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Chip for brains
James Skinner
moons ago, some astute XX century futurologist stated that Man
would eventually be dominated by machines. He was obviously referring
to the computer age. However, another one of these nutcases refuted
this statement by using a simple example. Until a computer can
ride a bicycle, Man has not yet succumbed to his own brain
invention. How things have changed! Not only can the beast ride
a bike, it can program itself to fly as well as swim let alone
freewheel down a country lane. But lets take a look at how
all this circus act started in the first place.
The computer is made up of electronic chips that go flip-flop. Yes, flip-flop!
You feed a simple electrical pulse into a simple combination of electronic
transistors known as a chip and bingo, the so-called state
of this chip, known also as an electronic switch, will remain
or change into either an on or an off state. As
time went on, Man has gone from strength to strength in his design of
the combination of these chips to form other combinations
known as microprocessors. These micros in turn were redesigned to form
more sophisticated combinations known as computers. Advances were made
in speed and size, faster and faster electrical switching pulses and smaller
and smaller flip-flops. But what about the intelligence?
Intelligence? What Intelligence? Computers now talk, play music, show
pictures; most of this without Mans interference. How does it happen?
Very simple. Man has been clever enough to design his computer in such
a way that all these millions and millions of tiny flip-flops or switches
can be combined, rearranged, left in certain states, or even returned
to certain predetermined states through activation by Man at his command.
How? By feeding into his machine what is known as programming, also called
software. Man can then manipulate this so-called software through his
voice, his touch or any other means of physical contact.
So there you have it, the so called man-made machine we know today as
the computer. But why do some of us feel that we are now dominated by
this machine? Because the advancements have been so great, and the work
and output that this machine can carry out so gigantic and beyond comprehension,
that Man has now become dependent on this monster.
But what is happening to Man himself? Because of the apparent dominance
of the computer over his being Man is transforming himself into his machine.
In other words, he is becoming a computer with the same characteristics
and properties of this abstract electronic horror.
A computer remember the flip-flops works with two states;
1 or 0, on or off, negative or positive polarity and so on. This procedure
in computer language is known as logic. All the rest of the complicated
derivations are based entirely on this concept: Logic! Hence, if the computer
prints out on one of its peripherals that it is raining, or that Man will
live to be one hundred and ten years old, it must be accepted as fact
because the logic of the machine says so. Returning to Man as a transformed
human computer, his brain is now that of the brain of the machine. It
works entirely on logic. To give some examples, this newly developed human
brain known as a computer brain cannot distinguish between
ignorance and stupidity. Using pure logic, if a person is
ignorant, he is stupid, and the machine cannot tell the difference. Another
example is humour. The computer brain cannot accept humour, it is not
logical. To tell, or worse to explain a joke just does not exist in the
software. And we can go on to other sections of the human brain that have
now been eradicated such as love, compassion, even hate. None of these
elements in the computer brain exist. What exactly does this mean?
It means that the sector on intuition that has been passed on from generation
to generation through history, education, experience and other human factors
known as common sense has been wiped out! The very element
within a normal old fashion brain that has always differentiated Man from
machine ever since the Ice age has been his ability to raise himself above
his machine through thousands of years of inbuilt common sense. All this
has been lost.
The physical aspect of the computer brain, the body, has also changed.
We no longer see veins but fibre optic tubes carrying bits and bytes.
The head that contains the central processor has a lock and two hinges
on each side that can be disengaged to show the mass arrangement of flip-flops
and chips. The blob of grey matter that was once the standard specimen
no longer exists. If you believe this to be an exaggeration then the advice
is to think and use, if you still have it, common sense. Follow
Take for instance, the modern world of stock markets and translationals.
It all depends on how the so called shares perform at these complex supermarkets
that are controlled by computer brains wheeling and dealing to their hearts
content. Or should I say central processors content? Who cares if
a company is selling widgets or trading in Mongolian racehorses? Its
all the same to these computer brains. Enter basic logical data from todays
flavour of the day, press a button, read the printout, push another button
to sell or buy, and bang goes another companys shares up or down.
But what does it actually do to the translational? Once again, the controlling
Orwellian hierarchies of these companies are also computer brains working
directly with an optical fixation on the value of their shares dictated
to by the previously mentioned stock market computer brains. If the stock
market printout says that the cost of toilet paper in a company is at
risk, Shazam! The computer printout then says sell, the shares go down,
and the translational computer brains get to work to remove all toilet
paper from the companys toilets. Who cares if the company had just
discovered a cure for Aids? The computers have not yet been programmed
and therefore cannot react!
Let us now go into the ultimate in domination, known as virtual reality.
With a simple introduction of a CD, or compact disk, which is nothing
more that a piece of mega-storage of information in the form of 1s
and 0s, into the electronic version of the computer and then by
placing over our heads, remember the above description, another gadget
in the form of a helmet, that in turn is connect to the computer, we can
throw a switch and be transported almost anywhere; a supermarket, top
of a mountain, and in whatever form we wish; an aeroplane, a monkey, and
begin to play the most incredible of games that this fiend can offer us.
The tragedy is that humanoids today, especially the new generations, are
beginning to really believe what they see and do through this new piece
of junk. So what! Who cares? What harm is being done anyway?
Computer brains cannot see further that their logical noses, they cannot
see that the world is what it is, one huge golf ball that gets hit by
duffers and scratch players alike. It gets sent into the rough and into
hazards, and sometimes onto fairways, but until now manages, somehow,
to come back and finish on the green and into the hole. The tragic day
will come when the ball gets hit too strongly and is sent into the out
of bounds never to be retrieved again. This can only be avoided when computer
brains can be reversed and taught to use common sense and see that ecology,
unemployment, equality of humans, human rights and education the
real McCoy are the real issues of the world today. It cannot be
solved through spreadsheets and computer printouts but through harmony
and understanding based on true human values devoid of flip flops and
© James Skinner. April 4th 2007.
James Skinner, Honorary British Consul in Galicia.
vigoconsulate at gmail.com
and the Walrus
James Skinner
Ive finally decided to retire as Her Majestys governmental
representative in this remote part of Europe known as Galicia after nearly
5 years of rescuing Brits from the gallows
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