
The Wisdom Of The Universe
Michael Levy
The latest
studies have produced statistics to prove we are unhappier now than at
any time since record keeping began

Photo: © Carine Thomas |
where do humans get their information from? Who gave Einstein his
theories? How did humans discover electromagnetic force field? How
did mortal beings find ways of sending pictures though space and
into our homes? Could it be the same Intelligence that built the
pyramids thousands of years ago? Just what is a human? Lets become
an archeologist, dig a little deeper and explore our universal body.
The human body is a mass of trillions of particles. Each particle has
it's own intelligence and energy source. When we see a particle under
a microscope we find most of it is empty space and all the parts are linked
by strands and threads. Each particle bonds to its neighbor and together
they make a human body.
All the solid things we see around us are all made in the same way as
a human. Particles of matter bonded together to make a shape or form.
The different mix of matter particles makes each component different to
the touch and sight. It is the invisible intelligence within the emptiness
of each "thing" that gives it substance and a solid appearance.
A rock looks and feel solid but most of it is empty space containing intelligence.
If it was not smart it would fall apart. Trees, grass, flowers, mountains,
soil, everything contains intelligent energy.
When that intelligent energy can move and think, we refer to it as an
animal or an insect, or other. But everything we see, touch, smell, feel
and taste contains strands of intelligent energy.
Now the big question is what is this invisible energy and how can we use
it to better our existence here on earth. Our brains are made up of the
same stuff as everything else that has been described here. The distinction
of a human brain seem to be the fact that we have more intelligent energy
in the gaps between our thoughts. Throughout the universe, dark matter
glues together all the planets, stars and other particles, floating around
in space. The electromagnetic forces are part of that glue. It shapes
and helps to bond the particles into shapes and solids. The intelligence
that produced electromagnetism is the same intelligence that created our
minds. Just as we have billions of particles bonded together in our bodies,
our minds are a multifaceted dimension of intelligent energy. During our
evolvement, we have been able to harvest vast crops of thought and as
we increase our wisdom, our capacity to learn additional information continues
to increase.
To describe the imponderable is no easy task and yet it really so simple.
For sure the human being is a complex entity and the more sophisticated
we become, the more complex we make our lives. We are now at the point
of transmitting information at the speed of light and running faster and
faster to a destination with no name. Mankind's curiosity will always
lead it on a merry dance, but our dance is losing it's merriment.
The latest studies have produced statistics to prove we are unhappier
now than at any time since record keeping began. More means less in modern
living standards. More worries and woes and less happiness and Joy. This
translates into more wealth and less health. More money to buy pills that
will camouflage our sickness, but will seldom cure.
We all have the ability to find the answers to the imponderable. We may
not understand how it is all put together and we may never be able to
read the mind of the creator that engineered our existence, but we can
tune into the intelligent energy that is all around us. Once we start
to understand this energy exists, we begin to realize that the intelligent
energy is actually who we are.
This is our true identity. It is this intelligence that keeps our bodies
functioning and it performs millions upon millions of actions in our bodies
every second. If we don't grasp this knowledge then we just end up living
with the intellect of learning, dominated by an out of tune society and
To rely on intellect alone leads us to swim alone in the Quantum aquarium
of darkness. It will not be long before a large wave of negative energy
consumes our existence. Oh yes, there is also a negative energy. Everything
has a positive and negative charge. The opposite to intelligent energy
is ignorant energy. When humans behave in a chaotic manner they are tuned
into ignorance. It could start out as just a simple lie or unfeeling word.
Many times it could and usually does end up as a crisis of one sort or
On a larger scale propaganda by ignorant governments leads to wars. This
primitive action happens because we have cut off our source of intelligent
energy from the part of our being that needs it the most; Our Brain.
Food for our brain comes from the gaps in our thoughts. We need to be
fed intelligence continually or we expire out of ignorance. That is the
reason mankind has been destroying it's own kind for thousands of years.
That is the reason mankind has been destroying mother earth for the past
few centuries. We are unacquainted with our true identity and if we do
not acknowledge who we are, then how can we function properly on a day
to day basis? We become lost sheep who have gone astray.
If we could read the intelligence inside a rock we would be amazed. It
would tell us we need a solid foundation in our lives. We need to keep
ourselves grounded to mother earth. For if we should lose our connection,
then we would become a rolling stone that would cause an avalanche of
useless actions to crash into the face of oblivion.
If we could hear a tree talk it would tell us we need to be able to sway
with natures forces. We need to bend a little or else we will snap in
half with all the pressure of modern living.
If we could listen to a flower it would tell of all the beauty there is
in this world and if we let it pass unnoticed then we would have lived
a wasted existence.
If we could pay attention to a fruit or vegetable's information, we would
understand that it tells each molecule and cell in our bodies how to retain
good health. We would hear them whisper to our cells that they need wholeness
to achieve goodness. It would tell of other foods that are refined and
have all their intelligence taken out of them, so we are eating dumb,
ignorant foods. Foods which have no real meaning to our bodied other than
distorting it's well-being.
Oh!! there is so much intelligence around us to tune into. So much information
and so little willingness to take time out to listen. If we could listen
into the voice of time itself it would tell us we have such a short season.
That to waste a second in worry is foolish behavior fed by our ignorance
of not knowing the genius that lives within us ALL.
Intelligence and Ignorance Are Both Seeking The Same Home in our Minds.
Both wish to fill the same space. Which one are we going to allow to enter?
You are cordially invited to the banquet of Love and Joy. The cups are
filled with pure-I-tea. The souls orchestrations are rendering wonderful
melodies. Pull up a chair and come joint the festivity of a Higher Reality
within The Wisdom of the Universe.
Open up your mind to infinite possibilities.
© Michael Levy April 2002
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