Art Shaped Box
Steve John in Madrid
According to Hemingway “Nobody goes to bed in Madrid until they have killed the night”. I had more tweaked it’s nose and ran away but sleeping above one of his old haunts meant I was entitled to a lie in.

Silky Suzhou: Venice of the East
Eric D. Goodman
Silk is what put Suzhou on the map. That, and the gardens, which date back to the Ming and Qing dynasties.
Germany's Other Forest
David McVey
In the Saar-Hunsruck you can find peace, quiet beauty and the sense that few other English speakers have bothered to seek it out.

The Last Gasp for Citizen Trump
James Campion 08.19.16
The Lunatic Fringe Just Got A Whole Lot Loonier - There are few people remaining with any idea of what is happening in the real world which operate under the delusion that Donald Trump is not doomed, and he just grabbed two of them...
Impasse in Madrid
James Skinner on poltical turmoil in Spain - 22.08.16 Update
Spain is back to square one. It’s like a game of musical chairs, except that they are all sitting without moving.
New Yawk, New Yawk
James Campion -
There isn’t five seconds of anything Trump says whether in interviews, rallies or on the stump that doesn’t reek of it.
Why the Pissing Contest?
What could I possibly say that wouldn't make me out to be one of those brutish and selfish men that make me look bad by association?
The Hindsights of Cancer
Dean Borok
Nancy Reagan spoke with her astrologer every day, and she was Ronald Reagan’s closest confidant, the result being that even though he was a pineapplehead he ended up being credited for being one of America’s most successful presidents.
9 Reasons Why Traveling Has To Become Part of Education
Kelly J. Harris
When you travel, you will discover there’s no one single solution to the same problem.
Two Beings
Victor J Castleton
a steely like insect-creature struggled to escape the sweet sticky trapping
5 Tips to Become the Most Production Student You Know Robert Everett
Have you ever met a person that was very productiive ...