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Three continents -Twenty countries Rebecca Lowe's
Bicycle Blog to the Middle East- update
Bregovi, Serbia to Tran, Bulgaria
Total miles cycled: 1,650 (2,655km)
Thigh status: Rubenesque
Turkmenbashi’s Land of Fairy Tales
Tom Coote

I got lost on my way to the land of fairy tales. I had confidently followed the road to the Promised Land, only to find that it led to ruins.

The Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk
The first democratic constitution in the world -
Kateryna Dzekun
One may claim that the modern history of a nation begins with its constitution.
The Cook Islands, Raratonga, Tahiti & Aitutaki
David Russell

The Island’s prime function served as a canoe stop on the way to New Zealand
Trump - America's Mussolini?
Fred C Wilson

'In politics stupidity is not a handicap.'
~Napoleon Bonaparte~

Prince Rogers Nelson - 1958-2016
James Campion
During the most prolific musical period of my life, my early twenties, when I wrote and played music for a living, more or less, there was only one artist that mattered; Prince Rogers Nelson.
Jordan Islamists and the precipice
Marwan Asmar

The current tensions between the government and the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan is clearly rising to the boil with no end in sight
Playing Statues in Spain
James Skinner

Spain is still immersed in its own political mayhem trying to sort out a new government after the debacle of elections in December of last year.
The Great Republican Lie on Abortion + Readers Responses
James Campion

if I were a woman in no way, shape or form would I ever support a major political party that stands by the concept of allowing the government to manipulate my insides. Ever.

The Psychology of the Fear of Flying and How to Overcome It

Phoebe Parlade

If you are afraid of flying, avoiding taking a flight is the worst thing that you can do. Learn why that is true and identify ways to confront the underlying cause of your anxiety.
Panamik – Nature’s own spa
Murli Menon

After spending three weeks at Leh, I came to know about the sulphur springs at Panamik, which offered miraculous cures for arthritis, digestive ailments and skin diseases.
Beware Of Toasters, They’re Going To Get You... - Joe Swain
The first time I took a hammer to a machine, it was one of those big Xerox photocopiers with an A3-sized glass slab under its hood and an attitude to suit.
The Three C’s
Tom Kilcourse
The three C’s I have in mind stand for capitalism, competition and corporation, or more correctly, corporatism.
Math- It's a numbers game
But why make it compulsory?

REVIEWS Film & Books
Girl by the sea
The Most Vital Organ of All

Abigail George

The dimensions of love are beautiful. They can inspire you to wuthering heights or not at all.
The Rush of '72
Sam North

Keeping secrets is hard
The true story of the Great Diamond Rush of 1872. (First Chapter extract)
Andrew Lee-Hart

It was weeks until I heard him speak more than a couple of words, and by then I had probably told him my whole life story, which he had swallowed whole like a whale eating plankton, with only the occasional “yes” or “hmm” to encourage me in.
Julie McSmith

After supper Bessie always set a few utensils and pieces of dinnerware in precarious positions in the orange plastic dish rack next to the sink.

Concho by Denzel Holmes
Dan Schneider review

A Texas Western set in 1873
Heyday: Britain and the Birth of the Modern World
by Ben Wilson
Sam North review

Brilliant & accessible insight into a pivotal decade in world history
We welcome Toz by Sam Hawksmoor into the world - published in Turkish in hardback.

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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