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International Writers Magazine: Modern Communications
and me
and I
I dont
know how I ever lived without It. I think back to when I was so
alone, without even the sound of its beautiful tone, its insistence
that I be with It, pay attention to It, feed It, and keep It close
to myself. What comfort I get from its presence what joy
from its voices.
It seems a lifetime
ago that I was so alone. How did I ever function without It? How did
our species even survive this long without its knowledge, its ability
to speak for us, its comfort as we walk hand in hand? Oh, sure, we have
Newspaper, Radio, TV, and Computer. Newspaper only likes to be with
us for a short while, having coffee or covering our cold feet as we
nap. Radio only gives us music and news; sometimes it seems so distant,
as if it really doesnt really need us. And TV, oh, TV, which is
so full of itself, hardly gives us a glance. It preens and gloats about
its face looking younger and more colorful each year, almost each day.
It makes us laugh and cry, but does it really care? Then theres
Computer. It said it would be everything in one to us, but it brings
so much grief. Like a mechanical Medusa, it entices us with promises,
its tentacles encircling out minds and hearts, drawing us ever deeper
into its dark abyss of loneliness. Then it just freezes, refusing to
respond to any of our pleas. But, each of these has to stand alone.
Each is an entity unto itself, offering only temporary respite from
the cruel world.
I remember so well the day It first came into my life. So many emotions
swirled and fought within me for attention apprehension, excitement,
glee, anticipation, and even some fear. Yes, I feared that It might
not like me might not want to stay might decide we werent
Oh, dare I say it? Compatible? Would It like it when we touched? Would
It be comfortable in the covering I chose for It? Or, would It too,
like Computer, freeze me out of its life? But, none of that mattered.
From the day I first set eyes on It, I was captured, captivated, enamored.
I had to have It, no matter the cost.
Ah, then I found out that It did indeed cost, and the amount I was willing
to pay would determine how much time we were allowed to spend together.
I screamed inside, "Its not fair. I find It, which can give
me so much, be my all-in-all, and our time together is going to be determined
by money?" I looked at the brochure and knew that I would have
to do something drastic, something Id never dreamed of having
to do. Id take a second job, because I had to have the maximum
time with It. Then I kept reading and discovered more It had
to have extra features for us to have a full, enlightening relationship.
No, not just a second job a better job. Maybe I will have to
go back to school, get that doctorate. Surely my family will understand.
Things were tough for a while. The kids had to wear hand-me-downs and
clothes from Goodwill. The spouse had to start doing all our haircuts.
We all had to give up dollar night at the local burger barn. Walking
became the norm, but hey, we all got in great shape. Oh, getting to
school wasnt so bad for the kids. Only 5 bus stops and 1 subway
ride. I usually just hiked the 15 miles to school. Couldnt let
the kids think I was a wuss. But, I did it all for It. Now, Im
Dr xxxx the only authority on how the Post-It note has affected our
society. Even before graduation, I was booked a year in advance to speak
at corporations and city hall meetings. My fees were high. I could now
afford It with all the bells and whistles. I felt on the edge of completion.
Weve been together now for several years, It and I. I grow older;
It just gets a new face and innards and keeps on going. Oh, sure, we
have out spats, especially when I sometimes forget to take it with me,
even on a short trip to the grocery store. Its very sensitive
that way. It keeps me in touch with the world, with my friends, although
my friends are few now. Some said they just couldnt compete with
It. They should have known that a showdown would leave them out. Ill
never abandon It, after all weve been through together. Oh, I
do have to get harsh with it sometimes, when It insists on making noise,
even when Im working. But, It responds to the slightest pressure,
knowing when Ive had enough. It becomes silent. Then, It waits
patiently, knowing that its allure will bring me back soon.
Ive given up all the rest for It. Newspaper, Radio, TV, and even
Computer all gone out of my life for good. It provides
all I need. My cell phone and I will never part.
© Charlotte
Hansen march 2008
HansenHighFive Entertainment
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