Lie of the Land
Wolf on Bush and honesty in politics
growing very tired of the Bush administrations assumption
that anything and everything important to them is best for America.
They continue to repay political debts with a currency of fiscal
irresponsibility, endangering the futures of generations to come.
Whether recalling
in California or redistricting in Texas, Bush and the apostles have
managed to cause ever increasing embarrassment to the office of president
and to politics in general. As the team with the power, theyve
decided that the rules exist for them to change as they please with
no thought to the damage it may cause the country.
The administrations dropping popularity might be the realization
by our citizenry that were not as ignorant as the 'bushies' think
we are. That the transparent actions of an immature president and his
corrupt advisors no longer go unnoticed. That unquestioning support
for his policies is waning and we now understand that to question is
not un-American and to disagree is not treason.
Terrorists exist and will continue to as long as the violence they encourage
results in increased power and strength. This presidents aloofness
towards the global reality that what affects any of us, affects all
of us, only provides fodder for the radicals. How long can the white
house ignore global warming, HIV and oil conservation? How many times
will gun control be swept under the blanket because this President doesnt
have the balls to stand up and risk votes? How many eccentric judges
will he nominate knowing with each one he risks the balance of the nation?
How many friends and business associates will end up inappropriately
benefiting through government contracts and government positions? How
many people who speak their minds will end up punished by either an
Ashcroft investigation or simply having their identities leaked and
put at risk?
This country thought they were getting a president who cared for all
its citizens, and not just rich white businessmen like him. Someone
who protected religious freedom for all and not just for those with
beliefs like him. Someone who would strike a balance in environmental,
economic and humanistic reality and not simply favor the contributors
who supported or worked for him and his friends.
Saddam used his power to torture and control people, a madman who only
thought of himself. Bush is selling out his country one favor at a time,
and the crime is he knows better and cant seem to stop.
© Robert Wolf October 2003
i nfo@e-soapbox.com
Hackwriters 2000-2003
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