
An Extra Day
Sara Towe
Is business class O.K for you? they asked,
I have for
many years wanted to fly business class again and by some fluke
it happened on my last trip from England. Flying from Humberside
in England to Amsterdam this October our connection was delayed
so they had to put myself and other fellow travelers up for the
night. This did not worry me; it was one day more of peace before
returning to my up in the air life. However another couple that
were traveling on a time schedule it was a pain.
I had not been in Amsterdam since 1975, I was put in the museum
district at a hotel called Museum Quarter Hotel. |
It was only a year and a half old and was very comfortable. I went for
a walk, but all the shops were closed, and in that area there was in not
much else going on after closing. So I went back to the hotel for dinner
with Joy and John, both dentists from Grimsby who were going to travel
by train to Toronto via the Rockies. After dinner I had a drink in the
lounge and played spectator to all the comings and goings. The bar man,
who did not drink or smoke, was very pleasant to talk to. He had been
in the business for many years and had watched many a person self-destruct.
I went to my room and had a deep hot bath and watched T.V in English with
Dutch subtitles.
The next day I wandered down the street to the lively open market. I wish
that I had room for more things as the prices and items were very enticing,
but alas I could not buy another thing. So I did the next best thing,
I found a coffee shop called The Bagel Café and had my first decent
large cup of excellent coffee in two weeks. (British coffee sucks) I watched
as all theses people tucked in to delicious looking bagels pilled height
with salmon and avocado, that it made my mouth water, but I had already
eaten at the hotel a very full breakfast, so I just was content with my
power fruit and veg drink and my coffee.
I am a dog owner so when I saw dogs lying at their masters feet quietly
and calmly I wished that we had the same rules here in Canada. I also
marvel at the compatibility between vehicles and bikes. They all know
their place and even at high speeds seem to respect each other. A lovely
sight was seeing a mum with a child behind her and three children each
of different size riding in an arrow behind her. Mother goose and her
baby geese following her.
When I travel to England via Amsterdam I am of course in economy, and
on my journey over I had a baby traveling for the first time, a younger
boy traveling with mum, dad and grandpa. Unfortunately, the baby did not
like the journey, and her brother could not settle, this made it very
hard for the mum as she seemed to bare most of the brunt of it all. So
when I arrived at my mothers house I was a little tired, only to
get a second wind while talking to my mother, Jo and my sister Jane, who
kindly picked me up from the airport.
I go over twice a year to see Jo, who remains very astute and on the ball.
Her heart is failing her; it is a shame to see such a vibrant woman trapped
in a troubled body. She is a strong woman and will fight for life with
all her might; her brain is too bright to give in to a wonky heart. My
mum and I always find something to laugh about, and we both enjoy a good
'who done it' mystery. We pottered to places and planned for the future
with complete faith and positiveity, after all Positive thinking is what
I teach and what I try always to live by. So when my flight missed its
connection I saw it as a sign.
We do not always have a clear-cut answer to things, but if you acknowledge
the signs the whole picture will eventually come into play. I even made
a comment to my fellow travelers that I should be upgraded to first class,
we all laughed. The next day while in the line up to board the plane to
Vancouver, Canada, they asked the question Are you traveling alone
mam? to which I replied that I was. Well, we are changing
your seat I then had a slight panic as I had a roomy seat already
and did not wish to loose it, Is business class O.K for you?
they asked, to which I replied most definitely.
As I entered the Business Class domain I was immediately offered
champagne or fresh squeezed orange juice, I replied that I would have
a little of both. I was at first seated by a Chinese man who clearly felt
I was in his space. So the hostess whose name was Ingrid (born in the
year of the dog we later found out) and who clearly likes her job,moved
me to a center seat where I had both seats to
myself. Ingrid was delightful to talk to, just as the other hostess, Monique
(a lady rat) was also.
This is the only way to travel, civilized, comfortable elegant and relaxing
and let us not forget ROOMY. They feed you a lot in business class, drinks
always offered, a delicious meal served on a white table cloth with real
cutlery and real glass. The only thing plastic was the knife but of high
quality of course. The only thing lacking was a fellow passenger to talk
too. I love meeting people from other walks of life and sharing life stories.
The hostesses were my inspiration for me to write this article, their
sense of humour and their clear enjoyment of life was delightful. Ingrid
is in love and is hoping to buy her dream home soon, you could tell that
she loved this guy by the bright light in her eyes when she talked about
She was also telling me that she was about to have laser surgery on her
eyes to correct her far sightedness, as wearing contacts on a plane is
very drying on the eyes.
She is going to South Africa for this, as it is a leader in the world
in this type of op and with the exchange rate would work out about almost
$4000.00 cheaper there. I have asked her to keep me posted so I can pass
on the success story. I do believe that to survive in the people business
you have to like people. There are days you wish you could drown the lot
of them, but there must be days many of them that make it all worthwhile.
Airline people get to travel to many beautiful places almost free, but
they work in cramped areas with some very grumpy people and they have
to maintain a smile and be professional at all times.
I had wanted to be a hostess way back when, but alas as I am asthmatic
I was not allowed. To be in this business not only do you need to like
people, but in some way understand them, to cater to their every need
you must anticipate what it is they want. Patience and a good attitude
are essential. As peoples peace of mind is my business I was very
impressed by K.LM and the girls calm friendly persona and it made for
a lovely journey. Now I understand why people pay extra for business class.
There is not only more space, better food and happier service, but you
get less of a feeling of being in a sardine can. If you have the privilege
to travel up front, then you should travel with grace and good manners.
No matter which way that you travel, you should respect for your fellow
passenger and for the crew looking after you. Why is it that there is
a few that just want to moan about every thing all the time? Do they not
know that it takes 8 positives to undo 1 negative? And that being glum
and downright distasteful can cause ones immune system to be overwhelmed?
A smile, even in difficult situations goes a long way, and that applies
to everyone. If you are having a bad day, just let people know that it
has been a shity day so far, but that you anticipate it improving soon.
Imagine if the pilot decided to fly with flight rage, where would we be
While the rest of the world talks war and politicians dont care
what the people want, we have to smile a little wider these days to get
through the day. With the news only telling stories of fear death and
disaster, we desperately need some positive thinking to have some positive
living. So the tolerance of those that are different and understanding
of those that cannot change, spread some smiles with genuine love for
the fellow man even if they annoy you, just smile and move on. We have
spread the negative like wild fire, now let us spread the positive approach
and see if caring and forgiving and tolerating and believing in some thing
higher than ourselves works. Remember 8 positives to undo 1 negative.
Which do you prefer?
Thank you Ingrid and Monique for making me smile and taking such good
care of me. I hope to be as lucky again some time and will hope that it
is you that are there again to make me smile. Have a very happy life.

© Sara Towe October 2002
email: positiveliving@telus.net
P.S Look out for a small blurb about Positive Living in the new magazine
coming out in November AFTER 5
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