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December 2017


••• The International Writers Magazine - Comment - Lifestyles - Fiction - Travel
*We are now in Archive Mode - No Submissions will be accepted for the present time. Thank you for reading us. 19 years and 7471 articles in this archive - explore and marvel at life changes since the turn of this century.

UAE becomes hub attraction for international film-making
Marwan Asmar

The UAE is becoming a prime location for top international movies. Today, it stands as the third global center for film-making after Hollywood and Bollywood.
Shanghai in the Fast Lane
Eric D. Goodman

The sheer density of Shanghai sort of hits you in the face as you drive into it. It’s also said that half of the construction cranes working in the world are in China - and most of them are right here in Shanghai.

The Ring of Fire
Frank Beyer

Volcanic slopes of Central Java, terraced potato fields, farmers in conical hats, hell yea. I was finally getting the feel of the finest tropical island in the world.
Three Strangers and a Writer on the Magome-Tsumago Trail:
A Journey - Sze-Leng Tan
Never did I realise that the trail I followed that day was an answer to my heart’s calling.

Welcome Back to Corporate Land
James Campion
Net Neutrality, Tax Rates and Deregulation A-Go-Go

The main goal of this Republican-controlled federal government has been to deregulate everything in sight, cede the entire ecological, moral and structural game to not the private sector, but the corporate-level powerbrokers.
Catalonia Elections
James Skinner

Once again Catalonia votes and Independence wins - The background to the election and consequences for Spain are explored. Is Spain in political danger now?
Beware Of Toasters, They’re Going To Get You
Joe Swain

The first time I took a hammer to a machine, it was one of those big Xerox photocopiers with an A3-sized glass slab under its hood and an attitude to suit.
Mom, Me, and Boyfriends
Sarah Fils-Aime

I never once woke to the sound of my mother sneaking in with a stranger, heels in her hand. I was not reared in a house where a new man would shuffle out while I ate my cereal. But my mother has had many boyfriends...
Allen Cook

Joan first met Patrick in a dumpster.  This altercation had a lot to do with the neighborhood in which she lived.
Israel (further adventures of Patrick) by Allen Cook
New Yorkers Joan and Bob were goyim, not Jewish. By going to live in Israel they did not plan to make alliya (become Israelis.)  Rather, they simply wanted to see first hand what was going on...
Girl with Cat (Blue)
GIRL with CAT (Blue)

by Sam Hawksmoor
(First Chapters)
There was no warning this time.  The enemy bomber swept in from the east, spilling its deadly guts onto the street market. Saska was running, heart in mouth, a hundred paces from the nearest underground shelter. Cat, her precious Blue Lynx was ahead of her, ears back, sick with panic... 
A Note of Thanks to Hackwriters
Martin Green

I’ll miss Hackwriters, as I’m sure all of its writers and readers will, but it’s been a long and happy ride ...
Felicity and Nadine
Abigail George

Felicity was painting her nails. It was an exotic colour. It didn’t really suit her mood.
Who Will Replace Dimma’s Teeth?
Odimegwu Onwumere

It was the hour when men of goodwill ought to have retired to bed that the deafening noise emerged from Mazi Egede’s house.
Exile on Main Street
Dean Borok

I once had a cousin who was hanged at the U.S. Army prison in San Francisco as a thief. He did the hanging himself, one day before he was scheduled to be released.

Jumanji: Lights up Cinemas across the Nation
Nwaorgu Faustinus
Dwayne Johnson has expressed profound excitement as he heralds to the world that the new Jumanji movie turns things around as its characters are made to go to the jungleshadow trails
Shadow Trails - Adventures in Dark Tourism by Tom Coote
ISBN: 978-1-78808-765-0
Tom Coote goes to all the places in the world you don't want to go to on our behalf. Holidays in Chernobyl anyone?
Great Travel writing from a real adventurer.

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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