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Michael Levy
'The pure joy of writing makes us a success, nothing else will.'.
The art of good writing
comes from the artist within. All humans have the ability to become great
authors, poets, artists and musicians, so why do most folks find it such
a difficult task? Why do many people say I could never be a writer or
I could never aspire to write poetry? And why do folks who do write get
discouraged when their work is rejected?
We are what we think, so if we believe we cannot succeed in our daily
actions, then for sure we will never get away from our perception of who
we think we are. This self defeating attitude was not of our making. As
we were growing up and maturing into adulthood, we were indoctrinated
with thousands of negative thoughts. This gave us a belief that we are
only a housewife or only a truck driver. This limited vision of our role
in life-gives us a limited life. People the world over have great creativity.
Once we start to understand who we are and the reasons we exist, we start
to cultivate eloquent works of creativity.
Just writing worthy, meaningful, literature will not get the success it
deserves unless we possess the resolve to carry on writing in spite of
the critics. There will always be those who criticize a writer, no matter
how good the composition. Rejection is an everyday experience for most
writers. This is a joy we must accept and grow from. Just because someone
does not like our essay, does not mean it has no value. It means it was
not acceptable to the editor or book reviewer that was reading the essay.
We can do two things when we are constantly being rejected. We can give
up and say it was not meant to be. Alternatively, we can say; "How
do I become a better writer and have my work accepted by more of the "establishment."
Once a small section of the general public start to take an interest in
our writing, the sheep mentality of the "establishment" will
no doubt follow. It always has. It always
will. Success breeds success.
Until we can find the inner core of creativity and start to write from
the soul, we will never become a great writer. We may achieve a modicum
of success by writing a few columns for a newspaper or magazine but that
could keep us in a vacuum. We can scrape a living, but may not amass a
fortune, for we are trying to write and trying will never cut the mustard.
The secret to excellent writing is to enjoy with ecstatic abandonment
each letter and syllable we put down on paper. The pure joy of writing
makes us a success, nothing else will. Those who tell us we have to struggle
and sweat have not grasped true meaning in their lives. We need no approval
of any human to be a success. Stop trying to become a success. We are
a success already. We were born. We are a success of life. The sperm hit
the egg and here we are. Hello world!!
Everything else we do and achieve is just a bonus.
Life is to be enjoyed not endured. Joy brings true meaning to life. Now
the next question to ask is what is Joy? What does Joy mean and how do
we achieve it? Look within - take time to silence the mind and feel the
texture of nothingness. Smell the perfume of celestial splendor. Discover
the sound of cosmic waves flowing though our subconscious mind. Palpate
infinity. Breath eternity. Conceive the splendor of maturating into the
essence of a successful writer. Be the word, become the poem, live the
adventure. Everything we do is inscribed in our book of life. We just
need to learn how to read the instructions written within every cell and
molecule of our being. Each tissue and sinew bleeds muscular power of
infinite, majestic might. Fly on the wings of limitless mastery. Escape
the shrouded cocoon and become the enchanting butterfly. The dreams of
authentic reality are about to manifest a rainbow of magical delights
Y-ourself (THE GENIUS)
Always:- Thought Provoking - Stimulating - Energizing - Refreshing -Inspirit
email: mikmikl@aol.com
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Hackwriters 2002