Secret Commonwealth

By Philip Pullman

Sam Hawksmoor review
An extraordinary tale of sadness and heroics and uniquely in fiction, the main protagonist being a pine-marten desperate to restore happiness and imagination to his mistress.Dark Fate CastTERMINATOR: Dark Fate
Directed by Tim Miller (Deadpool)

A return to form in the latest Armageddon thrill

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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