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The International Writers Magazine: Santiago Teacher's Diary- From Our Archives
Sullivan's Chile Diary Number 15
rain here in Santiago continue unabated. The poorer parts of town
are completely submerged. The stupid thing is that there isnt
really that much rain (by British standards); its just that
Chileans for reasons best known to themselves refuse to build
a decent system of drains. Five millimetres of rain and theyre
underwater. |
They had to let
the kids off school for two days last week in case they drowned en route
to school or something
I feel sorry for all the homeless people
who sleep under the bridges of the River Mopocho. They cant last
long in a heavy downpour.
I know its not even a fortnight since I last wrote but my schreibestlüst
mojo has returned! I would have liked to have watched the Live Aid
concert on the telly here but they didnt show it. My mate reckons
theyre saving up to buy the rights to Mel Gibsons The
Passion Of The Christ or something. What a bunch of killjoys.
I spent the weekend before last outside of Santiago by the Pacific.
The ocean air was very cleansing, though the weather drizzled most of
the time I was there. I was in a cabin with an assortment of Europeans
and the Irish Mafia that I am an associate member of here in Santiago.
Not surprisingly it turned out to be rather boozy, so I fell off the
wagon the first night but clambered back on it the second night with
a stinking headache. I think I need a new social group, one without
a bottle of booze glued to their hands (no matter how cheap the beer
is). Its a shame that one cant go out to a pub and drink
actually, thats not true, I do like getting drunk,
its just the next day I cant handle. My whole body hurts
and I just cant teach
not that I do anyway
that damn Kunstmann beer, brewed by those pesky German-speaking Chileans
in the south! O sweet tasting cerveza, how you poison me so! You tempt
me with the promise of being able to speak Spanish, only to give me
a kicking in my guts the next day! A foul pox be upon you
the next time I drink you
Chirimoya |
The Fruit Market |
Partying hard can
take its toll on ones health, and Santiago is hard city to live
in at the best of time (the third most polluted town in the world).
When you go out the locals smoke about twenty fags in a night so you
get a lungfull of smoke. One has to eat salad and fruit to combat premature
death. Fortunately Chile's fruit crop rocks. They have loads of cool
stuff, like chirimoya, guayava and other fruits I can't pronounce. The
upside is that they make you feel good and wash out your body. The downside
is that it's very hard to pull some bird whilst gulping down mango juice
like a five year old! That's OK though because practically every bird
I've come across has been barking. Even in my lessons I'm more like
a psychiatrist than a teacher. Their ridiculously complicated lives
make me laugh - it's amusing being surrounded by people who are more
nuts than you are!
As you can see, I am in lighter mood than before. I had my haircut the
other weekend and the guy wasnt a complete butcher, which was
a pleasant surprise. There are actually many hairdressers around where
I live. They used to eye me jealously when I had my shoulder-length
mane, peering through their windows, no doubt wishing to take my hair
as ju-ju for their voodoo. We must protect ourselves against their evil.
I have been eating a lot of what are called alfajores. They are yummy
mini-cake things made out of chocolate, some sort of cake mixture and
a caramelised evaporated milk called manjar (also known as dulce de
leche in other parts of Latin America). An alfajor can come in all shapes
and sizes, with different types of chocolate or different flavours.
I stumped upon one the other day that had rum in it. Alfajores are excellent
to have with tea too. This is really just a continuation of my cake
and tea addiction (one feeding off the other) that began when I renounced
sugar in my tea for my First Holy Communion when I was seven. One needs
something sweet to counter the bitterness (and vicë versa). Maybe
I will open an alfajor shop in England
or even a company where
I will pay poor Latin American women in London peanuts to make these
things and then I will sell them at a major profit.
Theory du jour: Chileans have a very limited way of speaking Spanish.
Very few of them read (books) and they never use the perfect tenses
when talking. They have a huge amount of slang and expressions but as
they dont read they have a narrow vocabulary in which to express
themselves. It could be argued that here is an organic version of Orwells
Newspeak in action. Accent and language reflect environment and its
probably due to the complete lack opportunity here that they speak in
such a limited way
there is little do here in comparison with
other cities with a population of five million. Chileans also being
very cerebral dwell too much on themselves because there is bugger all
else to do. Those with money go into psychoanalysis for the slightest
of problems
the rest of people who need to go can afford it
this is the strangest place Ive ever been
Japan next year
is going to be a doddle after this! Anyhow, I reserve the right to change
my theory at the drop of a hat
just like last time when I spoke
up in the defence of Americans. This week there have been loads of Yank
birds crawling out of the woodwork and they have sorely tested my tolerance
why do they talk so loudly? Their accents are like having your
eardrum caressed with a cheesegrater as they sing the praises of George
W. Bush.
As I write my parents and brother have arrived in Buenos Aires and next
Friday they will fly to Santiago. We will probably go north
time for doing as opposed to thinking, which is what Im doing
too much of at the moment. It will nice to be in the heat of the north
instead of the cold winter rains. I shall write again upon my parents
© Dermot Sullivan July 6th 2005
Next Diary September 2005
Year in Santiago
Dermot Sullivan's Chile Diary
Gringo - Diary Entry 2
begins teaching
From Santiago No 3
Dermot Sullivan
Diary No 4
Dermot Sullivan
Diary No 5
The Naruda House
Dog Nights
Dermot Sullivan No 6
Week in Bolvia:
Dermot Sullivan's Diary No.7
Dermot Sullivan's Diary No 8
Diary No 9
Dermot Sullivan explores
Diary 10
Dermot goes North & South
Airies: Diary No 11
Dermot is back 2005
Diary 12
Le Boca & Iguaca Falls
Diary 13
Santiago - Politics and Religion
Dermot Sullivan
Chile Diary 14 - Sawdust
Dermot Sullivan
in winter
Diary 16 1.10.05
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