T. R. Healy 12/12/18
His head bent in frustration, Thomas Addison got back in his car and set his messenger bag on the passenger seat. He did not turn on the engine but, instead, took a couple of pencils out of his bag and began to strike them against the steering wheel.

Memories of Mickey
Martin Green
I had to get rid of Mickey or move out. I started looking for another place to live.
James C. Clar
Apana sat at a window table in the Honolulu Coffee Company café.
The window was open, the trades were blowing
Be Careful what you wish for
Charlotte Francis
6, 12, 40, 36, 10 & 22. The numbers that ruined my life.

A world of colored people
IV olokita 12/12/18
Like all the girls in 7th grade, Amelia had a small bow on her head. Such a simple bow that held all her hair so well and tight.

The Split Personalities of Elizabeth Donkin
Abigail George
I had a wood when I was a child. There was a forest near my childhood home. At night, before I would blow my lamp out I would stare out into that darkness that seemed to be stalking me. Forever stalking me, do you understand?
American On Purpose: The Improbable Adventures of an Unlikely Patriot by Craig Ferguson
Patrick Bailey review
... If you are undergoing a difficult time in your life, reading this book can somewhat lighten your load.

Killing Commendatore
by Haruki Murakami
ISBN13: 9780525520047
Sam North review
Self-Doubt and Obesssion rules

Tool of War
(Ship Breaker #3)
by Paolo Bacigalupi
ISBN13: 9780316220811
Sam Hawksmoor review
Brilliant, violent end to the trilogy